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....smokes weed


There's a great many scientists one could post here. Problem is most are not open about it.

Astronomer, Astrochemist and inhaler of the assassin of youth:

Carl Sagan


Active member
i've been looking for an "ad hominem" list for a while now

keep 'em coming, especially scientists

all information gathered from this thread will be presented to at least one congresswoman on the fence, and posted to a permanent website

actors n stuff are okay, i think it's the scientists, the nobel prize winners that are going to carry the weight. i wish i could find something on mozart.

Really? I'm not sure I'm ok with what I posted then. Maybe you could leave some of the more obscure ones (like mine) out? And please, no names or personal comments from ICmag members. If this is happening, maybe a name, photo, and short bio would be enough.


Really? I'm not sure I'm ok with what I posted then. Maybe you could leave some of the more obscure ones (like mine) out? And please, no names or personal comments from ICmag members. If this is happening, maybe a name, photo, and short bio would be enough.

I'm sure they weren't serious about that idea. Were you?

All in good fun, I figured. Though it would be fun to compile a list of great minds that have admitted to cannabis use.


Active member
Johnny Depp has never done a drug btw.

Hunter S. Thompson :)


Did you just blurt that out without giving it any thought at all? You obviously didn't read it anywhere...

"2004 - "Johnny Depp: dope dealing daddy"

In a recent interview with Swedish magazine Expressen, Depp claimed to have stopped using most illegal drugs, but he still rated different drug highs. "Opium makes you completely relaxed. It's dangerous because it's so nice. Cocaine is a strange drug… I hated cocaine." Depp compared absinthe to marijuana, except "if you drink too much absinthe, you suddenly realize why van Gogh cut his ear off."
"Look, I have nothing to hide," said Depp In a June 2001 interview with Film Review Magazine. "I'm not a great pothead or anything like that… but weed is much, much less dangerous than alcohol."

In an interview in the October issue of GQ magazine, Johnny Depp said that he would rather his kids get their marijuana from him than from the street.
Depp's children are currently only two and four years old. However, Depp said that if they choose to try marijuana when they are older, he'd rather be their supplier, because with street pot you don't know if you're getting buds "laced with PCP."
Depp added that while on PCP, you could end up "beating yourself in the head with a tennis racket, wearing a towel, quoting Poe, or getting that hair cut."

Entertainment Tonight broadcast a story criticizing Depp's apparent pro-pot stance, and so Depp said that he would refuse to be interviewed by the show's reporters while promoting his film Once upon a time in Mexico. A spokesman for Depp told the media that Entertainment Tonight "sort of took half a quote. They ran it out of context, and it wasn't what the story was saying. He wasn't happy with them."

Depp, who also recently starred in Pirates of the Caribbean, got his start on TV's 21 Jump Street. Depp played officer Tom Hanson, who led a team of police officers who went undercover in high schools, busting pot dealers and other teen criminals."

source: cc magazine


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
The Kottonmouth Kings........smoke a shit load of weed

I blazed with there drummer (lou dog) at the first show I saw them at


One of the most interesting billionaires out there:
Sir Richard Branson

Said if cannabis were legal he'd sell. Get ready for his newest enterprise: Virgin Bud!


Active member

Thomas Jefferson, known as The Spirit of American Liberty, was also involved in marijuana cultivation and use. Jefferson used hemp for all sorts of things including, but not limited to, making paper, clothes and rope. Jefferson even praised hemp in many of his writings.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The Kottonmouth Kings........smoke a shit load of weed

I blazed with there drummer (lou dog) at the first show I saw them at

that dood hopper that grows weed for KMK came into our dispensary a few years back.... what a joke. not only was his weed waaay the fuck over priced ((mr nice for 58 and g13 for 6 a piece???? HAHHHAH)),,, but him was acting like they was all stars because they grow for kottonmouth. so whats big herb do??? run his mouth about kottonqueen clowns>>> fuck them gurly ass no talent hacks,,, we smoek better weed,,,we smoek more weed,,,and are artists have TALENT,,, not just repeating the same regurigated weed lines to dumbass suburbian kids who got no taste,,no talent and them style,,,,below original. told hopper if his boys thought they could stack up to come back with video,,,,since them talk about ""we can do it live on cable tv"" ,,, well jus to let yeh know,,,from people in THE know,, THEY CANT SMOKE A POUND IN A SESSION. :nanana:


Active member
Really? I'm not sure I'm ok with what I posted then. Maybe you could leave some of the more obscure ones (like mine) out? And please, no names or personal comments from ICmag members. If this is happening, maybe a name, photo, and short bio would be enough.

for sure :) i only need names that are easy to verify as pro cannabis and i don't need any problems with anyone so we're cool.

i am serious about it, the f.o.c. website didn't have too many "money" names.. imo sagan is the #1 "money" name because everyone over 33 in the u.s. knows who he is and "respects him as an establishment figure."

that's going to win opinions.