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Side by side comparison


Now in technicolor
I am curious. How Often do you deleaf? Is it a set schedule or more of an by eye deal for you.? and any new pictures? :thinking:

once you begin defoliating, it becomes a habit. Everyday you walk into your grow room and you see a big fan leaf. You take it off. Then the 2nd biggest fan leaves begins to look like the biggest and also needs to go. And you do this again and again until you have a garden of bare stems. Two days later you do it again. But when you stop, your plants just explode with growth. Short and bushy with tight internodes and a lot of bud sites.


That was quick! Thanks bro...:)


I am also a firm believer in defol...Would like to have access to the pics. I've been considering doing a side by side for the other forum- but I don't want to risk NOT defoliating half of my girls!

I have always plucked at week 3 of flower. Haven't got the nerve to de-leaf in veg just yet. Can't wait to see! Thanks
Incognegro... Id love to see the pictures, been following the posts, couldnt figure out what was going on LOL... Thanks in advance!


once you begin defoliating, it becomes a habit. Everyday you walk into your grow room and you see a big fan leaf. You take it off. Then the 2nd biggest fan leaves begins to look like the biggest and also needs to go. And you do this again and again until you have a garden of bare stems. Two days later you do it again. But when you stop, your plants just explode with growth. Short and bushy with tight internodes and a lot of bud sites.

i agree lol. its never ending.


Active member
looks good man! might i request a side by side for scale. I would like to see the difference in structure from one to another. Other wise good work! i like the work your doing!


Active member
This shit is like Apple computer.... no pics and secret. If it's kept secret it creates a false buzz, like Steve Job's distortion field. And the above poster is correct.... friending someone to follow a simple thread is stupid.

Anyway, I've tried this from veg thru the entire grow, actually upsetting my normal schedule to allow the plants to veg 2 weeks longer then normal (5 weeks) as explained in the other thread.

The results were unimpressive at best.

Highly doubt yours will be different.


Active member
This shit is like Apple computer.... no pics and secret. If it's kept secret it creates a false buzz, like Steve Job's distortion field. And the above poster is correct.... friending someone to follow a simple thread is stupid.

Anyway, I've tried this from veg thru the entire grow, actually upsetting my normal schedule to allow the plants to veg 2 weeks longer then normal (5 weeks) as explained in the other thread.

The results were unimpressive at best.

Highly doubt yours will be different.

No offense, but adding 2 weeks onto your Veg time is a waste. I took time to make a list of Pro's and Con's...and that is the number 1 Con. Defoliating in Veg will stunt your plant, but create tighter nodes. The only reason I tried it in VEG was to manage my plants from getting too big too fast. It works well for me, but I HAVE to veg a long time.

I have been defoliating just in Flower after the stretch...about day 20 is when I start. The original poster of this thread defoliated at the Beginning of flower....which is extremely counter-productive. Anybody who reads this thread should be aware that he did it at the worst time. I would never touch my plants for atleast 2 weeks once flipped. Defoliating before then will give shitty results and will reduce yield vs a non-defoliated plant. Please anyone who attempts to defoliate, NEVER defoliate in Flower before the stretch is over...you will be disappointed and it is the WRONG thing to do!

Sadly defoliating is not an exact science. I have limited experience with defoliating, but I know for a fact defoliating in VEG for most people is not worth it. Do not do it unless you have to veg for a very long time and have height restrictions. If you decide to give defoliation a try in Flower only, wait until day 20-21 IMO. Doing anything stressful during the stretch is a waste. My results from just defoliating in Flower were excellent and increased my yield by 25%. Anybody who attempts this should not just start plucking leaves whenever, defoliating at the wrong time is counter productive for sure.


Yes, I did start the defol far too early.

I've got 2 untouched plants that started with them but different phenos from each other, so it won't be fair.

I DO have far too many clones, and will do this test again when I find worthy candidates, same height, pheno, etc, etc; and after the stretch :tiphat:

But hey, lesson learned, that's what we're (well most of us anyway) here for...


It's amazing how people take things out of context for their own benefit .... huhh..that's IC for ya... :noway:

I think you're in the wrong thread... go back to grapes ;)


Active member
It's amazing how people take things out of context for their own benefit .... huhh..that's IC for ya... :noway:

I think you're in the wrong thread... go back to grapes ;)

Nothing is out of context really. first you claim I don't know how to grow (by Saying that YOU actually do know how to grow), then you go on to admit in your next post that you really don't know what you are doing after all.

LOL Too rich.


If you say so :)

Growing and experimenting is not the same thing, nor did I say I didn't know what I was doing? I ...you know what, I'm not gonna explain myself to you or anybody else, you don't like my methods or my style or my posts, then beat feet. :shucks:

OKAYYYY.... back to the subject at hand!

After a couple more days of growing, the defoliated lady actually caught up to the trimmed plant, and now seem to be growing together, and both have actually surpassed 1 of the untouched plants (dif pheno). The other untouched of the same pheno is still a couple inches taller, (maybe 2-3.)

More pics to come probably this afternoon when I get back :)

Stay tuned :tiphat:

PS I think I've foun 2 eager candidates try this experiment on again, in a couple weeks.... maybe 2 more weeks.

Bob Smith

Incognegro, you've clearly created more flaming/trolling than there would've been otherwise by your bizarre ploy to do a side by side comparison thread yet not let people see the pics unless they make you their friend.

It's akin to listening to a football game on the radio.

I don't get it (in all honesty), but I'd like to see the pics.


When I started this thread, I started the defoliation AT the onset of the changing of the light cycle.

Some people think this is a bad idea, and I see why. But alas, I'm doing this comparison as I am, because of a couple reasons.

1. I don't usually veg...unless from seed.
2. This set up will be more productive to ME, and many others who DO NOT veg, since this is true for many people, this will be more conclusive to "our" routine.
3. This is 1 of many comparisons to come... :)


So if you have anything negative to say, then please read all posts first before commenting. This is a comparison grow, where many of us can learn. Not ALL of us are "professionals" lol:wave:


Active member
When I started this thread, I started the defoliation AT the onset of the changing of the light cycle.

Some people think this is a bad idea, and I see why. But alas, I'm doing this comparison as I am, because of a couple reasons.

1. I don't usually veg...unless from seed.
2. This set up will be more productive to ME, and many others who DO NOT veg, since this is true for many people, this will be more conclusive to "our" routine.
3. This is 1 of many comparisons to come... :)


So if you have anything negative to say, then please read all posts first before commenting. This is a comparison grow, where many of us can learn. Not ALL of us are "professionals" lol:wave:

I do not think it is a bad idea to defoliate at the start of Flower...I know it is a horrible idea! Compare all you want, atleast you will know what NOT to do next time. Doing anything stressful right at flip and until the stretch is over will give you less than stellar results. If you do not veg at all defoliating right before the flip is going to really stunt your plants. Good luck, please wait until day 20 or 21 before defoliating next time...you will thank me later.

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