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Smoking Etiquette


classy grass
dookiesquad said:
I know plenty of people who eat the roach... just not me.

Makes as much sense as not putting a fucking cardboard filter at the end of a joint.

Like taking a horse on the freeway. We have the modern technology of the package the papers come in, use it.

But some people like a sticky, wet and tarry(yeah as in tar-like, tarry) joints in their mouth and resin on their teeth... just not me.

So Buon appettito roach lovers :bashhead:
I have a hard time throwing down on a joint that won't be rolled with a crutch. Around here, we like to use something other than the packaging, as it generally protects the papes. We keep a 'rolling tin' around, full of playing cards pre-cut to crutch sizes. :joint:

Don't pass it to me needing ashed.

And when using a bong, we only pack snaps. Through CLEAN glass. And change the a/c water each snap.

Nice thread.


My god....

Filling up some zips in a bowl for everyone? DAMN THAT WOULD BE AWESOME lol.

For those that don't always have pounds of weed....

the MOST HEINOUS offenses of smoking is breaking someone's GLASS....... punishment is up to the owner/former owner of such glass....


i agree with most of the rules on here, especially them applying when your with strangers. saves alot of bullshit between two people who dont know each other. but i have a pet peave and went through that shit with my cousin during my trip to STT:

dont talk about a smokeing sesh with someone and then dont show or take your sweet ass time gettin the smoke together!!! that shit is just mad disrespect. if your gonna have a hard time gettin it then just say so, dont leave the other person in fucking limbo!!! i bought the blunts he bought nadda, after braggin about all the strains he had. (he kept calling blueberry "blackberry", i hd to really listen to what he was talking about. one i figured it out, i say " you mean bluberry right?" he pauses and then goes " yeah thats it"). sorry for the rant yall i jsut really hate that shit

**that whole "eating the roach" thing is truly new to me. i mainly smoke by myself since there really isnt anyone around me to smoke with.

** the whole "finishing the bong hit" is something i agree with. i ahve left smoke in the bong sometimes and it is nasty to taste it right before you light a fresh hit, always makes me gag!!!
My friend once had an ounce of weed in the car and made me eat a joint because the cops were coming. he threw the weed in an envelope in a coffee cup and chucked it out the side of the road. we had to drive 4 hours later to pick it up... stupidest thing about it was the envelope had my fucking address on it.

i like the "don't bitch about the persons weed, if you don't like don't smoke it" rule. i HATE that shit. that and people who turn down weed / refuse to smoke with you because you "don't smoke dat kuuush" maybe because you're "broooke"

Minnesota Nice

I think the general golden weed rule is to be generous when you have weed, and be grateful when you don't. You don't have to be Buddhist to follow Karmic law.

That said,

I've never heard of anyone eating a roach...wtf do you people eat your cigarette butts too!? I throw it in the ashtray and forget about it until I'm running low...

At least in my circle, a bong hit consists of -spark>smoke>exhale>clear bong>pass-. This can be done with either one or two inhales of smoke. The point is that you're not passing someone a bong loaded with stale smoke.

Also, if you are sick or contagious, bring your own piece to the session and pack personals for yourself! No need to get all your friends sick!!


i hate when you roll a nice joint or blunt and somebody in the circle decides they have to squeeze the life out of it when they hit it. So annoying after I roll a nice even joint and they hand back some sad mangled J

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