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Smoke Break = Crazy Dreaming?


"I've struggled with a lot of internal feelings and hurdles. Deep seeded things that cause me anguish, but i don't know how to bring them to the surface to deal with."

Your dreams give you the prime opportunity to deal with these issues! When you know you are dreaming, you know that you cannot be hurt. So why not (next time you realize you are dreaming) ask the dream to "clear up" some of the internal issues you are struggling with? The dream will answer you either straightforwardly or symbolically. It will be up to you to determine what the dream means for you.

"Having these crazy dreams the last week has awakened all sorts of feelings i had all but forgotten. perhaps looking deeper into this dream world is a much easier route to go down than experimenting with psychedelics."

The truth is that there are no short cuts to spiritual enlightenment (which includes exploring your subconscious, mastering dreaming, etc.). Becoming enlightened through both drugs and dreams takes practice, patience and utter determination. I choose to take the dream route, simply because it is free and I don't need any specific substance to experience it. Don't get me wrong, I've also taken the drug route (I believe that the most enlightening drug by far is DMT). Interestingly, you absolutely can experience the effects of any type of drug while you are dreaming if you intend to (this is for the more advanced dreamers).

Anywho, if you truly are interested in cleansing your mind and spirit from the internal hurdles you speak of, I think that dreaming would greatly help you on your journey. Just remember, like any other thing you learned in your life - for example walking - learning how to dream takes an awful lot of practice and unwavering focus. The first step is to start a dream journal (like j6p has learned is very helpful). The dream journal is a guide to helping you recall your dream signs. Dream signs are unique to every dreamer. A dream sign is something/anything that continually pops up in your dreams. Mine happens to be bodies of water and insanely beautiful landscapes. You can figure out what yours are by reading through your dream journal and looking for signs/symbols/people/animals/etc. that continually seem to arise in your dreams.

The next step is, once you have determined your dream signs, you have to make it a point to do a reality check every single time you encounter one of your signs. For some reason hands always look strange in dreams, so if you are unsure whether or not you are dreaming, take a look at your hands!

Then, once you have mastered realizing you are dreaming, the next step is to explore your newly found powers! This means go fly, eat, have sex, do whatever your little heart desires. But be cautions not to get stuck on doing these things forever though, that would be akin to staying a teenager your whole life. Yes, life is fun as a teenager, but there is much more to experience than worldly pleasures.

The next step after this is to start exploring and searching for information and answers. Instead of getting a complex about how you are master controller of your dreams, you have to learn that there is a deeper awareness within your dreams and that it often is trying to tell you something, if you would only listen. This means sometimes letting the dream take you where IT wants you to go, instead of you changing the scenery for a prettier or more fun dream.

Ultimately, you have to learn to walk before you run and do gymnastics. All of the answers are out there. Keep on practicing and moving forward and I am positive you will be greatly benefited.


I've had some amazing lucid dreams. One particular I recall, I realized I was dreaming when I was outside of a school (typical dream scene for anybody and everybody). To the right of this school was an incredibly vast field of grass and plants, beautiful dusky navy blue sky, just all around dope dream scenery. Anyway, to the lucid part, when I realized I was dreaming, the first thing I thought of was trying to fly. The thing is, even though it was a dream, you know, limitless possibility, I was failing at flying. Then it hit me... I can't just spontaneously hover, I need to get a run start! What I didn't realize in the dream, is that I mocked the exact same mechanic as, lik, da best game ever:


Everything from the run and jump take-off, to the flying mechanic, was like Super Mario 64. My dream required that I refer to a "known way to fly", instead of just up'n'flyin'. It may not sound like much on paper, but I woke up that morning feeling fulfilled and downright dope.

On the flipside, I have some more negative lucid dreaming shit to cover, but I'll save that for another post, as I know long posts can be a turn off (it was for me at one time).

You bring up a good point with the flying! Flying is my absolute favorite thing to do in a lucid dream. In fact, just about every time I realize I am dreaming, I instantly lift off of the ground a few feet. I have mastered flying and can take off and land from anywhere in any position. The reason you were unsuccessful in your first attempts at flying was because you had doubt that it would work. All it takes is the tiniest amount of doubt and you will crash land every time. Interestingly enough, you figured out what you would need in order for you to not have doubt - for you it was the Mario run and jump. That's great! If you believe something will work, it will!

