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Snow, who is sick of it?


Active member
I live in the country near a coastal resort area and they don't have the gear to clean it up. There is only one other house on my road so they still haven't plowed it since the last storm and now we are having another one.

I spent most of my earlier life living in the mountains in Maine, NY, WVA, etc and we always had snow like this but people are prepared in those areas. Every fuckin thing is shut down. I haven't seen people in a week other than the hicks at the liquor store.

Thank the gods I have 13 types of meds. I think I might take a Salvia journey.....

I've have not made it to work or gigs since Thursday.

Anyways, I am fuckin boooooooooored.


Active member
I don't like it, but its good for the water table, and we usually get a lot but this year has been scary how little we have gotten.

Green Supreme

The Olympic Committee would love to see lots more of it here. Might be a pretty lame Olympics. Peace GS


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

here in northern MN our snow doesn't melt off until April,
the last of it to melt is generally whatever fell in October.



snow sucks, winter can go f*ck itself all together as far as Im concerned.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
i thought this was a thread about how lame snowcap or hawaiian snow are.....
west coast = best coast


Been snowing like 24 hours straight here and theres about 3ft total on the ground from the past week and last nights combined. I live in a state that is accustomed to getting snow, so our DOT is ready to keep it clean. Although it is coming down so fast today they are actually shutting down the highways since they cant keep up with it.


here in northern MN our snow doesn't melt off until April,
the last of it to melt is generally whatever fell in October.
Here in the cities it falls melts falls melts. Humid in the cities though. We just got like 5 inches over the last few days but now its melting again.


cannabis enthusiast
ahhhh im tired of it, friday got about 6-7" and monday into tuesday got 8". i think it was 07 we got a big storm while i was at work and upon driving home afterwards i got a ticket from this cop. he said we had a level 3 and only emergency vehicles aloud on roads. after he gave me the ticket i told him to go buy some more donuts that i clearly work for and pay his wages. luckily i had vacation this year and didnt venture into the stuff, wish i could have saved it for when its warm tho. oh well dont need no tickets. cant wait til its warm so i can sit on my porch in shorts and straw cowboy hat have a few beers and doobs.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I feel bad for y'all getting hammered up there. It looks absolutely miserable.

Being snowed in sucks.

I'll go outside and do a sunshine dance. See if we can't turn this around.



Active member
haha i bet you east coasters are sick of it but here in oakland we never see snow. shit im ready to drive 3 hours to go SEE SNOW! haha

i went up to tahoe a few weeks ago and man the snow was pretty.

if i lived around snow all the time i would definately have a nice snowmobile right now..


Lovin' it here. Classes were canceled today, and they're canceled tomorrow. Been drinking all day with my buds. My town does a shit job of clearing snow. Trucked a mile to wawa to buy some cigs & food. Enjoying the down time. Snow doesn't bother me a bit. Just gotta dress warmly ;)


Well-known member
if you own a jeep, you LIVE for snow. had some of the best days of my life cruising thru the flakes while burning a hogleg. blew by a THP one day in my old CJ-5, WAY over speed limit. he pulled out, & sat there spinning for the next 5 minutes before he gave up. i know, i sat & watched him...:dance013: