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SJR 14: Harmonizing Federal Law with California Medical Marijuana Laws


Active member
Hello everyone :headbange

Let's take this show on the road, shall we?

(live links)...
SJR 14: Harmonizing Federal Law with California Medical Marijuana Laws
Authored by Senator Mark Leno
June 9th, 2009

Senate Joint Resolution 14 urges the federal government to end medical cannabis raids in California and to "create a comprehensive federal medical marijuana policy that ensures safe and legal access to any patient that would benefit from it." California Senator Mark Leno (D-SF) introduced this Americans for Safe Access sponsored resolution in support of our national policy agenda.

If adopted, SJR 14 will be the first time a state legislature has officially called for a change in federal medical cannabis policies!

The resolution calls for (1) an end federal raids, intimidation, and interference with state medical cannabis laws, (2) policies and laws to encourage advanced clinical research trials into the therapeutic use of cannabis, (3) an affirmative defense to medical cannabis charges in federal court, and (4) a comprehensive federal medical cannabis policy that ensures safe and legal access for patients.

We have only a short time to get this resolution adopted this year. Please visit our online action center today to urge your California state senator to support support Senator Leno’s SJR 14.

SJR 14 Resources:

SJR 14 bill text
SJR 14 fact sheet
ASA's National Policy Agenda


Safe Access

Getting this passed would be a great start to any trip :wave:

Good luck!!!

Take care all ::wave:,


Active member
This would be awesome if it happened.

Indeed, it would.

Exerting electorate pressure is an avenue available to all of us on that road. I suggest we plod down it to its full potential. We'll wear ruts into that road :wink:

Take care, monk :wave:,

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is Big! If the federal government goes for this it will be the catalyst we need to turn the rest of the states needed for federal decriminalization, and removal of cannabis from the schedule 1 list

this is sticky worthy in my opinion. :)


I'm onboard.. Emails to reps.. Emails to friends to email.


This is the letter I sent.

Please get active California..


As a constituent, I am writing to ask you to support SJR 14, a resolution authored by Senator Mark Leno that urges important changes in federal policies concerning medical cannabis (marijuana). Over 300,000 Californians legally use medical cannabis, but it remains illegal under federal law. Federal interference and intimidation has put legal patients at risk, stymied efforts to implement our state law, and blocked meaningful research.

SJR 14 calls on the President and US Congress to end DEA raids in California, allow fair trials for patients and providers in federal court, and encourage advanced clinical trials into the benefits of medical cannabis. The Obama Administration and US Attorney General are developing the new federal policy about medical cannabis right now. Given the historic opportunity for change in Washington, DC, it is more important than ever that my federal representatives hear that you and your colleagues in the Legislature support medical cannabis reform at the national level.

Please support SJR 14 and help make a difference for legal patients here in California.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Jack


Active member
If they do that I am MOVING TO CALI IN DECEMBER! Right when I graduate with my accounting degree and continue to get my CPA in CALI I guess...



News article

News article


CONTACT: Americans for Safe Access
ASA California Director Don Duncan 323-326-6347 or Media Liaison Kris Hermes 510-681-6361
California Medical Marijuana Bill Calls for End to Federal Interference
Resolution urges the President and Congress to develop comprehensive policy

SACRAMENTO - June 9 - State Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) introduced a joint resolution late yesterday that urges the federal government to end medical marijuana raids in California and to "create a comprehensive federal medical marijuana policy that ensures safe and legal access to any patient that would benefit from it." The resolution, SJR 14, is coming at a time when the Obama Administration has signaled a willingness to change federal policy, but has yet to come forward with an actual implementation plan.

Despite such willingness by the Obama Administration, Senator Leno points out that, "Patients and providers in California remain at risk of arrest and prosecution by federal law enforcement and legally established medical marijuana cooperatives continue to be the subjects of federal raids." However, once passed, "this resolution will clearly state the Legislature's opposition to federal interference with California's medical marijuana law and support for expanded federal reform and medical research," continued Leno.