When it comes to dreaming, basically what you expect is what you get. Your intention is what brings your dreamscape/actions into being. (The same holds true for waking life).

I am very interested in hearing about your negative lucid dreaming experiences!



I JUST finished this very book yesterday! It has to be hands down the best dreaming book I have ever read. I am a self-taught lucid dreamer and I am always on the look out for dream books that can give me any new information about LD. Annoyingly, every single book I have read on the subject never gave me any new knowledge. This book, however, absolutely was the lesson I was looking for.

It covers precognitive dreams, joint-lucidity, and how amazing is it that there is an awareness behind the awareness that is you in the dream?!!! And it actually communicates with us! I recommend it to anyone interested in this subject and sick of all of the beginner books!

Sorry for the million posts in a row =)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Yup, it's nicknamed the 'REM rebound effect' (Feinberg, et al. (1975). Basically THC decreases our ability for REM (dream stage) sleep, so when a person no longer takes in THC, the REM stage overcompensates.

Melatonin helps alot with THC's reduction on REM sleep...can go to sleep blazed and still have vivid, memorable dreams.

I dont sleep much>>> but my dreams are always fucking crazy. They all seem to revolve around shit in my life i just cant let go....past beefs, relationships, deaths.... maybe its why i dont sleep much and dont care for sleeping, but i always wake up with the dream stuck in my head all day. Last night I had a dream that I was in katrina and i was trying to help a little girl resuce her drowning dog, and the dog kept falling to the bottom of the pool and when i finally got him to the beach (for whatever reason instead of steps like a pool, there was sand and trees exiting the pool) and as i came up out of the water to put the dog down there was 100s of rotting bodies with swarms of butterflys sitting around them....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've been smoking weed for about 12 years now. Daily smoker for the last 3 years. I haven't had/remembered a dream in I don't know how long.

I have been taking a break from smoking for just about a week now and every night i have the most vivid, intense, fuck up your day dreams.

anyone else ever feel this?

just wonderin...
---i admit, i only read the first post of this thread..literally...happens everytime and it is a perfect example of a medicinal use...i suffer from moderately severe(v.a.'s label, not mine, i know i laugh whenever i see "moderately severe" haha) battle fatigue(ptsd)...i dont want to dream, therefore i cannot sleep...the sleeping meds keep me asleep even when i am in that state noone should have to be in....smoking before allows me to slowly wander off to sleep and keeps the images and scenes out of my dreams. i recently tried a canna fast, but stopped because my mind literally will not let me fall asleep w/out. one strain i have found not only lets me sleep but produces the kind of dreams we all like...p91. wish i knew what it was about her that does that...ive crossed her to some other strains..see if i can lighten the stone but keep the sleep/dream aspect...sorry for the long rant, slow day at work:joint:


Active member
So true.. When I got arrested I got sent to jail for 3 weeks cause I failed my first drug court and had to quit smoking for about 6 months starting when I was in jail obviously.. Those first 2 or so weeks in jail when I went to sleep I had the craziest, most vivid, most intense dreams I ever remember!! My dreams were pretty vivid until I got into blazing again about a month ago. Now sometimes I don't even remember my dreams like before...

That's why a smoke break is great once in awhile! Your brain cells repair themselves when you quit smoking for a while and you can tell, dreams are just part of it. I need to quit smoking for a bit once in awhile to clear my head and really think about things sometimes :D


Active member
but after smoking all day eveyday for years it sucks pretty bad waking up behind bars in a cell when your dreams were just so vivid and real that you thought you were on a tropical island with waterfalls on the beach smoking blunts and wake up in jail :tdown:


Maybe you just forgot how regular dreaming was like, and it seems that much more real.

Totally possible.

I think there is a bit of "catching up" that occurs though. Like the first night, I had 4 totally different dreams. They were all very vivid and at the time I remembered them very well (I've smoked a little since then).

Last night I had a dream I was back in high school band. One of my recurring themes. I barely remember it this morning, and wasn't able to realize i was dreaming, so...no lucid adventures.

I didn't smoke yesterday and i don't plan on it today...i'm trying to save it for the weekends. So maybe i'll have a killer opportunity tonight to try and explore.

Thanks everyone for chiming in on this thread, i thought it had been discussed a thousand times and all i would get is "old thread...already been discussed..."



didnt smoke for one night and had a mental dream, cant remember it, but it was very vivid.