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Smoking weed while pregnant?


I love my life
Perhaps his "Friend Mintz" was a UK birth decades ago and his pregnant mother may not have enjoyed the pure uncontaminated cannabis your wife did.

In any event the don't do it side can point to nothing except their gut feeling, and no matter how much they want it to be harmful no scientific evidence backs up their claim.

Funny how fetal alcohol syndrome is a huge and REAL problem, but people here want to judge a woman for cannabis uses DESPITE no evidence that cannabis has negative health effects on the child.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
I didn't read the entire thread, so excuse me if im repeating any information. Everyone interested in marijuana use during pregnancy should look into Dr. Melanie Dreher from the university of Iowa,( I believe). She did a study w/ pregnant women in Jamaica and has some significant findings, in my opinion. A quick google seach turns up many pages of info and some video on her.

Very nice link bro ,,Now see if ppl actually READ it lol peace out Headband707:thank you:

I and I

Thanks 707....I find it typical that most people on this site prefer to rant and flame about things and call people "ignorant" about topics being discussed. Then when someone steers them towards some solid studies and research they turn a blind eye and don't even acknowledge the info. Ego's run rampant around here. Hence my low post count after all these years here.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
im still waiting for all the studies and info about it being bad for people to come in.... Dont you people have like at least one JUST ONE study or anything that shows its being bad? anything other then hearsay?

Feel the truth as it has to be right for it FEELS so true in your heart lol...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
ive never known someone to be addicted to weed... its nice to smoke and i like to smoke it.

i guess it would depend on how you look at addiction... alcohol ciggs heroin and just about EVERY OTHER addicted substance has a negative side effect when you quit it. what is the negative side effect from quitting weed?


Active member
ive never known someone to be addicted to weed... its nice to smoke and i like to smoke it.

i guess it would depend on how you look at addiction... alcohol ciggs heroin and just about EVERY OTHER addicted substance has a negative side effect when you quit it. what is the negative side effect from quitting weed?
basically the same as quitting cigarettes...irritability, headache, upset stomach...there are definite withdrawal symptoms when you go cold turkey on herb after building up a tolerance for it...however slight they may be...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
the only thing i ever found is irritability... but thats cause everything annoys me anyways weed is just my mellow outer the helps me not let stupid shit get at me.

headache and upset stomache never heard for weed but everyone is different so ill take your word for it...


Active member
I would have my girl smoke weed rather then have her take ANY pills while pregnant... its a medicine. Natural and used for thousands of years... No side effects and no birth effects..

fair enough. so then you give your baby bong hits, pot brownies; you toke up with the little nipper before kindergarten because its "medicine," it can't be bad for him eh? and baby needs his medicine. is the sweet darling always high like you and mom? does he prefer breast milk before or after he wakes and bakes? when did the little dear first learn to roll a blunt?

this site is full of alot of hypocrites to the point it makes me not want to have a conversation on here anymore. Brainwashed sheep.

hypocrites? you sure we're the hypocrites? 'cause we allow for the POSSIBILITY that smoking cannabis has some deleterious effects. we believe in protecting children until they're old enough to choose POTENTIALLY dangerous behaviors for themselves. where's the hypocrisy in that? and if you're sharing a fat blunt with your baby every morning then you're clearly NOT a hypocrite either.

on the other hand ...


Enormous Member
This thread has nothing at all to do with pot.

It's about a person's right to be in control of what goes into their bodies. It's about respecting those who can't choose for themselves. It's about society's role in regulating other's actions for the better of the whole, and it's about the boundries of individuality.

Every action has a consequence. It's up to each one of us to weigh both sides and decide what's right for ourselves.

Who's responsibility is the child? The mother? The society? The government? The family? All four?

Ultimately, I believe an unborn child is indifferntiable from the mother until birth. Birth is the moment responsibilities should shift. If you're pregneant and you want to smoke a joint, who am I to judge you?

