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Skunkman Sam's Secret Dry Sift 2009



Like I said in my earlier post, I think sam is BOUNCING the herb on multiple screens of different sizes with the top covered so the trichome heads don't float away.

To me bouncing the herb lightly instead of dragging the herb will create clean extraction of heads because no trichome stalks and plant fibers will break into pieces to dilute the extraction and the heads will stay intact.

When you do this over multiple screens you will have an even more clean extraction of just trichomes heads but the amount will be small because some will be left with the green and it would take a long time to do it. This is why I say the secret is BOUNCING the herb lightly on multiple size screens.


There we go that's more along the lines. I never reuse, not saying that the second is not good, just this is la creame. I'd like to get a purity test comparison on this just to see, cause yum yum.

And I like 'O.S. Hash' better cause it does not sound like 'carnitas' which is some really good Mexican food, and whenever i smoke hash I really, really try not to think about food.:bandit::D

Ok, how about C.S. Hash?! Agreed?
In your honor if it's ok with you.


Here's an idea I just thought of....(aided here by wonderful effects of some dry sifted Cindy x Zamal)..that might be how Sam makes his 99.9999% dry sift?

A sheet of metal with thousands of depressions formed in it in the shape of a half sphere, the size and depth of the depressions matched to the desired trichome diameter (though, just a little bit bigger). Small amounts at a time of crude farmer's hash (rough dry sifted cannabis) could be sprinkled &/or vibrated on the surface of the sheet metal (the sheet could be positioned flat or on an angle), then the right amount of forced air (from the side? eg at a height of 20 degrees?) &/or gravity &/or vibration other method is used to separate the trics that fit in the depressions from the rest of the rough dry sift.

Once the crude dry sift has been removed from the sheet, all the depressions will be filled with a trichome (resin head). The sheet could be then upturned over a clean area and the trichomes that fit in the depressions can be tapped out/removed...then another handful of the crude dry sift is placed on the sheet and agitated so the trichomes fit in the concave depressions again.

I think the right amount of air pressure or other force or action) in the right direction would remove the crude dry sift and the dust and other crap on the sheet and also in the depressions while the resin heads, being heavier and rounder remain in the depressions..

While a sheet of metal produced with the perfect half ball shaped holes would be hard to find,...another way to approximate it would be to have a plain sheet of metal with a fine mesh (stainless steel or synthetic) attached to it?? (hmmmm maybe not??).

Another way to approximate the sheet with depressions would be to drill fine holes in a sheet of metal and attach/bond it to another sheet without holes (creating depressions)...another would be to use lines (trenches) instead of individual depressions, etched in the sheet metal, these lines could be as short as several mm in length or much longer (whatever works).

This method, if it worked, would be fairly low tech, simple, low yielding, able to automated fairly easily and could be made with crude farmer's hash ..it seems to have all the criteria of your own method that you've suggested and hinted at (and taking in account those you have dismissed) in the several threads in the past few years here at icmag that are devoted to your dry sift method.

so how about it Sam, is this your 99.99999999999% dry sift method?

and as mentioned in another post above, why not Patent the process Sam?, if it's patentable that is?...and as you mentioned previously you already have several cannabis related Patents already granted, so why isn't this process Patented? seems silly not to...
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yeah anyone else want to contribute something... like actual work they've done to make hash?
i guess i can.... i used three screens to clean my resin up> Simple method of taking plant matter and breaking it gently over a screen.> Collecting that resein and than seperating it out with a few more screen from my bubblebox...
Im sure some of you have seen this instructions on my page or in a thread i did some years ago... but seeing as no one added anything but words into this thread.. and its getting a bit aggresive , i figured i'd throw up some more pics... I got this dry sift to melt.. but unfortunately never got any macro shots of it.. Had i taken some shots i can almost guarantee the contamination would have been at least 20%... behind Sams.

anyway here is the photo essay with screen sizes posted in both lines per inch ie LPI as well as µ .

the proces is fairly simple... what we are doing is extracting the resin in a very contaminated way. The resin will be at least 75% or more contaminant under the first screen. what i like to do then is seperate out two sizes of heads on the additional two botton screens. and then clean each one up seperately on the botton screen using the card technique. Very simple and very slow.. and basicaly no fun at all lol. H owever with some patience you can push thru the non gland plant matter ie cystolith hairs and capitate stalks etc... You will find these on your botton plate.. and they have the texture of talcum powder> non resinous plant contaminant that was in your dry sift. Is no more....
I took a few hits of this just cause i couldnt believe it wasnt active.. and i assure you hitting a piece of the sunday paper will be about as enjoyable.

anyway as you can see my final product does indeed melt.. but it is eons away from sam's quality... My two cents.. anyone want to add a photo essay please do...















Bubble man

May I ask? was that bubble box made for you or did you purchase it?

Great photos by the way!



fuck the ticket, bought the ride
He sells those bubble boxes. I've always wanted one. They look really nice and look to have good craftsmanship. I'm curious how dirty those screens get and if you can clean them. Also curious how much herb he had to grind to collect that much resin. Super cool tho, and I dig the lock.


yes, the Bubble box is one of Bubbleman's products...I've got one too!, with the right technique you can produce very clean dry sift.

