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Gas Prices - What do you think?


Yummybud said:
that's true. I was looking at the store where I work and there are literallly hundreds of high watt hps lamps hanging from the sealing and they are one 24/7 even after teh store shuts down.

not all of our power comes from hyrdo or nuclear or wind we still get some of of electricity from burning fuel.

Hmmm sounds familiar.. sort of like 1000 w hps lights people use on here.


definitely. thats why i just try not to drive. everyone should try it! bike instead... get into utility cycling. its great.


Gas ( or 'petrol' as we call it) is now 94 pence per LITRE in UK. That's $1.87 in US money. We are still buying it like it was going out of fashion. Traffic congestion is getting worse. I think we will stop buying food before we stop buying gas.
I cycle to work now. I'm lucky that I only live 4 miles from my work - I don't know what I would do if work was 20 miles away.


The Uncola

Carpooling the 20 miles or so to the job has cut my gas consumption roughly by half. I have an old 4 banger that gets 30 MPG but I am more than aware of the rapidly rising fuel price. I interviewed for a job that is only 7 miles away and am to learn next week if the interview panned out. I don't tool all over town "With no particular place to go"- as a popular song back in the day put it.

The car culture is as pervasive as the TeeVee culture is these days. Why did millions vote for GWB? B/c the TeeVee told them it was cool. My bumper sticker says- DARE..To Think For Yourself! This is far less common than you might imagine. I have one 400W HPS. It is currently employed energizing 4 cannabis plants. They are still getting their walking legs at the 5 leaflet stage after about 4 weeks. How many buds do you get per gallon?

The politics of gas is enough to make any conscious person stop and think.



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
someone needs to come up with some serious new way of independent energy. Oil prices are rising because of the booming economies of India and China....or so they say... also, I have heard that the price of oil is expected to keep on rising....

the good thing is that canada has the worlds second largest oil reserves next to saudi arabia...

fuck oil and gas.


Active member
I couldn't give a shit. Make them higher for all I care.

Americans need to stop using less oil & start driving less. If it takes inflated prices to do so then whatever. its about time we stop centering our lives around our damn cars.

Maybe FINALLY we'll find a viable alternative source of energy that is clean. Time to stop making excuses.
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Active member
its crazy to look at the beginning of this thread and see people complaining about 3.03 a gallon...now its almost 4

fuck gas prices.....drive a scooter


Rubbing my glands together
Until someone can find a way to fill my tank with liquid sunshine, I'll stick to using gas.
They could make the cars get 60 mpg or better but that would hurt oil profits now wouldn't it. As a matter of fact, I remember a carburetor that got somewhere around 100 mpg that had the patent rights bought up by the US government. Haven't seen the light of day since. World governments don't want to lose oil revenues.
If we went to a farm raised fuel products, food crops would be replaced for fuel crops and food prices would go even higher. Look at what's happening with corn and ethanol now. Cost more to make than gas and uses more water in the process, which is something that is in more and more of a short supply lately too. Food prices rise as grain prices for livestock also rise.
I wish there was an alternate fuel source so that the only way the Arabs could get rid of their oil would be to drink it, but it ain't gonna happen any time soon.


Registered Cannabis User
gas prices - what do you think?

gas prices - what do you think?

they suck. next question...

Lord Fatwa

Admittedly, I've skimmed through most of the second page posts on this thread, but unless nobody's brought it up before....


I understand that it might just be shifting our energy consumption from gas to electricity and we ALREADY over consume on electricity itself, but it might be a welcome change. Although I agree with some previous posts that we us Westerners should start living in more dense, compact metropolises and fragmented metropolises - but i want to own 2 acres of pristine lakefront property one day


Active member
I'll tell you what I think gas was doing just fine until we went to war. Once that happen the price of oil has been on the climb every since. The days of $1.10 a gl gas is gone forever. It really sucks, I know if you have a SUV and want to trade it in for a smaller car. You'll have better luck hitting the lotto :D


Active member
Hello all,

The price of gas is inversely proprotional to the dollar and proportional to supply and demand.

The Suadi's are trying to keep a raign on production because they are running out thus reducing supply to extend their dominance. Venezuala (second grade crude) production is fine but requies more processing. Mexico's fields are also running dry and there is minimal infrastructure to explore and drill, and deliver new reserves..they are ten years out before any new production is expected online. But by then the demand will have increased more then the new reserves will deliver so not a lot of help there.

Russia has a grip load of oil but for every barrel pumped and sold, the Russian government taxes 80% of anything over 36$ a barrel. So there is little incentive for free market companies to invest in the infrastructure necessary to get this oil out of the frozen ground.

There is civil unrest and chaos in the Sedan.

Meanwhile, China and India, Brazil and a few other countrues are developing at extraordinary rates and there need for oil is great.

The last projection I read was 6$ a gallon gas next summer. My info comes marketwatch.com and you all can look this up yourselves. I tend to believe what is being said as this is directly related to money and when it comes to money...these people know what they are talking about. (Check for appropriate passage in sig.)

In addition, food prices are escalating due in part to increased fuel and oil costs but also fertilizer. Also, corn based products are up due to the USA drinking hte kool-aid on corn ethanol.

Canada's oil sands are second to Suadi Arabia but it is harder to extract (actually it is mined) and is environmentally devastating (but localized).

As to which alternative vehicle I would like to see is hydrogen fuel cell. Renewable clean energy. Nuclear also.



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
$3.209 was 2007's average on 5-22. Today it's $3.807.

I think it sucks rotting cheese. I think big oil could survive with 1 billion less in profits per year. I drove 467 miles on $63.00 at a little over 4 bucks a gallon Monday. Next week I'm taking the bu-u-u-u-us out west to look at several cheap mobile homes. The average price for gas there $.57 cents a gallon cheaper than where I am now. I really hope one of these mobiles is in livable condition.
It's profit taking out of control. I hope the shit hits $20 a gallon. Let there be total economic collapse and maybe people will take back their rights, countries and re-tool their failing governments.
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well i think you're getting it pretty cheap... 1,5 euros/LITRE here in finland today, diesel 1,4 e. you can all count from that...


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
personally i think it is total bullshit but at the same time i feel the drivers are somewhat to blame. why? because we pay it and complain. thats no way to get things done. what happened the last time they tried to raise gas prices in jamaica? the entire island shut down,riots in the street, burning, looting, all out anarchy. then what? the government rolled the price back and things went back to normal. the squeekiest wheel gets the oil it would seem......