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SIRSMOKALOT's Casa del Mota!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
how do you dry and cure or iif answered somewhere direct me to it please

ok so now for those who wanted to know how i am harvesting for that superior quality in final product. this is not something i came up with, i just read it and applied it and had an instant dramatic improvement in the curing process. i was able to cleanly burn my weed in a bowl after 7-10 days and the smell had zero curing(hay or grassy/planty smell) interferance and the taste was all ready there-(gets progressively better too) and it was dried completly evenly to burn correctly and get you properly high(grey ash in bowl and retained cherry-flame). now that i have rambled about how great it is let me explain.
plenty of info is semi quoted from source but this is how i remembered it. photographic memory for main points hehe

i basically have this 6 step regimine i will be harvesting with.

1. BIG FLUSH- i flushed 14 days straight watering 3 times a day by this point(in coco) but in any medium 10-20 days is nice. honestly the more the better.

2. DRY AIR. last day w/ lights on no water at all. especially in my case where i kept soaked- but basic idea is to allow your plants container to get dry. this does 2 things
a. plants will hang for less time to achieve required dryness.
b. this lowers the RH in the room. Low humidity fools your plant into making more resin(resin helps plant retain moisture) for that one or 2 days chrystals may grow more abundant. shoot for under 10%RH. my area that is average outside. this can be a prob a few steps away unless remidied

3. when harvesting, remember, like flushing, timing is everything.
we all know how some growers like to leave their plants in 24+ hrs of darkness, claiming it does all kinds of diff things. one thing it does for sure is help speed the curing process if you chop away root ball b4 plant is exposed to direct light. (of course a proper flush is integral)
explanation: during the dark period, our plants store all of their reserves of starches and sugars in the root zone(food made by plant during day). at the first sign of direct light, these reserves begin to push upward into the plant- creating a longer cure time if harvested in light, because these reserves need more time to break down and give a smooth/ unharsh smoke. in addition to tasting and burning bad, these starches act like fire retardants. these retardants change the chemical make up of the smoke you're ingesting. this means the thc, cannabinol, cannabidoil, and other active cannabinoids cant burn at the perfect temp to get you properly high because they havent properly converted to their psycoactive forms.this is why fresh MJ is generally weaker than properly dried and cured buds. removing plant from rootball b4 the plant is able to uptake these last reserves saves this time. i also notice that this harvest i had zero hay or curing smell on strains that had always had it right away (goes away always)- only goodness!

4. manicure buds on branches. i did this for 2 reasons
a. i hate manicuring 2 times one at chop and one for jars, so i find this saves 1 step and i already have all the tools out
b. remove as mush moisture as possable. i want the moisture to even out between the buds and stems asap, and to much excess leaf can slow this down, and i am intentionally slowing down the drying in the next step already. no need to have 2 slowing factors imo

5. this is more a pro tip i picked up reading.
HANG DRY in 70F, 40-55%RH. this is where i could have a prob in my area. i have to use a humidifier unless weather permits. this slows the hang dry process to 4-7 days. this actually locks in aroma and flavour. if you dry to fast, you lose smell and taste, actually if you over dry, you can lock in the starches and sugars that are curing out and no matter what smoke will be harsh to plain nasty. when the thinnest stems start to crack, i remove from branches and do and cleaning of the buds i missed or ignored.

6. jar your buds in an airtight container and now you want dry as hell air. you want to burp your jar 5-6 times a day 10 min a time. it sounds like a pain, but it is easily fit around my day in passing. we all know that this sweats our buds to an even moisture from inside out. this is important. jars must be opened often to exchange moist air for dry air or molding will occur eventually because there is still moisture in the inner stems.
if the weed is not properly evenly dry, the quality of the high will be hindered. weed has to burn at a certain temp as mentioned earlier. i take a mid size nug and break away the bud down to the inner stem, if it cracks with lil pressure, it is dry. at this point constant burping of the jar is unnecesary. hopefully your nugs still feel sticky and not crispy crumbly dry. if over dry something went wrong somewhere.

7. enjoy the awesome flavour and great high.

i have tried a few diff techniques now, and this harvest was off da chain with taste- smell- potency. i now know for sure that quik drying and early smoking is a waste of my hard work. the high isnt there yet and flavor is very minimal still. smell is not peaked either. smoke 2x as much and enjoy it 1/2 as much.... doesnt make sence at all. this lets me stretch the harvest IMO due to higher quality product... i use less at a time for the desired effect.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
jamie- cheers mate

maj- hey. i think my woman may drop that for me tomorrow, unless she isnt going to that office. my phone isnt working well up here, so i am keeping it off mostly. be home fri though.

dog- os- BR- thanks fellas. its comin on strong now


thanks man exactly what i was looking for and some knowledge to back it up !!

What day flower you on 29 ish?


hey sirsmokealot thanks for taking the time to write your 6 step process. never heard of the dark chop, i'm gonna try it though! and no h2o on the last day is a good idea as well. thanks for the tips mang! nice dog to.


Active member
Indeed that seems like an awesome process! Gonna try it on this coming harvest (minus the soil aspects of course).


Grower of fine herbs...
Nice to see that things are still coming along well. I gotta send INB a pm still need to wish that kid mad congrats. How was ur snowboard trip Sir? Still havent gotten to ride much at all this season, just way to busy with school and work. Love the pics of the pup, me and my lady have one just about the same age, maybe a month older.. Anyway things are looking sweet dude. Keep up the hard work.



Active member
hey sir, I was checking out those great pics, and am kind of thinking that the decap's got a frosty edge over the gdp. But that's just a long distance pondering of pics. just my:2cents:
What's for sure is that's one way cool looking pup!
strawberry diesel
straw d
shot of the whole closet there at day 57 or 58 in these pics

i flushed the shit out of them and im waiting to chop when there dry maybe sunday or mon?? that will be around 66 or 67 days. they stacked ok but next run will be much better


Grower of fine herbs...
All your stuff is looking really great INB! Great job on the comeback homie! Sir you still around??? Just want to see how your stuff is going along and make sure all is well.


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