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Side by side comparison


Active member
This "private album" thing is complete bullshit. :moon:

lol here we go again..

Add me please :) no debate necessary

1st post just happens to be here? Another sock puppet?

Can i be added to your ignore list please?


Add me too..

I kept album private to "weed out" potential negativity and bs! :)

It looks like you are intentionally causing negativity and bs! Is it not evident from the response you have received thus far?

This shit is childish, If I could have just looked at the pics I would have said something positive no doubt.

Carefull, you will be labeled as a "hater" & "troll".

Clearly this whole thread and the user himeself is designed to cause trouble..

So many sock puppets. Maybe you are maybe your not but the wize old saying goes; Where there is smoke there is fire..

Join Date: Oct 2010..

Your sig is just blatantly obvious;
Haters are always gonna hate!


Looks to me like you are just provoking trouble in EVERYTHING you do...

Another missleading title.. "Side by side comparison" Well we cant see any side by sides fool!

Another thread worthy of the bin.. wait lets make it a sticky...



Yes I did noticed what you mentioned, and USUALLY defoliate during, for obvious reasons such as light penetration and etc.

This time with the new babies though I haven't defoliated them yet, may wait til sexed first.

I want to run another experiment next round when I get everything relocated and settled, I will do another side by side, and actually wait til they're about 2weeks into flowering, (usually when the stretch stops/or at least slows to a crawl on most strains I've worked with) that way to me at least, it'll be accurate.

These ladies in the experiment were "tampered" with at first switch of lights to 12/12. The FIRST thing I noticed was the almost instant slowed growth of the deleafed one..which is expected.. root mass was smaller (though it has caught up again) and the plant looked overall almost "unhealthy" but I knew this was not the case.

Pics as promised...

Before deleafed


MDK, JWP, you guys are exactly the reason why I did what I did... have a good day!
Since you're both so displeased, and have clearly stated how you feel...by all means leave...
Damn, I love the "ignore list", too bad it doesn't completely block folks from being able to post..

On with the show!


Active member

Untouched plant... plant has not been bothered at all.... she's roughly 3-4inches taller, and root mass is roughly double.

How far along are you into flower? Do you have 2 untouched plants or just 1? Since you defoliated at the start of Flower, your results with defoliating will be much different than if you waited until about week 3. I do around day 20-21 for the first time. By this time the stretch has stopped, budding is starting to pick up, root production is down as well as leaf production. This would be much less stressful on your plants and results would most likely be better.

I have limited experience with defoliating. It has its Pros and Cons. For ME it works well. If done in VEG, expect to VEG longer than a non-defoliated plant. For me 6 weeks veg is too long without some type of management, I have to keep mine from getting too tall. Defoliation works well on all of my plants EXCEPT my Indica plant. Will never do it again on it. My sativa's love it! Good luck, I will be interested to see how your grow does.


Active member
what the fuck is the point of this thread? we're supposed to imagine we can see your pictures? for a person worried about getting negative feedback you sure are choosing a great way to get some.


for a person worried about getting negative feedback you sure are choosing a great way to get some.

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the first post.

I don't think keep the pics private will stop anyone from complaining about this or that. It will just bring them to you because you giving them another reason to say, "See, look.. No proof!"

Pics please. Contact or not


Can i see please

Can i see please

Hey man,
something i have been interested in, i would love to see a comparitive run through with out all the nonsense that tends to get thrown around here. So, can i see pics?


How far along are you into flower? Do you have 2 untouched plants or just 1? Since you defoliated at the start of Flower, your results with defoliating will be much different than if you waited until about week 3. I do around day 20-21 for the first time. By this time the stretch has stopped, budding is starting to pick up, root production is down as well as leaf production. This would be much less stressful on your plants and results would most likely be better.

I have limited experience with defoliating. It has its Pros and Cons. For ME it works well. If done in VEG, expect to VEG longer than a non-defoliated plant. For me 6 weeks veg is too long without some type of management, I have to keep mine from getting too tall. Defoliation works well on all of my plants EXCEPT my Indica plant. Will never do it again on it. My sativa's love it! Good luck, I will be interested to see how your grow does.

Yes, it will I agree. This is my first grow, in almost 3-4years, and my very first in DWC. For some reason I completely forgot the 3 week stretch. LOL :shucks:

Next run...err.. I should say when the latest clones stop stretching, (which seems to be roughly 2 weeks with this strain) I will do this "test" again. I will also give them there own dedicated bucket, if I can.:ying:

I wish I had the room to train them down a lil, but I want to do the simple defol/or not test first, THEN the screening/training along with it.:dance013:

A nutrient company test will be coming soon.:jump:

OH, btw, the last couple pics, were at 14 days flower.:tiphat:



I am also a firm believer in defol...Would like to have access to the pics. I've been considering doing a side by side for the other forum- but I don't want to risk NOT defoliating half of my girls!

I have always plucked at week 3 of flower. Haven't got the nerve to de-leaf in veg just yet. Can't wait to see! Thanks

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