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Signs that a collapse is under way.

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weed fiend
most of these intellectuals you can't hang with don't have a lick of common sense..there's really only 2 things that fuck up everything..MONEY & RELIGION..Peace WL

I know it's not your word, WL but I'm no more intellectual than the post itself. It's an attempt at being objective.

IMO, we wouldn't have a fed run amok if we hadn't allowed our manufacturing base to go multinational, wholesale. I don't mind that we have a dedicated party that represents their interests. All Americans have the right to be represented. I'm not a fed cheerleader but it's all we've got. It's just that the near-balance we once had no longer exists.
I know it's not your word, WL but I'm no more intellectual than the post itself. It's an attempt at being objective.

IMO, we wouldn't have a fed run amok if we hadn't allowed our manufacturing base to go multinational, wholesale. I don't mind that we have a dedicated party that represents their interests. All Americans have the right to be represented. I'm not a fed cheerleader but it's all we've got. It's just that the near-balance we once had no longer exists.
didn't mean anything against you DB..just trying to let the kid kno we all have some kind of value/contribution to life and he should'nt sell himself short..


weed fiend
I agree, Weed-Luver, we all contribute good ideas and opinions. I don't imagine whodare was knocking himself. Probably closer to my nature bugging the crap out of him.

Sorry, whodare.:)


each person has value regardless of the position or financial standing. I'm a lot more at peace since I learned that..you can hang with anyone bro..don't sell urself short..most of these intellectuals you can't hang with don't have a lick of common sense..there's really only 2 things that fuck up everything..MONEY & RELIGION..Peace WL

Actually...they don't. And it's GREED that fucks up everything...money, religion, government, they ALL came about because of greed.

Interesting article.

America Faces Critical "Colonel Jessup" Moment

I hate to be a pessimist, but looking back at our track record I can't see humanity doing anything else except falling flat on it's face here. Leaders are too corrupt and the masses are too addicted to the illusion to face reality until the free market violently shoves it down their throats.

We're not prepared because government has softened us. They've feminized us to control us easier. Locked up all the "real men" who could/would rise up against them. They "provide" everything to keep us dependent.

I know it's not your word, WL but I'm no more intellectual than the post itself. It's an attempt at being objective.

IMO, we wouldn't have a fed run amok if we hadn't allowed our manufacturing base to go multinational, wholesale. I don't mind that we have a dedicated party that represents their interests. All Americans have the right to be represented. I'm not a fed cheerleader but it's all we've got. It's just that the near-balance we once had no longer exists.

A failed attempt at being objective. You can't hold your dogma AND be objective.

Why do we need a "balance"? Seriously...does EVERYONE really have good ideas that everyone else HAS to listen to? There are a whole lot of ideas out there that aren't worth a shit.

didn't mean anything against you DB..just trying to let the kid kno we all have some kind of value/contribution to life and he should'nt sell himself short..

I agree, Weed-Luver, we all contribute good ideas and opinions. I don't imagine whodare was knocking himself. Probably closer to my nature bugging the crap out of him.

Sorry, whodare.:)

When we FINALLY get it through our thick heads that everyone does NOT have "equal value"...only THEN can we advance.

We're like Olympic athletes in a marathon...but the government decided that the physically handicapped have an EQUAL right to be in the race...so we...the athletes are charged with making sure we ALL "finish the race together". Nobody get's left behind. The NEW standard for the marathon just went from 2 hours to 3 days! Yes, THIS is what we are doing...lowering the standard, lowering the expectation, all for "diversity"...all so everyone...get's a chance.

You want success again? Get government out of my way!
There is an internet that surrounds you made up of pure energy. I know this as fact, whether you want to believe it or not. It is composed of energy from the living and dead, from the past, present and future. Some of that energy is evil, so always play by the rules. Don't ever sell your soul for money. Only deal with the good energy. Make sure your questions do not relate to monetary gain.

and Joeuser, "United we stand"..we must all work together and contribute to make life really work..your idea that not everyone does have value is just wrong..this country was just fine producing most of own goods..nafta, free trade with china, japan and so forth is what is hurting us..money leads to greed..no money or value on substances like silver and gold means no greed..it's a fault of our own nature that one has to have more than another..peace WL


There is an internet that surrounds you made up of pure energy. I know this as fact, whether you want to believe it or not. It is composed of energy from the living and dead, from the past, present and future. Some of that energy is evil, so always play by the rules. Don't ever sell your soul for money. Only deal with the good energy. Make sure your questions do not relate to monetary gain.

and Joeuser, "United we stand"..we must all work together and contribute to make life really work..your idea that not everyone does have value is just wrong..this country was just fine producing most of own goods..nafta, free trade with china, japan and so forth is what is hurting us..money leads to greed..no money or value on substances like silver and gold means no greed..it's a fault of our own nature that one has to have more than another..peace WL

Huge federal deficits wounded us and NAFTA was the killing blow.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm not a fed cheerleader but it's all we've got.

