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Smokin & Fishin


I mentioned fishing in another thread.Got a few responses.I love fishing when I'm stoned.Freshwater light tackle is what I do the most of.Sometimes wadding in a river,sometimes off of a boat in a lake.I went out this morning and caught a few smallmouth bass,my personal favorite,on a top water Rapala.Nothing better then seeing them strike.I could have done even better by my reaction time was a little slow for some reason.Anytime I'm out in nature fishing or whatever my problems seem to disappear.Anyone else enjoy the outdoors.Next time I'll take my camera,beautiful along the rivers this time of year.


I used to fish when I was younger but haven't forever. Supposed to go on a fishing trip soon. The great outdoors and a great sack make for some good times.

Bob Labla

same here... i used to get blazed and go fishing off this incredible pier on the florida panhandle. all summer long huge 40ish lb king mackeral were all over the bait that hung out at the pier. most days a few sharks would scoot through too. when you hooked up with the big guys you were in for such an awesome fight. 15-30 minutes of them running your drag out getting tired and you horseing them in; then process repeating. i hooked a 5.5 foot bullshark one time and fought him for over an hour. they had to use 2 gafs to get him up to the peir.

man i miss those days


I love fishing! Nothing like the water, sun and no one to bug you. I'm lucky enough to own a lake front lot. The wife and I go down to it mostly during the week when there aren't many folks down there. We sit on the shore, watch the birds and clouds go by, smoke a little (ALOT) and forget our troubles. I don't bass fish nor use artifical lures. I catch a few small bream/crappies, hook 'em and go after catfish. Every now and then I will catch a bass or what have you but I like to the fight in a catfish. Most get tossed back unless we want fish for dinner. My dad, brother and I go out drift fishing for cats. Myt dad suffers from advanced Parkinson's. He absolutly whoops our backsides. Something about the rhythm of his twitching makes his bait more appealing to the fish. we call him Shaky because of this. He loves it. The biggest fish we caught last year was a 35 lb cat. Of course, he caught it.


I trout fish almost everyday of the week. We have several small streams around my area and the trout fishing is great. Although I never have done it high. Maybe I am a really serious fisherman and concentrate too much haha. Something about standing in the woods next to a stream puts me in the best mood ever.


i never went fishing when i was younger.
my fishing buddies always bugged me to go and i never did.
i went once along time ago and had a revelation....
i realized all fishing was is too get drunk and high and maybe get a fish or 2.
now i think it's pretty cool.


Active member
love to catch a buzz and some farm pound largemouth or some river smallies

dont even mind flathead catfishing now and then


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
love the outdoors! my other half got me started fishing 1st at a family pond where i enjoyed the wrangle w/ catfish. next was a river with big beautiful bream. then there was the nearby lake full of bass bream perch & catfish. more recently got to experience trout fishin on a tiny secluded pond... fought w/ a good sized one on a 4lb test line for like half hour before it got away, great fun! as was the halibut, salmon, snapper, king crab, & octopus adventures!! love fishin em all especially while high! :D


I knew I wasn't the only one.My advice to the guys that used to fish,make some time.You won't be sorry.All my fish are catch and release.


i lovvvvvvvvvvvve nature... but it was oddly after i started smokin 4 years ago when i first started to appreciate nature... last few times i fished i didn't catch anything...
at the same time though i wish there was a more humane way to fish... ya ya people say that they don't feel it but i highly doubt that. still fun even though i feel bad after i catch one.


There are 3 things in life that I love, sex, golf and fishing. Smoking goes with all 3. I love trout fishing, using ultralite gear (fenwick pole, penn reel, 2 lb test) but i live close to the river which is loaded with smallies, rock bass, muskie and walleye. I am going tonight but use heavier tackle. I go for river smallies and bringing baby night crawlers and fatheads. I also have a large tackle box loaded with senko worms and tubes. I caught 3 tuesday night. For bass i use 6 lb test and a 6 foot pole. I can cast a senko worm with no weight about 20-30 yards and let it drift with the current. The ONE good thing about PA is lots of good fishing places. The rivers, lakes and trout streams.


Amish, thanks for thread. ASA, my fellow fisherman! Hey, Pack, look at like you are continuing the fish's education (school, fish, get it? yeah, it's a moaner) Dan, I travel through Pa a few times a year and have seen a few spots that look so inviting...good luck tonight.


I love spending time on the river. Fishing, swimming, canoing, kayaking, grilling, starting massive fires, camping, smoking or drinking--Those are all good times for me on the river.


18 and Doh!
Yea man, fishin is the shit. Also when your high your able to be patient and enjoy it more (although it's still good sobre)


Active member
I dont know how anyone can not like/love fishing.

...and smoking some nice ganja def. adds to the experience!

I've fished for my entire life, and it's in my top cpl. of hobbies.

Growing up we were mainly "meat fishermen". (My family fished for the sole purpose of filling the freezer.)...we had fun too tho.

I still fish for meat, but I also do it just to relax and enjoy nature.

My fav. freshwater fish are:

Walleye (fav. freshwater fish to eat...sort of boring to fish for IMO)

Northern Pike (my absolute fav. to catch/fish for)...I also find them delicious, and yes...I can fillet them boneless (remove the Y bone) with my eyes closed

Musky (love to cath 'em, but action is usually a bit slow for my short attention span)

Lake Trout (Just fun as shit to catch these big guys and reel them in from some deep ass holes)

My fav. saltwater fish are:

Halibut (Fav. of ALL fish to eat), fun to catch too...especially if they are BIG 300-500 pound range ("barn doors")... (i prefer 30 - 40 pounders for the table)

Salmon (prefer reds to eat and kings to catch) I like fishing for silver salmon, but I don't want anything to do with pinks or cohoe

Salmon Sharks (fun as shit to fish for and catch) too much work to make them taste good tho

I like fishing for rockfish, and ling cod too.

I caught an 8'6" Black Marlin when I was 14...thats when I knew I'd be fishing for the rest of my life.

I wanted to go fishing this weekend, but Memorial day weekend ain't the time to go for me.
A fishing rod (either fly or bait), a beverage of choice, and a bowl. I can't think of a better time, and hopefully I'll get a little fishing in this weekend.



king of the dinosaurs
nothin goes together quite like smokin and fishin.

personally i love trolling for the big pikes. they make for a great fight and good eatin too


NOKUY said:
I dont know how anyone can not like/love fishing.
I don't like or love it because I would rather let nature be. We have enough people killin fish, so I'd rather not add to it. Maybe if a species was overpopulated I wouldn't mind as much. T

he idea of dragging a fish by the hook in its mouth, or throat I don't like either, though. Seems mean.

I'll just get fish that's caught in a net ;)
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