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Skunkman Sam's Secret Dry Sift 2009


stoned agin ...
is it just me or do the resin heads in the picture look not only clean, but exceptionally uniform in size?


Active member
I find if you reread what you've written while on the internet... it never quite has the same vibe to it as you thought it would when your first wrote it...

i can say this ganja din..

your quote

' I've said this a few times: I could care less what sams supposed "secret" is, or where/whom he got it from. I have no dog on this fight,"

If this is true.. then why do you continue to try and figure it out.. and continue to post in the thread? if you have no dog in this fight... or any care for sams secret.. why post in a thread called SKUNKMAN SAMS SECRET DRY SIFT?

i have no battle here either.. i really just wanted to start a discussion on what others are currently doing to make their dry sift.. and maybe uncover some cool new idea's that we can all share in.
Thus my photo essay of the screening method...

Lets try to keep this post going guys... i know its hard to put ego's aside and actualy post helpful information... but lets all try..
Here i will start...

I have done a few static electricity methods of cleaning resin and found it to be fairly effective in cleaning certain contaminants and less efficient in cleaning others..
I have used the static from a ballon to wave over my screened resin .. as well as an Old TV flipped upside down and hovered over the same screen.
We even charged our frame of a 4 x 4 foot screen ( metal frame) and plexglass underneath to catch the resin.
What h appened was the static in the frame created a pattern on the plexiglass. and all the heads fell into a mtn and the contaminant moved around the mtns in a circular fashion about a quarter of an inch from the mtns. This produced some nice melty hash.. and i didnt have my macro lens.. but i can tell you the melt factor was nite and day to sams..> Sams dry sift melts into a liquid and drips thru.. I dont know how to explain this to people who havent smoked it.. but the melt factor on his dry sift is more like water and less like wax...

anyway my two cents again... lets keep it positive ok...
Sam does NOT have to defend himself again this....

His hash method may not seem commercialy viable to some of you.. but to me... THE HOLY GRAIL OF HASH.. will always have a value to SMOKERS>...

Bubble man

ps leave you with another photos.. this thread seems to be lacking them...



Well-known member
@ Kaneh

I had thought about collaborating with sam but not now. He's an egomaniac. If I saw him in person I would laugh in his face, I have no respect for him after how he acted in this thread.

Sometime it is BETTER to be thought a Fool
"ganja din"
than to press
and remove ALL doubt
Be off with you..Sir




The resin was DNA seeds Sleestack.
The reason I like Sleestack is because of it's resin traits, specifically how easy it is to extract the crude dry sift, faster and more, then almost anything besides Skunk #1, that is why I crossed Sleestack X Skunk #1 looking for the ultimate resin maker.
Sleestack also has an up high that is real nice for daytime smoking during work. My hope is that the Sleestack X Skunk #1 will be better then either parent for dry sift production. They are being grown right now.
You can ask DNA seeds for info.
I will be working on creating varieties for resin production, this is amongst my first effort.

PS I could of cleaned up Skunk #1 to this level of 100% heads, or almost any other variety, I just happened to use Sleestack because of its ease of extraction.

With many new strains being developed...and large pharma players now involved...isint synergistic interactions between cannabiniod amounts within the glandhead structures that produce desired outcomes?

and with other artificial tricomb inducing methods that enhance the most from a strain for resin production lead to making a larger yield ?

in the future will a phenotype that produces an skunk road kill smell be in the works?

or because yield with crosses be made just to increase the dried material?

Green Supreme

Sweet Skunk sieve, bulk screening. Peace

ps. pics by Trichomefarmer


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ICMag Donor
@ Kaneh

I had thought about collaborating with sam but not now. He's an egomaniac. If I saw him in person I would laugh in his face, I have no respect for him after how he acted in this thread.

^^^ this is a horrible post,,,you sound angry bro,,,,

what if sam did invented the tech,,,,,,,your showin no respect in the first place bro,,,,,,

ganja din


Damn, sams got a whole team of white knights! That is sad and limits the growth of knowledge when people blast those who question...I'm not a sheep like the rest of sams flock at Icmag.

The ONLY reason sam thinks he has to defend himself is his ego. That post I made which got his panties in a bunch was not what he inferred it as. HE'S the one who keeps trying to argue NOT ME! I haven't posted in days, yet still you guys talk about it.

I don't care about his method, I am posting in this thread to HELP OTHERS, something sam seems reluctant to do...

I could care less if sam did come up with the method, or if he got it from a different source. My point is WHY should I take his word at face value? I am a scientist, thus I don't believe it until I see some proof or evidence. I'm glad you guys eat anything that's handed to you. I on the other hand wait to make up my mind. I don't know sam, so why should I take his word without any kind of verification????

I would love to see sam pull the "its a secret but trust me, you don't need to know facts, take my word on it" attitude with scientists such as myself! He would be either laughed, or pushed out of the room.

I am baffled why sam cares so much about me, and my posts. If I'm such a flea, and so incorrect why doesn't he ignore me? He's the one cursing in his posts to me, filled with venom.

Pssst, here's a secret: sam isn't the be all, end all.

