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Sniffed Some Buds With Bud ROT..


Andinismo Hierbatero
why the fuck were you sniffing/snorting herb in the first place? whether moldy or not, seriously...


Active member
yeah me to, but not mold spores..i don't wanna lose my sinuses..look all freaky with a sagiing face bro...my eyes and nose kinda burn..this freakin' a-11 is making me more paranoid..hearts a racin' thinking about it..

You're the first person I've heard of who gets paranoid off of Apollo 11. Seriously, get a grip! If A-11 freaks you out.... maybe MJ is not right for you. Try some pure indica or something...but chill out!!!

This is really sad...my 420th post...I thought it would be about something positive or at least cool... :nono: :snap out of it: **Maybe** this will help.... ever hear of a Neti Pot? Google it... its supposed to be a way to wash out your sinuses naturally (and safely, as long as you can avoid drowning yourself). Hope you get yourself sorted out... good luck.
dude i was sniffin' my buds..i always smell them..you kno checking in on them ,smelling the funk. .on a side note i think i feel better this morning the burnng as all but gone..my theory is the chem buds had so much goo that the spores stayed stuck to the bud, instead of freely being blown upwards..
also, whoever said antibioctics, they don't kill mold spores..they can actually cause and make fungal infections worse..and yes people black mold and bread molds are the 2 worse fungal infections you can get;; a kid growing up got bread mold in his sinuses and had tp have them removed..that's where i got the floppy face from..that's what he had..
thx all needed the laughs and advice..peace


Andinismo Hierbatero
oh so you were Smelling the buds... appreciating the aromas... got it.
good thing you feel better now.
good luck and good health


I've been known to let my head get the best of me too. Good to see you are ok and avoided the dreaded "floppy face".
last time I had bud rott my concern was not about what i had sniffed but what i had done wrong and how not to do it again.

happy growing m8 lets stop the rot!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Unless your immune system is compromised by HIV, Cancer...or some serious illness....you will be fine--

Cannabis does not have molds that have super powers...it is only mold--

What KK said about immune system disorders.

Botrytis bud rot tastes and smells like shit, but it is not pernicious. I wouldn't worry about it. Botrytis is the noble rot mold they use to make premium wines.

The mold you can find on cannabis, and that is of greatest concern to those with compromised immune systems, is the Aspergillum strains, which is the grey black mold that grows in compost, and can grow in wet or poorly cured cannabis in dark places.


Active member
Anti biotics are made from mold spores. If you really don't want to get an infection I would take 2 to 3 sniffs of it a day.
Ignorance is bliss.
I wish I was stupid...

Thanks Marick! The combination of your comment and your signature just made my day. ROTFLMAO!

Tell me your logic isn't flawed so I can laugh harder. LOL :jump:

F. Dupp

Active member
No nose is good nose
