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Smoke Break = Crazy Dreaming?



I've been smoking weed for about 12 years now. Daily smoker for the last 3 years. I haven't had/remembered a dream in I don't know how long.

I have been taking a break from smoking for just about a week now and every night i have the most vivid, intense, fuck up your day dreams.

anyone else ever feel this?

just wonderin...


Active member
last year I visited China for a month and had the most vivid dreams I can ever remember having.It was my first break from herb for 30/35 years. China was a great place to experience though.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya my freind said the same thing (about more intense dreams when he doesn't smoke). havent took a break in a while so I cant attest to it....Funny thing is though, I smoke before I go to sleep all the time and I still get crazy ass intense dreams....hmmm wonder why


Active member
Yup, it's nicknamed the 'REM rebound effect' (Feinberg, et al. (1975). Basically THC decreases our ability for REM (dream stage) sleep, so when a person no longer takes in THC, the REM stage overcompensates.

Melatonin helps alot with THC's reduction on REM sleep...can go to sleep blazed and still have vivid, memorable dreams.


Yup, it's nicknamed the 'REM rebound effect' (Feinberg, et al. (1975). Basically THC decreases our ability for REM (dream stage) sleep, so when a person no longer takes in THC, the REM stage overcompensates.

Melatonin helps alot with THC's reduction on REM sleep...can go to sleep blazed and still have vivid, memorable dreams.

Cool info. thanks man!

Last night I had a dream I was being chased by this guy with syringes and a baseball bat. I got in my front door but he caught up before i could close the door. I tried to kick him and i actually kicked in bed. My wife woke up and asked if i fell out of bed. crazy shit!


daddy fingaz

Active member
Yup, it's nicknamed the 'REM rebound effect' (Feinberg, et al. (1975). Basically THC decreases our ability for REM (dream stage) sleep, so when a person no longer takes in THC, the REM stage overcompensates.

Melatonin helps alot with THC's reduction on REM sleep...can go to sleep blazed and still have vivid, memorable dreams.

Intersting Sleestak !

Ive always wondered if this is one of the causes of memory loss when smoking.
dreaming being a possible way that your brain 'sorts' out information etc it has been taking in when your awake through the day and commiting it to 'memory',
because thc affects rem sleep it stops this process and damages our..what was it...oh yeah, memory!

of couse this could be old news or i could be well off the mark!!?!


Funny thing is though, I smoke before I go to sleep all the time and I still get crazy ass intense dreams....hmmm wonder why

Me too. I love to explore the dream world so I always make it a point to remember my dreams. Do any of you lucid dream?


Active member
Ive always wondered if this is one of the causes of memory loss when smoking.
dreaming being a possible way that your brain 'sorts' out information etc it has been taking in when your awake through the day and commiting it to 'memory',
because thc affects rem sleep it stops this process and damages our..what was it...oh yeah, memory!

Definitely think you're on target there. REM is supposedly very integral to memory and memory processing, so it follows that inhibiting REM sleep would inhibit memory.

I definitely fall into the no dreams/can't remember camp. Doesn't bother me much as when I do dream I always seem to be fighting off a never-ending army of zombies :yoinks:

James Morrison

meletonin messer upper lol

hell yeah man i stopped about two or three years ago for a few months for spiritual purposes, I remember having the most vivid dreams, like eveery single night all night long. ....and like being a everyday all day smoker again, i dont remember any ever lol


this doesnt happen to me actually..... when taking breaks i have problems falling asleep but i dont remember what i dream about..


i just took a couple days off because I was sick, and I had some crazy ass dreams that felt so real that they stayed with me after I woke up...but I figured it was the nyquil giving me crazy ass dreams hah


I'm completely opposite. Can't sleep when I don't smoke, therefore no dreams. But when I do (99.9999% of the time) I have very vivid detailed dreams and remember at least 2-3 of them when I wake up. When I was younger I used to write them down in a tablet the next morning. Lately it seems I have the same 6 dreams over and over, with subtle parts of them interchanged.


