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Snow, who is sick of it?



if you own a jeep, you LIVE for snow. had some of the best days of my life cruising thru the flakes while burning a hogleg. blew by a THP one day in my old CJ-5, WAY over speed limit. he pulled out, & sat there spinning for the next 5 minutes before he gave up. i know, i sat & watched him...:dance013:

We're not even allowed on the roads its that deep. They'll ticket you b/c at the moment the roads are only open to snow removal and emergency vehicles.


Lovin it....Work was closed yesterday, today I called and said I couldnt make it in...not a total lie as many roads near me are treacherous. Spent the day playing with the doggie outside.


A foot without a sock...
Same here. Worked was closed yesterday, I braved the ride in this morning (6 a.m.) was about to leave at 2:00 p.m. when the production supervisor tells me that anyone not staying late will be written up...

I kinda giggled at him and said "do what you have to do...bye"

I just did a cursory search of the labor relations website for my state. Doesn't look like they have a leg to stand on :D

I work like 65 hours a week already, shall I donate blood as well ?



Oh yeah....it will be a cold day in HELL before I risk anything going into work during bad weather again...


I like snow, kinda.

Work doing snow removal for 36 residential, 4 commercial, and two access roads. Been kinda busy recently as might be imagined. So I like it when it snows cause it really helps the paycheck but it gets exhausting.

Also I hate it when people are out driving around in their tiny little cars, driving well past the abilities of the car or their driving skill. Always getting in the way, and just making it harder to get it all cleaned up.

*Stay home if its shitty out, helps to make it easier for those of us trying to get it cleaned up for you.


we have had snow on the ground every day this winter, we got a heavy 12" sitten out there now and it aint going nowhere fast.

I am glad my the slopes 7 miles away are loaded cause I likes to "surf the snow"


statistically speaking ,I bet not too many BUST occur when its dumping or if there is alot on the ground....one reason to like the snow other than Boarding

Useful Idiot

Active member
Yeah i'm kinda tired of the snow. More tired of the cold. I cant do the outdoor thing with the stupid snow and cold!!:smokeit:
as a jerseyman im really digging the snow! bicycle riding is so much fun in snow i got stopped by the cops tho. he was like " where are you going?" "the beach" shoveling is good excersixe


cant stop wont stop
dude stoner i hear ya there.. the other day we dropped 30 some odd degrees in 24 hours.. i had been enjoying the heat wave of 35 degrees!!
I guess I am in the minority. I have loved snow since I was a kid, and I still love it. I don't ski or snowboard or snowmobile, even though I want to some day. But I love it, even enjoy shovelling it for exercise. Here we have only had 32 inches the whole winter so far. All the storms are going to our south. I wish they would come up here for a change. I guess you guys in the mid-atlantic wish they would go north of them too. One record snow year, we had like 130 inches I believe, even then I did not get sick of it. Almost, but not quite!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
I usually am in a place where the snow falls around twice a year, so i m really happy when i do see some!
Also i m fond of snowboarding and skiing, so when i see snow that reminds me i got to go the mountains!

It s been falling for three days, but it s too warm for the snow to stay. snow also seems to lower ambient sounds, i love the calm it brings.


Active member
oh satan i hope it stops snowing soon i am sick and tired of winter qnd i can't use my flower cab in winter cus it is in a cellar outside , have a small tent full of vegging plants that need to be put into flowering

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