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Smoke Break = Crazy Dreaming?


In addition to the REM rebound effect causing increased dreaming, most people probably sleep more lightly right after they quit mj, causing them to remember dreams more clearly. I always sleep lightly and wake up more frequently for about a week after I quit. My dreams are generally frequent and vivid though, whether I smoke or not. I suspect that most people dream, but many don't remember their dreams, especially if their REM cycles are being reduced by hypnotics and such. Dream memories are subtle and fragile, and are easily lost in the 'louder' waking mind.

I love to explore the dream world so I always make it a point to remember my dreams. Do any of you lucid dream?
Exploring dreams is a keen interest of mine too. Keeping a dream journal has greatly increased my memory of dreams. As a side effect, the improved dream recall causes me to have frequent lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are incredible and fun. Wide awake in a dream! I can decide to wander around and explore the dreamscape, chat with people who show up, stand directly in front of speeding cars (they can't hurt me haha) :) and generally enjoy life in this alternate universe.

Lucid dreams generally require a trigger to realize that one is dreaming. My most common trigger is to be in a dream, and then to suddenly remember another dream from the past. Remembering that other dream causes a flash realization that I'm dreaming again. This is how the dream journal helps me to trigger lucid dreams. But there are lots of different triggers, and various techniques to induce triggers (e.g. periodic 'reality checks' while awake). There is plenty of information about this on the net.

What I have discovered in my dream exploration is that dreams are like a completely separate life, full of possibilities which don't exist in waking life. This helps us to look at situations from different perspectives. I believe that dreams also allow some relief of pent-up emotions. Which can cause nightmares if fears or worries manifest. Recognizing recurring nightmares as dreams, and facing the fear (knowing it's just a dream) has eliminated the few that I used to have. The dream journal was helpful there.

Oops hope I didn't jack the thread, cheers..


I fell asleep watching a documentary about animal abuse at a pig farm on HBO last nite.

Then I dreamed the pig farmers were after me, and then I dreamt I was pregnant with pigs!

I smoked like a bandit before going to bed... I think I will continue too, so I don't have any more nightmares like that! :biglaugh:


when im smoking heavily i'll have maybe 1-2 dreams per month which are very hazy, after about the 4th day of a break i'll start getting about 3-6 crazy intense dreams every night which i can vividly remember... melatonin and lecithin supplements whilst smoking heavily seems to give me a greater number of dreams than normal, i also seem to have alot of control over the dreams i have after taking 1mg melatonin and 500mg lecithin

another weird thing that happens to me is even though i can remember my dreams clearly i will have incredible difficulty describing them properly with words, i can think and imagine exactly what the dream was like but as soon as i try to articulate what happened i just go blank

Cookie monster

In my experience the vivid dreams or the horrors as i call them usually start around a week into the break and they fade to more normal dreams after a week or 2.

It's not the dreams that bother me it's when i wake up and the dream seems like reallity.

Once in the early morning the ex found me at the window peeping out the blinds in a total panic about aliens invaders rounding up humans.

The other horror that springs to mind is having dreamt that some guys were robbing my power tools i lept out of bed grabbed a steel baton and ran to the sheds ready to beat them to death, that one scared me when i woke up fully at the sheds and realised a dream had led me to run into the garden with a weapon intending to kill.

As much as i hate those dreams i feel they are probably good for me in some way
Man I am so glad I saw this thread!! I have talking about the effect taking a break from smoking has on dreams within my stoner circles for a long time now!

I never dream, or can remember dreaming, if I am in my normal routine of smoking, least once a day. And as soon as I take a day off, that night I'll be in for a WILD ride. Sometimes thats the best part of stopping for me. My dreams beat any of the greatest movies I've ever seen, both in plot and visual quality.

I've dreamed in comedy where a ben stiller type satan sends his david spade type son (of satan) into the world and the only way to kill him is by hitting him with a cheese curl from a legally purchased bag of cheese curls. The final scene takes places in a grocery store. I won't give away the ending in case someone else has this dream as well..

The other memorable one was a thriller where my friend and I accidentally destroy some trees of this deranged subhuman being who appears to be this terror but in reality he just wants to grow his trees in peace (as do we all...). He had a swirled iris in one eye, was really scary looking, but turned out to be a good guy.

So yea, I miss dreaming, but I miss toking more.


Ive been consuming daily, specially at night for the last ~6 years.
I recently had to take a break due to some anxyety symptoms triggered by powerfull milky sativas, and wow... talk about vivid dreams.
One thing... i allways remember the dreams, so this is having an impact on how i feel at least half of the day.

