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Sniffed Some Buds With Bud ROT..

I know this might sound kinda mellow-dramatic, narotic, and somewhat paranoid, no, i'm not a hypochondriac..
anyway i was sniffin' some mondo buds that had some bud rot on them..i didn't kno till i looked closer with the flashlight..
what r the chances i could get that mpld up in there and that it could take hold in my sinuses? i'm kinda freaked actually..anyone else ever accidentially sniff a moldy bud? did any of you get sick?
dudes ease my mind, my wife just laughs at me being a lil freaked over it..Say's i'm over-reacting..buy i've seen pics of people who got mold in their sinuses and had to have them removed so i know it happens...
i'm seriously freaked guys..
yeah me to, but not mold spores..i don't wanna lose my sinuses..look all freaky with a sagiing face bro...my eyes and nose kinda burn..this freakin' a-11 is making me more paranoid..hearts a racin' thinking about it..


Overkill is under-rated.
Snort some Greencure or Physan20 to cure it, it's the only way to be sure.

I'm kidding! You'll be fine.
so your saying it does happen..what if i do feel sick..what do i buy to get that shit out of there? i can't wait 24hrs..i'm sweating this shit..
Snort some Greencure or Physan20 to cure it, it's the only way to be sure.

I'm kidding! You'll be fine.
thx..glad ur getting a laugh out if it..sure i'll be fine? seriously sweating this...u'm usually so careful about sniffin' moldy buds.
thx bro need to hear that right now..


every breath you take outside and most inside will have mold spores in them, you breath thousands in everyday.


Anti biotics are made from mold spores. If you really don't want to get an infection I would take 2 to 3 sniffs of it a day.


Freedom Fighter
Unless your immune system is compromised by HIV, Cancer...or some serious illness....you will be fine--
Cannabis does not have molds that have super powers...it is only mold--
Working as a General Contractor, I, and many thousands across the World...come in contact with molds every day-- It is not great for you, but a sniff of a bud is not going to hurt you--:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
Don't be too blissfull- there really are plenty of mold-borne illnesses

Thankfully....we have this thing called an Immune System, or we would all be dead-- Walking past a trash dumpster prolly gives you as many spores--:tiphat:


Think of all the people who have smoked moldy schwag over the years...did they get sick and die?

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