That's just my opinion. You're free to yours.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
fair enough. so then you give your baby bong hits, pot brownies; you toke up with the little nipper before kindergarten because its "medicine," it can't be bad for him eh? and baby needs his medicine. is the sweet darling always high like you and mom? does he prefer breast milk before or after he wakes and bakes? when did the little dear first learn to roll a blunt?

hypocrites? you sure we're the hypocrites? 'cause we allow for the POSSIBILITY that smoking cannabis has some deleterious effects. we believe in protecting children until they're old enough to choose POTENTIALLY dangerous behaviors for themselves. where's the hypocrisy in that? and if you're sharing a fat blunt with your baby every morning then you're clearly NOT a hypocrite either.

on the other hand ...

you can try and be funny and take shit out of context if you would like... the bottom line is there are two sides to the argument one with facts the other with feelings....

your on the feelings side... and trying to prove a point by saying we give weed to our children is ludicrous.

heres study for you to read....


do me a favor read some information... then come back and lets talk with some facts like real men rather then coming back in and telling me i give my kid bong hits before breakfast... if you want your argument to hold water you should use facts... not retarded insults...:wave:


I see your point CannaBunker, I mean i'm sure there are women who don't partake that go to Mickey D's everyday or whatever.We're certain of the consequences of those actions.

I do not need, nor want anyone making my decisions for me.That's where our civil liberties reside on this issue.
Anecdotal evidence is all I've seen(guilty)...I've went through the debate of the 'under the influence' without evidence, and most all seemed to be in agreement that driving while high is bad.

Isn't this just another case of endangerment of someone else when it's gets broken down?(for anyone)


Active member
... trying to prove a point by saying we give weed to our children is ludicrous.

really? great. if its ludicrous then it should be wicked easy to debunk. so, i'll ask again, if cannabis is healthy medicine for your fetus why is it not healthy medicine for your baby? why stop at birth? if there are no deleterious effects, why's your baby not getting high. please explain.

if you want your argument to hold water you should use facts... not retarded insults...:wave:

"insults?" you're the one calling people "retarded" and "hypocrites." and it was you that said cannabis was good for the baby no? this was YOUR argument - not mine. (my argument was that responsible parents use caution.) you have yet to show this or anything i've written doesn't "hold water."


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Isn't this just another case of endangerment of someone else when it's gets broken down?(for anyone)

Where is the endangerment??? thats what we are trying to say... there is nothing no where saying that its bad for pregnant women...

there are studies however that the women that smoked the kids did better the the women that didnt... and 5 years down the line still no side effects... its been used since the dawn of man as a medicine. it has been demonized for the last 80 years and if it actually was harmful effects you know for sure that the government would be blasting them around everywhere for people to see...

the facts are there are no studies... no proof and its been used longer then any other medicine known to man so you would think that if there was any kind of bad side effects it would be known by now.....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
really? great. if its ludicrous then it should be wicked easy to debunk. so, i'll ask again, if cannabis is healthy medicine for your fetus why is it not healthy medicine for your baby? why stop at birth? if there are no deleterious effects, why's your baby not getting high. please explain.

Because the baby does not recieve all the effects it would as if it took it directly for one.... Its a medicine for the mother... It has also been shown in SCIENTIFIC studies to benefit the MOTHER as well as the BABY while taken while pregnant. It shown to have POSITIVE effects... with NO Negative effects. I do think there should be line drawn however what you give to a baby as the effects are different. If you want to change the argument to try and prove a point go for it. i said it once ill say it again. The baby does not receive the effects like we do when we smoke or digest cannabis.

"insults?" you're the one calling people "retarded" and "hypocrites." and it was you that said cannabis was good for the baby no? this was YOUR argument - not mine. (my argument was that responsible parents use caution.) you have yet to show this or anything i've written doesn't "hold water."

you can take things out of my argument and turn them around all you want the argument is it safe for the baby to use MJ as a medicine while pregnant... not giving it to your new born child because its safe. your trying to twist words up like my girl. read the damn shit im saying and stop trying to turn the argument from what were arguing about to suit what you think you can trip me up on. It doesnt work with miss b it wont work with you.


I was playing devil's advocate in my post with that line :tiphat:

Where is the endangerment??? thats what we are trying to say... there is nothing no where saying that its bad for pregnant women...

there are studies however that the women that smoked the kids did better the the women that didnt... and 5 years down the line still no side effects... its been used since the dawn of man as a medicine. it has been demonized for the last 80 years and if it actually was harmful effects you know for sure that the government would be blasting them around everywhere for people to see...

the facts are there are no studies... no proof and its been used longer then any other medicine known to man so you would think that if there was any kind of bad side effects it would be known by now.....
1 of the fear mongering disinformation terms promoted by the war on drugs industry is the disease concept of drug usage and their whole negative effect of usage has on society study,ideology I don't agree with
not one thing exist that has no potential for harm,even one of the most valuable substances in the universe,water, can make you a drowning victim