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Smart Meters?


My state is switching to smart meters over the next 2 years. My question is when does it make sense to have 2 flower rooms (no power spike) How many watts? Currently running 1600 watts in a 3 bedroom house. When I get a smart meter do I need to change things to 2 rooms 800 a piece? Often u guys determine how many lights by the number of rooms. But homes are being built smaller my house is only 1800 square feet but 3 bedrooms.


Active member
I don't think it matters. If I understand it correctly they can tell exactly what's drawing the power as it's being used. Not sure how.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I don't think it matters. If I understand it correctly they can tell exactly what's drawing the power as it's being used. Not sure how.

I dont believe thats correct. From my understanding they are installing smart meters so that they can more accuartely measure electrical consumption, thereby either charging you more or less for your use depending on time of day and season.

This is a way to charge people more money for using electricity and force many to conserve energy until off peak consumption. That way they can get more money without generating or purchasing energy.

Thats big business for ya. How much MORE can I make. Fuck everyone else.

Exactly the reason I will be voting AGAINST meg whitman come november....


Active member
I sam a picture of an rTA screen that had a bunch of different Sign waves on it ant they corelated to different appliances turning on. They each had a different pattern. I think the article is in the news section here. It's prolly like 6-9 months old I'll see if I can find it.


Huge, Yes it is possible to detect the type of device that is being powered, but the question remains "do they actually care". Don't forget there are people who have HID lights for aquariums and other legal purposes.


And if they ever do care about identifying the "appliance signatures", a nice isolation transformer (1:1 voltage ratio) will muddy the waters nicely. (You'll never know what was on the other side of the isolation transformer from the power company side of the meter)

I suspect that most of the so-called smart meters are just being installed to reduce the cost of labor and the error rate for meter reading.

In this area, they power company is buying the cheapest possible "smart meters". So my power company isn't interested in the time-of-day usage (no options to bill that way at present), just the total kilowatt-hours for that bill. It's all about maximizing profits and minimizing expenses.



Power Armor rules
Smart meters are also being installed to help with the increasing number of installations of grid tied solar and wind powered systems. As for the big brother issue or it, well, only time will tell on that.


emerald city

And if they ever do care about identifying the "appliance signatures", a nice isolation transformer (1:1 voltage ratio) will muddy the waters nicely. (You'll never know what was on the other side of the isolation transformer from the power company side of the meter)

I suspect that most of the so-called smart meters are just being installed to reduce the cost of labor and the error rate for meter reading.

In this area, they power company is buying the cheapest possible "smart meters". So my power company isn't interested in the time-of-day usage (no options to bill that way at present), just the total kilowatt-hours for that bill. It's all about maximizing profits and minimizing expenses.

Just spoke for over an hour with our meter reader.He is also the son of one of the local power companys upper managment leaders....We were told our system is in the process of changing over the software needed to use the new"smart meter" technoledgy...I asked if how this will affect customers and was told ,the people who will feel the change the most are the meter readers who will lose thier jobs....As a for profit company central maine power will get a better return for the stock holders.....He did say that the issue of diversion of power would be another added benifit of the new system...There was talk of the ability to track consumption patterns so power grids could be better managed........My take was as long as your bill is paid "CMP" could care less what goes on past the meter,just dont steal......Also;in my state"maine" circumstantial evidence such as a high power bill,or buying growing supplies,doesnt give the popo probable cause enough to get a warrent from a judge..You'd need someone to put in on paper[sworn statement]attesting to seeing you,break the law.THEN they might check your power bills etc.....:) sorry if ive rambled...E.C


i have heard that they will be able to cut power in your house during times of high consumption ,with your permission. meaning that if grid is to the limit during peak times they can maybe cut your power to the refridge,or other smart appliances that are hitting the market. just for short periods of time ,they will not leave it off long enough to spoil your food.


My state will slowly be changing over to smart meters and they have a voluntary program to install a device on your central AC unit that will limit how often it cycles on/off during the peak summer months. Fuck that, I hate being hot and ain't no way I'm letting someone else control my AC.



Active member
Have your flowering running at night and they will like you!! I can't comment on all the security issues but if you do have a smart meter and your big draw is as at night you should atleast save some cash.


Have your flowering running at night and they will like you!! I can't comment on all the security issues but if you do have a smart meter and your big draw is as at night you should atleast save some cash.

In some states it does not matter what time of day or night you consume electricity. Here in California they are on a tiered system. You pay so much per kilowatt hour, when you go over a certain amount of kw's your rate goes up.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
"IF" you purchase "Smart" appliances; you can look at a graph audit on your bill and determine which appliances are costing more or running during peak hours.

Another downside is that many of the new digital ballasts and timers are "smart"...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
stress: what do u mean by downside, regarding new digi ballasts?

Well it is my understanding that digital ballasts can be audited to determine efficiency. I saw a doc about those huge hot houses where they grow acres of veggies indoors. They have a system that monitors each ballast/bank of ballasts/acre etc etc... So when a ballast is being over driven or whatever, going bad, they can fix it.
Anyway my point is that the new smart digital ballasts have an ID chip in then that can be used to monitor and control them.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
The main reasons for smart meters are:
To monitor GRID activity more accurately
To stop the diversion (stealing) of power

They are fucking expensive, many a program has stopped midway due to cost overruns.

Purple Monster

had smart meters for a long time here, they use them for notification of power outages mostly.