And if any of you guys care to notice, sam is the aggressor, NOT ME. He can't let it go until I bend to his superiority (I'm a "flea", remember?), which will never happen. Sam and I are peers, this too I think bothers him. Sam has called me lots of names, and yet no one is bitching at him, odd no? I have not called him a single name in public, save that's he's acting like a child.

Don't you guys notice who keeps bringing it up with the same response (from me) each time? The definition of insanity can be one who repeatedly does the same thing while expecting different result...

Once any of you guys spend as much time researching cannabis as I do, and know as much as I do (said WITHOUT arrogance, its a simple fact) you may see things a bit differently...

ganja din

@ hooserdaddy,

So sam calling me a "flea" is respectful? And all the other names he called me? I guess what's good for the gander isn't necessarily good for the goose, eh?

There is such a huge double standard about me and sam. Why is that?

And IMO sam crossed a line, especially with his PMs he's been sending me. Its neat he acts on way in public, and another on private. But why would you care, sam right, I'm wrong, nuff' said.

This is why I don't like ICMAG, everyone has to be a white knight. Why are ANY OF YOU except sam posting about sam and I? Nosy much?

ganja din


I was and still am not one who likes sam. I was perfectly polite and respectful to everyone. Not until sam blew up did I loose respect for him. And yes, I would laugh in his face. Respect isn't freely given, its earned...

Ps. That lame PM you sent me was dumb. was it really worth the effort? (Defriended)


"I need a signature"

Here's a suggestion "wanted : a cure for verbal diarrhea"?

ganja din

Another worthy post! That is exactly why i don't like dealing with non-scientists at ICMAG. Lots of kids and young (ignorant) adults here who can't seem to grasp simple facts...


Active member
ICMag Donor
This is why I don't like ICMAG,
Seems to me the solution to the whole thing is real easy.
Maybe come back when you actually grow, and perhaps you will appreciate this place more.

And just a hunch...but I am betting that Sam has done quite a bit more for the cannabis community than you ever have or ever will...but who knows....(shrug)



firstly, let me say that just how appropriate your name is!

secondly, I suggest that you start your own thread din (highlighting the results of experiments you conducted yourself)

thirdly delete every ego-centric, me-me-me, I'm brilliant and argumentative post of yours in this thread....while that won't leave much left, but that will be a good start!

ganja din

FYI, I do grow, and get at least 1.5 gpw/60 days. I know I can achieve 2-3 gpw/60 days with real organics (no BS hype from grow stores) and 40-50% more TLC on leaf and 20-30% more THC on flowers thanks to UV-b which I have all figured out (as far as possible ATM).

And I very highly doubt sam will have done more for cannabis growing than I will. Not even taking into consideration his so-called "secrets" he hoards...

Here is just two areas (of the dozens of other areas) were I will surpass sam and everyone else who has ever grown cannabis (AFAIK): chromotype and chemotype breeding

Ps. I see you made no mention of sams name calling. Its very convient for you to just ignore that fact, eh? __________________
a picture speaks a thousand words mate.as for 20-30% more thc on flowers thanks to uv-b what bullshit they only way i know of changing thc is BREEDING.i would love some off the stuff your smoking mate lol.RESIN SEEKER

ganja din

Chamba wrote:

firstly, let me say that just how appropriate your name is!

Do you even know where my nic came from?

secondly, I suggest that you start your own thread din (highlighting the results of experiments you conducted yourself)

That's odd, you want me to prove to you, yet sam doesn't have to???? Can you say double standard???

thirdly delete every ego-centric, me-me-me, I'm brilliant and argumentative post of yours in this thread....while that won't leave much left, but that will be a good start!

That just shows you are not an academic, we understand posts don't have be happy-happy-joy-jot to be of great value. And I write in a fashion that many people take as arrogant, even tho I am not. When one such as yourself reads my writing, and (probably) has little understanding of science it will come off as you stated. But rest assured, that's not the case. I post in a matter of fact manner, as do ALL good scientists worth their salt...

I suggest you re-read my posts, you will learn a thing or two I'd wager.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
....Anyway! Back to the Sift.....Hi Bubbleman...Great pics as usual...Mouth-watering stuff!
Hello Sam I was just wondering if your use of Sleestack for hashmaking and in your Resin-Breeding project's was at all to do with the high and flavours of said strain or more to do with its easy to harvest Trichomes really....I know why you use your Skunk for dry-sifting as I have always liked making skunk1 sift myself(first hash I ever made with silk stockings and a coffee mug)...But I haven't tried Sleestack,but was interested because I do keep a MartianMeanGreen lady and she makes tasty Hazey hash that keeps the flavours and aroma's of the buds....But I didn't find her anything special in terms of easy trich removal or size...just lovely puff.
I can see from pics Sleestack is a frosty plant alright but I assumed it must be how well its trich's behave and their size that has sparked your interest the most,as there are many frosty hybrids around?
I have no clue how u do it BTW but I am Bloody glad u do,that's 4 sure.
I use same old 4 screens I've always used(replaced twice in 17 years) and lots of cleaning the trichs over the smallest screen to finish.....I am gonna invest in a decent sieving machine from endecotts as soon as I can though! Luck and Sunshine JBo ;]

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