Introduction of the joint resolution comes on the heels of repeated statements made by the Obama Administration for a "new American policy" with regard to medical marijuana. However, several Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raids have occurred in California since the president took office. "Not only do we need an end to federal interference in the implementation of California's medical marijuana law," said Don Duncan, California Director of Americans for Safe Access, the national medical marijuana advocacy group sponsoring the legislation. "The entire country need a sensible, comprehensive medical marijuana policy."

The joint resolution urges President Obama and Congress to "move quickly to end federal raids, intimidation, and interference with state medical marijuana law." But, it goes further by asking the government to establish "an affirmative defense to medical marijuana charges in federal court and establish federal legal protection for individuals authorized by state and local law..." Because of the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Gonzales v. Raich, federal medical marijuana defendants are prevented from using a medical or state law defense. "With more than two dozen of these defendants currently being prosecuted by the Justice Department, each of them facing years in prison, such a change to Justice Department policy would be timely, relevant and critically important," continued Duncan.

The resolution also addresses the need to expand research into the medical benefits of marijuana, a recommendation of the White House-commissioned Institute of Medicine report from 1999. Currently, a federal monopoly on the cultivation of marijuana for research purposes has stifled the ability to conduct FDA-approved scientific studies. To address this, the resolution urges the President and Congress "to adopt policies and laws to encourage advanced clinical research trials into the therapeutic use of marijuana."

Further information:
Senate Joint Resolution on medical marijuana: http://www.AmericansForSafeAccess.org/downloads/SJR_14.pdf
ASA fact sheet on SJR 14: http://www.AmericansForSafeAccess.org/downloads/SJR14_Fact_Sheet.pdf


Active member
If they do that I am MOVING TO CALI IN DECEMBER! Right when I graduate with my accounting degree and continue to get my CPA in CALI I guess...


IF they (we) do that you'd have your choice of any number of states :wink: Pick California if you must, but, I lived in SoCal (for a very long time) and I'd never move back there again if you paid me....maybe way up North would be better?

Good luck in your studies and your life notwithstanding your relocation plans!!! :)

Take care, iim,


would this not allow all states use of medical marijuana?

or would it be the same thing..federal law allows it, but state doesnt, so you can still be arrested.

either way if something like this would pass it would be a big step in the right direction


would this not allow all states use of medical marijuana?

or would it be the same thing..federal law allows it, but state doesnt, so you can still be arrested.

either way if something like this would pass it would be a big step in the right direction

I'd have to check on what scope a senate joint resolution has as to Federal actions but, I assume, it is an official declaration on how California want the Federal government to interact on behalf of our medical cannabis laws.

So far we have seen the heavy hand of Bush in our medical affairs and the net result is a continuation of paranoia even among those who are legally ( in California ) able to grow, posses and consume cannabis for medical purposes.

I for one am stuck now because the landlord has changed his mind on allowing me a portable grow room in the garage of the house I have leased.
Lucky I can leave without having to pay the whole lease so, it's off to another place.
His nice wife, and I stress nice wife, has had second thoughts and apologized to us.
They are both in favor of legalizing Cannabis but they have fear over the insurance should anything happen like a fire or smoke damage.. I admit it could happen.

We have a long way to go.. So lets sit up front in the bus no mater what they say.



Active member
I'd have to check on what scope a senate joint resolution has as to Federal actions but, I assume, it is an official declaration on how California want the Federal government to interact on behalf of our medical cannabis laws.

So far we have seen the heavy hand of Bush in our medical affairs and the net result is a continuation of paranoia even among those who are legally ( in California ) able to grow, posses and consume cannabis for medical purposes.

I for one am stuck now because the landlord has changed his mind on allowing me a portable grow room in the garage of the house I have leased.
Lucky I can leave without having to pay the whole lease so, it's off to another place.
His nice wife, and I stress nice wife, has had second thoughts and apologized to us.
They are both in favor of legalizing Cannabis but they have fear over the insurance should anything happen like a fire or smoke damage.. I admit it could happen.