I know it's all we've got, but we must and can do better for the sake of humanity because they are systemically destroying the human race. That's not to say we aren't at fault. Because each generation continues to accept them as our leaders we are voting for our own destruction too.

EDIT: It's kind of like the Casino metaphor. If you know a casino is rigged, but keep going to it anyway and eventually lose everything whose fault is it? IMO, mostly your own for going to the casino. The information was clearly present to show that it was corrupt and rigged. Why do we keep going back? Just because it's the only one in town? I don't think that's a good excuse. First you demand accountability and when you are finally ignored and laughed at enough you and your friends go burn down the casino and demand fairness and accountability.
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? "Quit fucking talking" to "Quite fucking true" come to mind...

There is an internet that surrounds you made up of pure energy. I know this as fact, whether you want to believe it or not. It is composed of energy from the living and dead, from the past, present and future. Some of that energy is evil, so always play by the rules. Don't ever sell your soul for money. Only deal with the good energy. Make sure your questions do not relate to monetary gain.

and Joeuser, "United we stand"..we must all work together and contribute to make life really work..your idea that not everyone does have value is just wrong..this country was just fine producing most of own goods..nafta, free trade with china, japan and so forth is what is hurting us..money leads to greed..no money or value on substances like silver and gold means no greed..it's a fault of our own nature that one has to have more than another..peace WL

Do much acid? Van? Is that you? I haven't seen you since college...

The internet is digital on and off being sent via electricity/light, it's not "living energy". At least it hasn't been proven to me...can you prove it? You said you know it as a fact.

There is no "universal force or good or evil". One pulling this way...the other that. There ARE 9 billion INDIVIDUAL people. Some basically good, some basically bad. Each of them is...or should be, barring some mental deficiency...looking out for themselves and their OWN best interest. Each to varying degrees from "EVERYTHING is here for me, I'm the best, others should serve me...to Mother Teresa, serving those people".

I agree...we SHOULD all work together...in fact...we MUST. I agree with you there. The only problem is HOW? How DO you get everyone to agree to work together. I see a whole lot of people on welfare who refuse to "work together"...don't you? Are the people who refuse to help, as good as those who DO help? I wouldn't think so. If you have 2 plants...one smells great, has resin dripping form it, the high is to die for...and a scrawny "hay" plant...which has more value? Are they truly equal?

I agree with you again it seems...it's a fault of our own nature that one has to have more than another...that's it right there. HOW are you going to fight nature? You can't, it ALWAYS ends the same way. ALL societies...ALL civilizations have risen on high ideals...and fallen because of individual greed. We're ALL greedy...some are just better at it than others!


ruger 500
the failiure of greece ,we are carring there insurance on there bad paper ,when the cant pay we will have to then comes a deep deep recession,the goverment will get stronger and stronger you will get weaker and weaker store beans rice and 12 ga 3 inch mag slugs in bulk you will live survive and heirloom seeds for gardens are on of the very best barter items avalible to man thatyou can reproduce


ruger 500
gold and silver can nolonger traded over the counter in the usa after the 15th of this month ,this should be a huge red flag to peeps


Game Bred
gold and silver can nolonger traded over the counter in the usa after the 15th of this month ,this should be a huge red flag to peeps

can you link the legislation?

i wonder if soros needs to add to his 6 tons?

btw we have a trillionaire already.. just look at 'ol porgie
gold and silver can nolonger traded over the counter in the usa after the 15th of this month ,this should be a huge red flag to peeps
almost reposted your infowras link...you can also go to www.wearechange.org..ronpaul wants to audit our gold and silver reserves..joeuser, TOO many hits of acid and mesc at dead shows..how else do you think i got this insight..but the truth is there are other forces at work..to bad you can't see or feel them pulling on you


Active member
if they would just legalize murder everyone would have a good reason to be kind and generous:drum:


weed fiend
And it's GREED that fucks up everything...money, religion, government, they ALL came about because of greed.

But the top ain't greedy, right?

A failed attempt at being objective. You can't hold your dogma AND be objective.

No comment here. Reference your greed comment above.

Why do we need a "balance"? Seriously...does EVERYONE really have good ideas that everyone else HAS to listen to? There are a whole lot of ideas out there that aren't worth a shit.

When we FINALLY get it through our thick heads that everyone does NOT have "equal value"...only THEN can we advance.