I've also got one of Gypsy Nirvana's dual screen frame stash boxes....this is really more of a smoker's box that has two screen frames as there is a side compartment for your gear....but the hash you can produce with it is excellent. not quite as good as three meshes, but still makes blond "Playdough"


do yourself a favor and buy yourself one for Xmas.

Alcohol washes away the dust and other crap as well dissolves the smudged or trapped resin. To clean synthetic meshes use compressed air or for a more thorough job use a small (clean) paint brush and "paint" alcohol over the screens (that is placed over a dish to catch the dripping alcohol) and while it is still damp use compressed air too if you like or just tap the frame on a hard surface when done...naturally, remove the frames from that pretty box first as alcohol would damage the exterior finish. Btw alcohol doesn't affect the pine wood frame, the mesh or glue used to attach the mesh to the frame.

Use a magnifying glass to make sure you have really removed all the fibers and other crap that was partially blocking the mesh holes.

also, to prevent your screen from being clogged it's best to process dry and aged material, not plants that were picked last week, as even though the plant material is dry, the resin attached to it will not be, so some will get smudged on the mesh.

use a magnifying glass....what you see (before, during and after) will make you a better hasher.
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Years ago I tried a Van de Graaff generator, I ended up with resin all over the room, so be careful if the resin used is very good, it will go flying in every direction. Try a little bit first as it will be gone, all over the room.



Active member
Years ago I tried a Van de Graaff generator, I ended up with resin all over the room, so be careful if the resin used is very good, it will go flying in every direction. Try a little bit first as it will be gone, all over the room.


Hmm.. i was thinking 'static' as in it would stick - guess not.

Soooo.. if it really repels resin glands that strongly maybe put wand w/ trim inside an all mesh 150u bag, then put a collection bag around everything, and turn it on and watch the resin fly through the mesh bag like it was anti-gravity... gentle invisible winds blowing heads through the mesh. No sift friction, no water saturation. Just an invisible force floating unscathed heads. Sounds silly.. but I'll try (almost) anything once in the name of science.


High Class Grass
Whatever the method might be, im sure its really simple. Sam invented this method 20+ years ago, by himself, so i find it hard to believe that it requires a complex apparatus to extract the resin heads. I have a feeling that when/if we will ever know, well smack ourselves for not guessing it much sooner...that being said....i dont see why this method is so eagerly in demand....not exactly cost effective eh? Very few ppl have the means to produce a decent amount of 99.9999999999999% pure sift, and i believe that 99.99999999999999% of the ppl that do have the amount of material would never choose to make the Sam-style sift opposed to making lots more of hash which will still be high quality......

Stay Safe


My brother used to make humidors for a living, the bubble box is simply a humidor with screens added.
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So there Sam is..... sitting in a motel in Africa with a brick of Nairobi bung hole weed. The vibrating pleasure bed was a novelty at the time and Sam was lookin to get his phreak on with some local lovelies....

All of a sudden one of the mirrors on the ceiling (yeah he gets down like that) falls on to the vibrating bed. Sam was so amazed the mirror didn't kill him or even break for that matter. He jumped off the bed and his arm hit the brick of bung and it strangely landed on a set of keif screens laying on the mirror.

By the time Sam regained his composure he found that the vibrating bed from Kenya had seived the highest quality hash the world has ever know. Sam immediately had the bed shipped back to the states where he perfected the method!

Only problem is it's hard to get a patent on a syphilis filled african vibrating bed hash sorter and shipping is really expensive.

Lol at least that's how I pictured it in my head Sam..... If that's how it went down I wouldn't tell anyone either hahahaha



Active member
So there Sam is..... sitting in a motel in Africa with a brick of Nairobi bung hole weed. The vibrating pleasure bed was a novelty at the time and Sam was lookin to get his phreak on with some local lovelies....

All of a sudden one of the mirrors on the ceiling (yeah he gets down like that) falls on to the vibrating bed. Sam was so amazed the mirror didn't kill him or even break for that matter. He jumped off the bed and his arm hit the brick of bung and it strangely landed on a set of keif screens laying on the mirror.

By the time Sam regained his composure he found that the vibrating bed from Kenya had seived the highest quality hash the world has ever know. Sam immediately had the bed shipped back to the states where he perfected the method!

Only problem is it's hard to get a patent on a syphilis filled african vibrating bed hash sorter and shipping is really expensive.

Lol at least that's how I pictured it in my head Sam..... If that's how it went down I wouldn't tell anyone either hahahaha


Done, mystery solved, no need for anyone to pleasure themselves anymore in this thread by insulting others, time to find another thread to wank on.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...I was thinking of it along the lines of ....I was in this tetse fly infested hut, up the Orinoco.......and I had a few pounds of the local erb'......then this great idea came to me concerning a fridge and various other items .....to produce something REAL special....

Green Supreme

Gypsy ya big tease, that's almost as vague as Sam's method lol. Thanks folks for upping the tone this thread was getting depressing. Peace GS

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