One month has passed and im still dreaming a lot every day, but not with the same intensity as before when there was this rushed mix of situations and emotions.

I just feel like there's all this brain input that i've made throw all these years that didnt get processed while i was sleeping stoned.
Because i allways tend to remember dreams, I can clearly see my brain kinda processing a lot of old stuff and slowly calming it self with more recent inputs. Not that linear off couse, and allways with a hint of my fears, expectations and so on...

Maybe thats what caused the anxyety in the first place, not letting the subconcious manifest itself for all this time.
Im expanding the break till i feel its all "processed", even if it takes another month or 2. :D


when i quit smoking and started taking my pain killers i had horrible nightmares i quit taking them and started smoking again soon lol,,,peace


it depends for me...if im busted out of my head knocked out, i wont probably have any dreams.

but if im high, and just go to sleep on my own accord, my dreams can be small/minimal or outright vivid/realistic..

2 nights ago i believed i owned a Lamborghini for about 5 minutes after i woke up...it was that real...


you know what really sucks? running out of weed and dreaming about someone giving you a QP it seems so real until you wake up and see no weed on the table...


Paint Your DreamStrain
Me too. I love to explore the dream world so I always make it a point to remember my dreams. Do any of you lucid dream?

I've had some amazing lucid dreams. One particular I recall, I realized I was dreaming when I was outside of a school (typical dream scene for anybody and everybody). To the right of this school was an incredibly vast field of grass and plants, beautiful dusky navy blue sky, just all around dope dream scenery. Anyway, to the lucid part, when I realized I was dreaming, the first thing I thought of was trying to fly. The thing is, even though it was a dream, you know, limitless possibility, I was failing at flying. Then it hit me... I can't just spontaneously hover, I need to get a run start! What I didn't realize in the dream, is that I mocked the exact same mechanic as, lik, da best game ever:


Everything from the run and jump take-off, to the flying mechanic, was like Super Mario 64. My dream required that I refer to a "known way to fly", instead of just up'n'flyin'. It may not sound like much on paper, but I woke up that morning feeling fulfilled and downright dope.

On the flipside, I have some more negative lucid dreaming shit to cover, but I'll save that for another post, as I know long posts can be a turn off (it was for me at one time).
Wow, you definitely hit a nerve here. That's one of the many reasons I haven't quit. Every time I don't smoke for a couple days I have very vivid dreams that usually freak me out. That is, assuming I fall asleep at some point. That's tough w/o smoking.
Also, I have no appetite w/o smoking. If I quit right now I would lose ten pounds in the next week. I'm not kidding, I throw up and can't eat more than a few bites. I actually get that sick feeling after like 1 day w/o smoking.
People that say weed isn't physically addictive are wrong.
I actually found this thread looking for a way to quit...


I actually found this thread looking for a way to quit...

have you tried easing off of it? How much do you smoke per day? Cut it down to 75% for a couple weeks and see how it goes. If it's ok, cut back to 50% and so on.

How are your eating habits when high? Do you eat healthy? Do you drink enough water everyday? I find I need at least a gallon a day to function normally.

Best of luck mate.


PS - super Mario land on gameboy was THE SHIT!
have you tried easing off of it? How much do you smoke per day? Cut it down to 75% for a couple weeks and see how it goes. If it's ok, cut back to 50% and so on.

How are your eating habits when high? Do you eat healthy? Do you drink enough water everyday? I find I need at least a gallon a day to function normally.

Best of luck mate.


PS - super Mario land on gameboy was THE SHIT!

I couldn't say how much I smoke, but probably 1.5 ounces/month or so. I work at home, so there's no limit to how much/often I toke up.
I need to get my shit together, and it's not going to happen smoking every day.
I would have quit long ago if I weren't growing :D I actually just finished trimming...doh!


I need to get my shit together, and it's not going to happen smoking every day.
I would have quit long ago if I weren't growing :D I actually just finished trimming...doh!

My man. I feel you on that. My wife and I had the exact same conversation last week. And it wasn't the first time.


Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
hi skeet

been on the wagon for two months and the dreams are getting crazy


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Active member
thats weird.. im a serious dreamer here. and i smoke everday all day .. have for about 4 yearss now and i always have way intense dreams and always remember umm..
sometimes there to real feeling. about me growing and having to run from cops and shitt. haha
fuckin dreams! i love um


Well last night I dreamed that George Costanza was pulled over by the police and started speaking fluent Spanish to the officer who was questioning him about stealing fried chicken from a grocery store and why the back of his car was flooded with water, so I would say "yes"