We have a long way to go.. So lets sit up front in the bus no mater what they say.


I'm going to be quite respectful here.

What is Bush hating doing in this thread?

How about "the heavy hand of Government" has failed us. Clinton and Bush and every succeeding administration since Marijuana was made illegal has failed us. How about that? It isn't about hating a man....a temporary man.

Or, were you talking about all the progress that has, indeed!, been made while Bush was in office? Are you going to give him the credit as well as the scorn? I didn't think so. And that is where you begin to lose credibility.

I've liked everything I've read of yours up to this point and, I think you belittle yourself with such inanity along with promulgating misconceptions.

It is not now, nor has it ever been, about a man. It is about OUR Government and making OUR Government really speak for us....not to us.

Good luck with you housing arrangements, sincerely.

I do wish you the best and maybe hope to meet you on the battlements one day :) We'll need good men like you. Keep it Green!

Take care, Jack....and everyone :wave:,


That would be the raids on California dispensaries ( heavy hand of bush ).

Pardon the trespass.. I do post a lot, often and for years.. I didn't know you were sensitive to those terms..

I hope that wasn't a good bye wave like you are taking off..

That would be a bummer..



Active member
Ummm this isn't necessary. When was the last time the Feds did a raid? Seems that Obama really is holding up to his campaign promise.


Ummm this isn't necessary. When was the last time the Feds did a raid? Seems that Obama really is holding up to his campaign promise.

I'd love to see Californians able to use a "medical use defense" in federal court or any other state they may have cannabis business before the court with.

I agree with ya tho, I haven't read about a raid for a while.

Things are changing aren't they.



Active member
That would be the raids on California dispensaries ( heavy hand of bush ).

Pardon the trespass.. I do post a lot, often and for years.. I didn't know you were sensitive to those terms..

I hope that wasn't a good bye wave like you are taking off..

That would be a bummer..


Hello Jack :wave:,

I'm not sensitive to those terms....You can thank government for the heavy-handed application of law....The Senate, the House....that is where blame lies. Presidents can influence national policies but they don't make laws....Congress does that...government entities (the DEA) enforce law. And it is Congress that funds the DEA, not any president.

Until the law is changed dispensary busts, prosecutions and sentenings will still occur.

Note the date...

366-day sentence for pot dispensary owner
Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer
Friday, June 12, 2009

A federal judge sentenced the owner of a Central California medical marijuana dispensary to a year and a day in prison Thursday, spurning the Obama administration's push to give the defendant five years imprisonment in a test case of new federal policies toward state pot laws.


Lenient, yes. Did he walk although in full compliance with existing laws?, no, sorry to say.

I hope that wasn't a good bye wave like you are taking off..

No, Jack....that was just a ta-ta for now :wave: :)

Take care, Jack,


Active member
Would this allow states to supersede the Federal 99-plant limits?

Is there a state that allows 99 plants? I can't think of one. Except for breeding purposes I don't know why an individual would need 99 plants. I've personally pushed the limits but not that far :wink:

This joint (pun intended :tongue: ) resolution is asking the Feds to allow states to enact their own MMJ laws without interference from the Feds. It's trying to return to the precept that, states rights means states rights.

Take care, Lazy :wave:,


Wake up! The politicians are in the pockets of Big Pharma who is actively trying to bring to market a large number of MJ based drugs. Sovay drug company in GA makes Marinol and will NEVER allow the state of GA to have medical marijuana. Big pharma will block every attempt at legalization for medical use so they can extort the money from chronically ill and dying paitents. These pills make the highest CA clinic price for the best nuggets look like gumball money! Get rid of the politicians in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry and support research into medical MJ at universities and private labs. Anyone interested in investment into a lab to do just such research, contact me. Research MUST be done legally so publication in peer reviewed journals is possible. We want to show the efficacy and true science behind MJ's use, not "hey man, I feel better". LOL
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