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sick of it all


half cat half man half baked
Car addicts spend most of their time in the garage...

Athletes in the gym...

No doubt we'd have some cool places to meet each other if it wasn't for the currents laws.

We'll have eternity to toke it up and kick it in the after life! Just imagine how boring it would be without the internet and a forum like this :)
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Cannabrex Formulator
Yep....most people are donkeyhonking asshats of the highest order and are to be avoided like a drunken toothless hillbilly on crank with a shotgun and a penchant fer "purdy mouths".

Welcome to the world.


yummies prolly free tonight.... :laughing: just fockin with ya bro. i used to live in corpus with a couple coastie chics back in 2000 and hated it out there. i didnt meet the first cool person to hang with besides my roomates and they drove me nuts most of the time. cheap shitty weed too.


Mother Nature's Son
Shit NOKUY, I have lived in Texas for 23 years (my whole life, unfortunately), and aside from my brother I have only met two people that I would consider great friends (and one was daisy jane, so back down to one). I have plenty of acquaintances, but I consider them all idiots really. I have found only one decent friend out of the dozens of thousands of people I have met.
Thankfully, my brother and I are almost identical in tastes and opinions, so I have a built in best friend, if you will.


sunshine in a bag
Tarkus said:
(and one was daisy jane, so back down to one)
Was? Unless I'm misinterpreting, sorry to hear that brosef.

I sort of have a strong friendship with my two brothers. The other night my younger brother started a fist fight with me. I'm not going to hurt him though, I'm 6'5 250, he's 5'9". But 20 minutes later he gave me a hug and apologized. Strange no matter what happens between us, my brothers and I will always have the strongest bonds of friendship possible.

It seems like everyone has those acquaintences that we sometimes speak to or hang with at parties, but in hindsight we feel as though they are fucking morons.


Mother Nature's Son
Nah Feyd, you understand correctly. daisy and I are no more, she gave me the boot...to date her dealer. So I moved back home, and am getting on with my life. Was concerned that she was throwing her life away, but whatever!! Her decision now. Don't be sorry for me, be sorry for her........

My brother and I are the same way. We have had some good fights, many a scar was caused by him, but we always end up smoking a bowl together soon afterwards. Never held a grudge for a day, not even close. My brother is the greatest person I know, and I owe him so much. Hell, when I called and told him about daisy kicking me out, he and our best friend said they would leave immediately. It was about midnight when I called, and it is a 3 hour drive. They were both going to head up there right away, and it meant a lot to me.

It takes years to find someone worthy of being my friend. Texas sure has a lot of assholes (a LOT), but there are some good folks here. Hard to find them though, because they keep to themselves (unlike all these other asshats!).


man you guys are hard on Texans... Im not that bad... Texas does have alot of asshats and racist asshats but we got some cool peeps as well.. just got to know the right people...

og dmc

I live in Texas near the border. Lived here 20yrs and hated it for 20yrs. Too fuckin diverse. Bunch of fakers. Can wait to get the fuck outa here. One more year and I am gone. We have the worstscum on either side of the border right here in Texas.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
"I'll keep it short and sweet. family. religion. friendship. these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business. "
- Mongomery Burns


just make rasterbated images of cool looking people and post them around random parts of your house, name them, hold conversations and you can even tell them about your grows ... or you could get a pet.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
hey bro I feel for ya & know the feeling myself,
20 yrs in northern MN & I count only two locals
as friends or tight, otherwise I just know people.


**AWD** Aficianado
I find as I get older I have a harder time making friends, it seems I'm less flexible and less wanting to get involved in sharing my life with someone new.
What your going through happens alot to people who move to a new place, you have to dig the vibe of the place you live or it's going to be more of the same IMO.
My highschool friends are still with me, we see each other quite often and they have a great influence on my life, we grew up together in the same area so share the same values.

Your a cool guy and God knows you can grow, give it time and if not..move.
Move to Eastern Canada, we booze, smoke, are multicultural, nature at hand, lots of space and dwelling out of city are dirt cheap, snow (if you SB or ski).
You have to live your life where you dig the scene or else why stay there?

Let's go dude we are waiting for you :hotbounce


Active member
damn Suby i'll be your friend :petting: (hows the kitchen??)

seriously, i have to acknowledge how nice it is to have been here on these and other forums with my "extended friends" sniff sniff....

I have found more supportive, thoughtfull, and self-examined people here (and OG) than in any one geographical location.

It's cool to see Suby and others that have been here for years. The cream rises IMO.

Suby's right, why limit yourself unless there is something to gain?


Active member
Its just that for some folks, there aint no place. Sometimes thats the way I feel anyhow. So then fukkit. Dig your roots in anyhow and make the best of it. Make it your own and fukk everybody elce. Too bad Ya didnt move out round here. I figure youd prolly be a good neibour.


Active member
I'll keep it short- I understand where you're coming from and I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Just remember, each one of us is responsible for our own happiness. Sometimes that takes more work than others. Good luck man, hope shit starts looking up for ya ASAP.

Hey Wishbone.... I know what you mean man. I moved to Nor-Cal about 2 1/2 years ago and haven't met anyone out here I hang out with or call..... People dont trust people these days, and others are busy doing the daily grind of life. It's funny tho, I was starting to lose hope when I was driving today by the park and I decided to stop for a sec where I saw a couple of guys throwing a rugby ball around. I used to play rugby so I asked about any men's teams that may be in the area.... Long story short is that we exchanged numbers and I even found out they smoked herb too!
It's hard finding true friends out there these days, but it's better to be safe then sorry, and better to surround yourself with a few good people rather then a bunch of idiots. It just takes time I guess, a little bit of luck, and a little bit of effort on your part (it's hard for me to make friends when I'm inside). Anyway, good luck man,


Active member
ICMag Donor
I moved to a new town and never could get a good friendship going with anyone.
It seemed like none of the idiots that lived around me wanted to have much to do with me. I am certain it was bred into them, or it was in the water...but they were all a bunch of stupid ass hicks.

I asked this guy I worked with why these assholes were so hard on a guy, and wouldn't give me the time of day...he reponded "They don't fuck with you because you act like they are a bunch of stupid idiot hicks, and they have even heard you call them such. Some of them feel the joke is on you".

I had to do some reflecting.