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Smoking Etiquette

Thought this was pretty cool. Good info for new smokers. Feel free to add your own rules that you follow in your circle. :rasta:

Smoking Etiquette

[the unchecked version]

1) the person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark
up the joint and get first hits...

2) if someone rolls a nice joint, its good to give the person a complement
on his rolling skills...

3) if someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that
its okay for him to bogart it since it's his weed, this is definitely not cool.
the punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how much he put in.
(if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person
and rag on him :)

4) if someone is too palsy to light the bowl (due to being too stoned or
the person is just a retard :) then they must relinquish control of the lighter
to someone more able to get it lit. --this does NOT mean the person who
lights gets free hits... this privilege tends to get abused ("hey lemme light
it for you...")

5) if someone is so much of a palsy that they blow INTO the bowl and blow
all the shit on the floor, this person must be ragged on and the person cant
smoke on the next round (unless it was his stuff)

6) if you smoke with someone in your house, you should let them eat some
munchy food you may have lying around.. don't be cheap with you food if you
have food...

7) if someone who's smoked asks for a sip of your soda, you must give him
some.. (dry mouth is not fun)

8) converse of (7): if you ask for a sip, don't take a large gulp

9) if smoking from a bong or a joint, never put the whole thing in your
mouth and get it all sopping wet.. its disgusting and it messed up the joint.

10) if your smoking from a bong and these not enough in the bowl for a whole
other hit, you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person..(dont
let go of the rushhold or 'carb' and take it all yourself)

11) never bogart

12) never bitch about someone else's weed being no good! If you don't like
it don't smoke it!

13) if a friend gets you high sometime in the future you need to get that
friend high

14) Thou shalt not turn down a smoke. Never!

15) phrased in the form of a narrative:
OK. My buddy and I are sitting around smoking the weed that I just
scored. After flaming-up, and taking a few moderate puffs, I pass
it on. The sounds that follow can only be described as
vacuum-like. After an a couple of huge, lung-busting tokes, the guy
passes back the remnants of something that could have, at some
point, been a joint. If it's not completely "canoed", then it's
absolutely soaked. I not-so-subtly drop that old Cheech&Chong line
"Hey man, can I wring it out for you?" He just looks at me.

16) I have noticed the following: After smoking-up, the odd "crass-
monkey" will actually eat the stained, disgusting roach. This must
be because they want that "extra bit" of oil, resin, or whatever's
left on the paper. This situation can be compared to the patron of
a good restaurant picking up his "as good as empty" plate and
licking off the remaining morsels of food. Sure he got that little
pool of gravy, but was it really worth it?

17) If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to
roll a joint, (a small one, if you wish) and smoke with the person who sells
you the stuff.

18) It is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl, without notifying
that person of it's possible cashed-ness. A proper warning would be
'Here ya go...I think it might be cashed.

19) The person who fills the bowl is given the opportunity to take the first
hit. It doesn't matter who's bowl it is.

20) Always remember to thank a person who has gotten you high. I know it
sounds silly, but I know people who never say thanks and it gets a littly

21) The person who brought the bud picks the music.

22) When using a bong, don't slobber all over it.

23) Again, when using a bong, DON'T blow out the ashes, unless that's what
the "homeowner" does.

24) NEVER go to someone's house EXPECTING them to catch you a buzz. Of
course, there are exceptions to this rule...

25) If you spill the bong, clean it up! (And don't forget to put water
back in it!!)

roach rules
1) when the roach gets too small, if someone has a problem with it, it is
common courtesy here to put the roach in a bowl and finish it that way..
that way the people who don't mind burning their fingers don't get it all.


God I hate it when you do someone a favor and get a bag for them and they just dip off with it without a smoke up even though you charged what you got it for. Then you eventually have to short the bag or charge them more, and that sacrifices the integrity which would just make me feel like shit for having to do. If you were to somehow get busted getting a bag for the person, the judge wont see you as a friend but a drug dealer

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
pot smoking rules i grew up with.
1. ALWAYS pass to the left.
2. NEVER break the cypher (circle)
3. if you come over w/o weed, dont ask me to roll something. let me initiate the smoking.
4. Respect the house your smoking in. keep your dirty feet off the fucking couch scumbag!
5. NEVER come to a sesh empty handed. no weed? bring blunts, papers, munchies, drinks, etc.
6. my personal pet peeve....somebody stays quiet until they get the blunt. then they talk up a storm while it just burns away in their hand. we call it "politicking" or "running for mayor"
7. take a respectful amount of hits. 1 or 2 hits is fine. especially if there are 4 or more heads on a blunt. good forbid the blunt makes it around more than once.sheesh

any violation of these rules result in a "team punch"
thats where everybody gets a free swing at the accused.
pain teaches lessons, fear of getting hit will keep you from fucking up.
naturally when we were younger, those punches were full force.
the older we get, the lighter the shots.

great thread K+


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Crass-monkey? CRASS-MONKEY? Who you callin' a crass-monkey, Willis?