Do any of you lucid dream?

I've wondered about this for a while. Usually when i realize i'm dreaming, i wake up shortly after. I tried Salvia recently, i didn't trip hard like i've heard others do, but it was like a waking dream i could participate in...

Lately it seems I have the same 6 dreams over and over, with subtle parts of them interchanged.

For real! All my dreams have common threads (when i have them).

- I'm running through a rough neighborhood trying to find my house, when i do there are people from the neighborhood on my porch and in the house. sometimes it's a fun party, sometimes i try to kick them all out.

- I'm living back with my parents, growing weed in their home, and they've found it and destroyed it.

- I'm in "my house" but it isn't my house. It's some large, antique house with hidden, elaborate rooms, scary basements and attics, etc.

- I'm my current age, but i find myself back in high school band, late for practice/concert/parade, but i haven't been there in years so i don't know what to do or play...

- I'm driving, but i can't see, it's a snow storm or something. I try to stop the car but it keeps moving.

Within those themes i usually:

- lose my teeth

- have some sort of sex

- see 3 or 4 specific people from my past, each time with similar reactions

Those are the main themes of my dreams.


anyone else care to share theirs?

This thread is more fun than i thought it was gonna be.


I've wondered about this for a while. Usually when i realize i'm dreaming, i wake up shortly after. I tried Salvia recently, i didn't trip hard like i've heard others do, but it was like a waking dream i could participate in...

I lucid dream on average about once a week. There are plenty tricks of the trade to becoming, and remaining, lucid within a dream. Unfortunately, once many people realize they are dreaming, they get so excited, which causes the dream to end, or shift to a different sleeping dream scene. One trick I use to keep the lucid dream stable is to do a little spin around. This spin acts to calm the dreamer down and allow him to focus on whatever it may be that he wants to try or experience in the dream world.

I see many of you have the same dream/types of dreams over and over again. In this case, your dreams are trying to tell you (teach you) something! And if you would just listen, then most likely the recurring dreams/themes would give way to new and exploratory-type dreams. For example, if you have dreams about being chased or experiencing fear- the next time you feel that feeling ask yourself is this a dream? Then, once you know you’re not seriously being chased by real life pigs/monsters/who knows what, then TURN AROUND and face your attacker! If you keep on running from what your dream is trying to teach you, then you will never learn the lesson- and you will most likely be plagued by scary-people-chasing-you dreams until you decide to face the fear.

It saddens me that most people do not know of the benefits that being a dreamer can bring. I have learned an awful lot through my lucid dreams- about myself, spirituality, the world- everything! Being able to do whatever your heart desires- without consequence- is absolutely enthralling. Yes, this means have sex with who/whatever you want, being able to fly, teleport, seek unknown answers, the list is endless! It is akin to the program in that movie The Matrix - where you can practice real life situations without ever physically being there. I feel really bad for people who do not believe me that lucid dreaming is as real, if not more real, than anything in waking reality. If you learn to control your dreams, you learn to control your life.

If anyone is interested in this subject, I know a hell of a lot! Just ask. =)


I'm beginning to see the light FREEwoman!

I've struggled with a lot of internal feelings and hurdles. Deep seeded things that cause me anguish, but i don't know how to bring them to the surface to deal with. I had read a lot of studies about psychedelics being able to help bring things out quickly, which is why i had recently pursued salvia. I read about how the mazatecs had used it in healing spiritual rituals and recently it was studied as an alternative to lengthy psychotherapy.

Having these crazy dreams the last week has awakened all sorts of feelings i had all but forgotten. perhaps looking deeper into this dream world is a much easier route to go down than experimenting with psychedelics.

Although i do want to do some killer shrooms for fun...

I would love to talk with you more about this stuff...
maybe in this thread or through PMs...

let me know!



Active member
well i stopped smoking for 4-5 months this year and I noticed that when i didnt blaze up i dreamed every nite and when i do smoke i hardly ever dream.