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Smoking Etiquette


New member
I know plenty of people who eat the roach... just not me.

Makes as much sense as not putting a fucking cardboard filter at the end of a joint.

Like taking a horse on the freeway. We have the modern technology of the package the papers come in, use it.

But some people like a sticky, wet and tarry(yeah as in tar-like, tarry) joints in their mouth and resin on their teeth... just not me.

So Buon appettito roach lovers :bashhead:


i Can't stand when people cover the top of the bowl with the lighter..... im not comfortable with a container of butane siting on top of smolderin pile of herb.... plus it gets my lighter nasty....

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Whenever we smoked a blunt aslong as its a good size, how many you hits went like this. If there was 1-2 people, you could hit it 4-6 times, 3-5 people you get 2-3 hits, anymore people then that, its 1 hit pass.

Just my 2 cents, HEHE.


Active member
all good things, i follow must of them because thats just being chill...

14) Thou shalt not turn down a smoke. Never!

this one is true many times ive been offered swag and what not.. its just disrespectful. unless of course you gotat meet your parents or go to work or you jsut dont smoke but otherwise, if someone you offers you a hit take it


natural medicator
on the politiking as CF puts it, talking while holding the joint
if i'm smoking with just one other and they just hold the joint while the smoke is flowing off, i just take it away from them. after one time, they don't talk while holding, they hit and pass as its supposed to be :rasta:


lives on planet 4:20
i smoke like this.....first what matters is how many people are smoking with me

if I'm smoking solo....I roll a nice fat joint...size of a cigarete with a dutch type filter at the end...and smoke the whole thing

the little resin coated weed in the end I take it and put it in a different baggie...when there is enough I smoke it from my small glass roor steamroller

if there is more people I just roll one joint for every person smoking with me....if its all the same weed we each smoke our joint

if its all different weed...i either mix it and we each smoke our joint or pass it around....but I prefer to smoke my own joint without passing around

I never mess around with any pipes or anything when smoking with other people

I use my steamroller only when smoking alone

I try to take the biggest possible hits....and watching that smoke go through the glass is so fuc..ing awesome .... i love it


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I see no need for rules if you have alot of weed. When i used to smoke people out. I just took out a big glass bowl..filled it with a few ounces of bud. And everyone could roll their joints fill bongs whatever. Without that bothersome circle jerk..
Etiquette is mostly for smoking with strangers. My closer friends always have their own weed, so we each roll our own joints when we feel like it.

If someone wants a toke they just got to ask for it, it's not considered inpolite or something.

However the roller gets the first tokes rule applies always, as he has to do the most work.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Pirate138 said:
And such pungent breath. Good for the teeth to. This shit must be a joke, i would laugh my ass off if i ever saw someone eat a roach unless a cop was behind them heh.

Could this be a generational/geography thing? In the American west of the 60's, no one would blink if you swallowed the roach. Sometimes, we'd even vie for them.

It's not as though you chew it. Like Pavlov's dog, just think roach and salivate. Drop the live roach on your tongue and swallow it like a pill.
i also put out half burnt joints and blunts on my tongue, and i get the same taste.... peanuty. i'm fucking serious about this!

freezer boy, what do YOU taste?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Tastes like chicken. Doesn't everything?

Seriously, it happens so fast, all I ever notice is a slight burnt taste. I never went to Roach Tasting School. "A full bodied and oakish blend, I find it perky with an isouciant playfulness ..." I'll keep peanut butter in mind next time and see what happens.
nah, it's like an aftertaste... like you just ate a peanut and you have that dry but oily feeling and the nutty/smoky taste... maybe i'm just roasting my taste buds!
Papa Id be willing to bet that it is the ganja that you are tasting, I used to have a bowl that would smell like peanuts if it wasnt kept cleaned, needless to say that bowl was reserved for a certain strain. Not sure what the strain was, as it was grown and cloned from some good bagseed, but its resin sure as fuck smelled like peanuts.


Smokin on that serious...
if you have a problem with the way other people choose to consume cannabis, you never should have offered it to them in the first place.

fuck you, fuck your rules.

live free.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
no smokin' when you're glowin'.......

a friend was bitching about how horny he was due
to the fact he wasn't allowed to even kiss his wife
on doctors orders "???" came the query from us all.

"Well I was injected with a radioactive dye for a med
test and we can't kiss or have sex."

"Then why the fuck are you toking on this joint?" As
two or three of us punch Tom hard for being such a


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Backwoods Bud said:
1) the person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark
up the joint and get first hits...

3) if someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that
its okay for him to bogart it since it's his weed, this is definitely not cool.
the punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how much he put in.
(if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person
and rag on him :)
See, I have to disagree (and I'll tell you exactly why), and, my own and my circles etiquette....

1.In my world, it's common place to offer the guest the first hit.....(Can light to get burning right if called for....)

2. It is mine, and, you know what?....I have had more then my share of times which I lit one, hit it, passed it over and it came back a runny, wet mess...

So....for me, there is only 2 solutions:
A. I light it, take a couple till I'm okay, pass it over and you finish it....or, if almost...when it finally comes back to me, I finish it....

or.......what I tend to do more these days then the above, especially if with several, is:
B. I roll a couple...I burn mine, you have yours.....which you can turn into a runny, wet mess ll you like :smoke:....cause I have mine, and, I am fine...

I also think it poor etiquette to complain if host hits, will hit again, and, is in the middle of speaking to disturb..........)

Should be noted I only roll. Dont own a single bowl or anything else these days (one, but it is dedicated to hash,. bubble, etc)


Chat Mod
what i truly feel to be the most heinous offenses are:

1 dont spill the bong

2 dont whale spout (blow water through the bong)

3 never ever ask someone if they want to puff a nugget then hand them an empty bowl. this used to happen to me on tour alot. i would fill their pipes with schwag seeds and all, and walk away when they would bitch about it.

peace -fb

peace -fb


ICMag Donor
I didnt realize there wer soooo many rules!!! take a dammm hit a pass it!!, is it that hard?? ..hehehe