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How Long Can You Truely Statsh WEED

How Long Can You Truely Statsh WEED

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Styles P

how much u got statshed styles or any of u guys?

i honestly dont have much prollie no more then a oz of random buds from good weed. but this thread made me smoke a pinch of all the dif buds and man im rocked. i think weed gets better with age. i dunno i have like the nicest head high right now. the buds also seem to have more tricombs its probally just cause they dried out more and you can see them better. but some of the buds are about 2 yrs old.
a month or so ago i was cleaning up. And i found an old bud from a beautiful girl i had growing one year. The bud had to have been like 3 years old. It got me fucking BLITZED haha

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I'd say indefinitely. The longest i've kept a jar around for is 7 years. It tasted the same and smoked the same as it did after 6 months cure. it wasn't stored special either, it was lost in the attic for a year, and we go from below zero to the 90's over the course of the year. obviously not optimal conditions, but it hit the same every time.
For getting high, indefinitely, for the flavor you want to savor long term, depends on the strain.
Not all herb cures well. One of my long time keepers was best from dry to 3 months. After that point it lost color and its complex aroma, just wasn't as good months later. After that it just tasted a little sweet.
Others just get better and better imo. In fact, after curing my C4C99 for 2 months it tasted almost identical to the stuff I kept around for 7 years, I know it will cure long term well, and now I have an idea what I was growing back then as I had no name or lineage for it at the time.

RooR HeaD

Retardo really strong points man and thank you all for your input. after this thread im gonna statsh all my shit for years no matter what. and i agree with u on that it all depends on the strain. ive actually noticed that others statsh a little better then certain strains like some kush i got it wrecked and was bright green then after a few months it lost alot of that great smell and it was not as bright but it still was juice city just didnt have that same smell or look when i got it.!

any ways since i started this thread i had to take a pic of the STATSH up to date for you my toker friends! anyways thanks for the kind post and karma and ill be back to check out this thread soon!


coktail frank nobody belives your lies u smoke a half gram of swag a day thats the only pounds your getting your hands on. didnt u read the first thread dont lie to be cool were not in highschool any more nobody is impressed with your lies about haveing pounds on hand! lie after lie in this den now i understand the decline!

To the point of this thread i smoke a lil over a quater after matching with everyone!

lol ass hat

pack a bowl

i had a friend who loved some weed he got so much he saved a nug for like a year and a half or two years... we smoked and it was a waste of good weed, lost all taste, smell, and all the yummybud features

RooR HeaD

really pack a bowl it sounds more like i didnt respond to your post in the glass thread so u came to my thread to write that. thats the dumbest thing ive ever read maybe if u said 5 years it would make sense but first off i cure my weed ffor six months alone and then after that six months i put it away for a year till i smoke it. and it is a hell of alot better in that year and a half then it was at six months. so yea sounds like your mad i didnt waste my time talkin shit with u.


Active member
Just cure(untill dry and good tasting) and then freeze it and it will stay good for a LONG period of time

pack a bowl

really pack a bowl it sounds more like i didnt respond to your post in the glass thread so u came to my thread to write that. thats the dumbest thing ive ever read maybe if u said 5 years it would make sense but first off i cure my weed ffor six months alone and then after that six months i put it away for a year till i smoke it. and it is a hell of alot better in that year and a half then it was at six months. so yea sounds like your mad i didnt waste my time talkin shit with u.

hahahah yea, i was so angry that i had to prove you wrong some how! lol!!.

actually my friend bought the weed, so from that point it could be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years old from the moment he bought it, so keeping it even longer was just stupid.

RooR HeaD

Thanks thc for your input. ive been thinking about investing in a freezer bag setup. then just use that and put it around the jar so the buds stay nice as in shape cause ive seen a few pics here and their of guys that just have bud in the middle of the freezer bad with no air at all and it look like the bud could of been ruined from that not taste or smell just the actuall pieaces u get the point. any who thanks man.
i think i like to get my bud when its gotta a tiny tiny amount of moisture in there...not so it crumbles when u crush it...smokes best like that i think...

but for some reason i cant believe something with even a little bit of moisture wouldn't rot if u didn't give it air ever now and again? but thats just my intuition..i haven't done extensive research on this. does anybody know?

i rekon u can keep it forever if u bone dry it before putting in jars..u might not wanna pack it down too hard though otherwise u'll crush the buds...(?)


Obviously he don't know Frank.................I've only been perusing the boards for a few weeks now and I know who Frank is. Tool

RooR HeaD

Green munch all the shit i statsh is dryed before i buy it never to dry like u said were it will crush into crumbs but dry like how weed is suppose to be i guess from what i like. but honestly im not inot berping my jars alot of people say u can or should but other peps say u should not opne it unless u r takein dank out due to air and light takein away thc or at least thats what one of the smarter guys have said. but my oldest bud isnt like what u said its still just like i got it almost a lil different but not no much i personally enjoy my dank dry over a lil moisture but its all preference i guess.

thanks for stopping in.

RooR HeaD

This is a perfect exsample why i save my dank for a long time. ok i got this super silver haze a month or 2 ago and if u go back to my old gallery u will see the original pic and then look at these pics now it is so much better looking. and heres the new statsh pic i promised missing only 1 jar this time.




enjoy guys new pics to come soon!

RooR HeaD

Heres a question i have to ask for some of u guys growing is like wakeing up in the morning im still learning as much as i can so i could get to that point one of these days. but how do u go about statshing if u have that much dank on hand and can grow the strain to perfection do u even save shit or just grow more when u run out of that strain i mean i know u have cycles but do u guys even save your shit or no.
id like to think you can store bone dry stuff forever...but i dont like my stuff bone dry though..i like it with a tiny bit of moisture...and for some reason i think if u stored somehing with even a tiny bit of moisture, mold would happen....unless u carried on opening the jars again and again that is

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