We're like Olympic athletes in a marathon...but the government decided that the physically handicapped have an EQUAL right to be in the race...so we...the athletes are charged with making sure we ALL "finish the race together". Nobody get's left behind. The NEW standard for the marathon just went from 2 hours to 3 days! Yes, THIS is what we are doing...lowering the standard, lowering the expectation, all for "diversity"...all so everyone...get's a chance.

:laughing: More 'objective' failure? You'd have to be asleep for the last 30 years to miss record income disparity, losing our manufacturing base, 68% of US corporations paying no tax, the top 1% paying less tax than you, conservatives wanting to wax programs we pay for, a speaker not willing to compromise on taxes, (and I could go on a lot longer.)

Speaking of dogma, your karma ran over it.

The analogy is hilarious. The top doesn't have to 'run'. Corporations are sitting on more liquidity than the history of man and doing nothing but drawing interest for themselves. And all after they said, "Lower our taxes and we'll spur job growth." Fuckin' A!

I get it, you're conservative. But the only thing about conservatism is conserving the top's best interests, judging others' morality and raping the planet.

You want success again? Get government out of my way!

The quintessential conservative idea, even has a little reverse psycho-logy added for shits 'n giggles. Watch joeuser run past everybody. :tumbleweed: Run Mr Objective, run!!! :jump:
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But the top ain't greedy, right?

No comment here. Reference your greed comment above.

:laughing: More 'objective' failure? You'd have to be asleep for the last 30 years to miss record income disparity, losing our manufacturing base, 68% of US corporations paying no tax, the top 1% paying less tax than you, conservatives wanting to wax programs we pay for, a speaker not willing to compromise on taxes, (and I could go on a lot longer.)

Speaking of dogma, your karma ran over it.

The analogy is hilarious. The top doesn't have to 'run'. Corporations are sitting on more liquidity than the history of man and doing nothing but drawing interest for themselves. And all after they said, "Lower our taxes and we'll spur job growth." Fuckin' A!

I get it, you're conservative. But the only thing about conservatism is conserving the top's best interests, judging others' morality and raping the planet.

The quintessential conservative idea, even has a little reverse psycho-logy added for shits 'n giggles. Watch joeuser run past everybody. :tumbleweed: Run Mr Objective, run!!! :jump:

The top are VERY greedy...do you READ what I type or do you "already know what I'm going to say...so why bother"? I'm getting that feeling about YOUR posts. A lot of words...but nothing new...no suggestions but let government take care of it...we need more RULES!!!

EVERYTHING you mention...is because of the government. Taxes, regulations, unions getting their way through laws. Don't you get it? "Equalizing" destroyed us. Period. Why hire "government quota or affirmative action idiots"? When you can hire whom YOU want to hire in another country who doesn't play the "guilt game". Will people suffer? Yes...they will...ESPECIALLY if they think they can sit home and do nothing. Not everyone CAN excel.

Karma? Yes, I know...it's big here...but it's the same as all the other religions...it's bullshit. I DON'T give a fuck about others if it's going to hurt me...and all this welfare...CORPORATE and private...is more than hurting...it's killing us.

If you don't have anything original to say, if you're just going to tell me I'm wrong or call me names...please move along.

It's a case of incompatible ideologies. It's that simple. You believe in everyone's freedom to do or not do however they see fit...yet you also believe that those same people somehow deserve an equal piece of the pie. It doesn't work that way...it SHOULDN'T work that way...you don't work in the garden...you shouldn't eat. EVERYONE can do SOMETHING for the society that supports them...they should be EXPECTED to do what they can. I am SO fucking against FREEBIES that it makes my blood boil. I HATE to see people take advantage of others hospitality, good nature, generosity. THAT is where the Karma should come in...not me wanting to cut the losers off. ESPECIALLY when to pay their way...I'm in debt almost $50,000. I want SOMETHING for my money...for my LABOR that I sweated for and gave to the government (they steal from me) to pay for them.

So...how about some SOLUTION for a change...have you offered ANY solutions? At least I'm trying...you're the equivalent of the welfare recipient...sit back, don't contribute...but complain and bitch about how bad the ideas are.


Andinismo Hierbatero
gotta work man, gotta do something... contribute, create, make wealth, whether physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual... if not, move to cuba.

no body is equal, there are no equal opportunities, we are all only equal in that we struggle in life and eventually die

death is the great equalizer...

the rest is faery tales

work, save your money, use it wisely.

find work you like at least though, u know...


cant believe u moan about gas being $4 a gallon! in uk its £1.35 a litre, which is roughly $10 a gallon
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