Swallowing the live roach is like eating the raw heart of the buffalo after the hunt. It's an honor and shows proper respect to the Great Ganja Spirit for it's sacrifice and bounty.

ahem ... Seriously though, #10 needs some work. "...save the smoke in the chamber for the next person.." Leftover smoke is nasty stuff. Cough your lungs out nasty. I appreciate the share/ leave some for the next guy vibe. But, stale smoke? That's crass-monkey nasty.


Registered Med User
Whoever roll the blunt/zag dont slobber all over the shit, just a lil lickin then dry it with ya lighter.

When you ask for a sip uh somethin for your dry mouth dont put your mouth on it, do a waterfall.

Dont be mad if I light the smokin end of the pipe to clean it before I hit it cuz for all I know you was eaten pussy or sucken dick earlier that day, especially u nasty hoes.

keep the rotation.


Cannabrex Formulator
FreezerBoy said:
Swallowing the live roach is like eating the raw heart of the buffalo after the hunt. It's an honor and shows proper respect to the Great Ganja Spirit for it's sacrifice and bounty.


Eating the roach is like licking the stale asshole of a over-barbequed skunk, and shows nothing but a terrible sense of aesthetics and taste.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Oh the Humanity! The terrorists have won. :badday:

What are they teaching you in school these days? Kids, yeesh. The clothes you listen to and the music that you wear ...

Oh, well. More for me. :wave:

Raistlin Majere

when hitting a pipe always "corner"
meaning only flame a section of the top herb
this way 3 mebbe 4 GREEN hits can be taken be other partakers
everyone likes a hit with the trichs and hairs on it
and it pisses me off when the first fool burns the entire top black for the next guy

if i pack the bowl i always ask peeps to corner
if they dont, they get the bowl LAST from then on
Raistlin Majere said:
when hitting a pipe always "corner"
meaning only flame a section of the top herb
this way 3 mebbe 4 GREEN hits can be taken be other partakers
everyone likes a hit with the trichs and hairs on it
and it pisses me off when the first fool burns the entire top black for the next guy

if i pack the bowl i always ask peeps to corner
if they dont, they get the bowl LAST from then on

Good one RM! That pisses me off too. Don't torch the greens!

6. my personal pet peeve....somebody stays quiet until they get the blunt. then they talk up a storm while it just burns away in their hand. we call it "politicking" or "running for mayor"

I hear that CF! That shit peeves me too. I had an old girlfriend that was bad about that shit. No talking while holding the blunt! :spank:
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Absolutely no pinching when you get someone a fat sack! Pass It As You Got It. :bashhead:


Active member
cellardweller said:
Absolutely no pinching when you get someone a fat sack! Pass It As You Got It. :bashhead:

i never buy weed, and my shit only goes to the consumer, and they get the fattest deal on earth....and never 100 bucks/quat...usually 70. (and in this market shit is always 100-120.quat)

sow the seeds

Backwoods Bud said:
10) if your smoking from a bong and these not enough in the bowl for a whole
other hit, you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person..(dont
let go of the rushhold or 'carb' and take it all yourself)

Gotta disagree with this one I hate it when people don't clear the bong. I'm not into inhaling someone else's stale smoke...its like having someone chew your food for you before you eat it.

And cocktail frank thats funny stuff about politicing. I know quite a few people who are guilty of this, and even am myself sometimes. I usually realize it quick but some friends will burn their fingers if ya don't tell em lol.
genkisan said:

Eating the roach is like licking the stale asshole of a over-barbequed skunk, and shows nothing but a terrible sense of aesthetics and taste.


To me it tastes like fresh roasted peanuts.... seriously. Eat a STILL lit or just put out roach... don't really chew it a lot if it's a blunt(tobacco is nasty) just squeeze it between your teeth to put it out then swallow it. You'll be left with a peanutty aftertaste.... seriously....


the Revenant
Papa_Moña said:

To me it tastes like fresh roasted peanuts.... seriously. Eat a STILL lit or just put out roach... don't really chew it a lot if it's a blunt(tobacco is nasty) just squeeze it between your teeth to put it out then swallow it. You'll be left with a peanutty aftertaste.... seriously....

And such pungent breath. Good for the teeth to. This shit must be a joke, i would laugh my ass off if i ever saw someone eat a roach unless a cop was behind them heh.

Slim Shady

New member
Raistlin Majere said:
when hitting a pipe always "corner"
meaning only flame a section of the top herb
this way 3 mebbe 4 GREEN hits can be taken be other partakers
everyone likes a hit with the trichs and hairs on it
and it pisses me off when the first fool burns the entire top black for the next guy

if i pack the bowl i always ask peeps to corner
if they dont, they get the bowl LAST from then on
It is possible for the weed provider to grant entire first green hit to someone. This is indicated by a phrase like "Hey Joe, taste this shit" and is handed the bowl. This is a great honor. Even if it taste really crappy, a compliment should be given like "This taste potent." :D


we always give our buddy dave a hard time about using the bong as a mic, he will just hold the bong with a nice bowl in it for like 15 minutes while he carries on the conversation, when none of us are baked yet, don't do that

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