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sick of it all


Active member
i wont post a refrence to the band yet, but its kind of how i feel.

been here 4 months now havent made a single friend, not that i care, but it's sort of telling....and not like i run around asking idiots to be my friend...i just have nothing in common w/ anyone.

i now see why colorado people dont like texans

.... (dont get me wrong ya'll are nice, but your really stupid, which is why u prolly gotta be nice)

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

I have lived in the area I do for about 5 years now, and minus the neighbours, I really don't have any other people around here that I would call friends. I have my woman, and a couple people I talk to pretty much on the daily online. But for the most part I deal with noone,


Active member
Dr Dog said:

I have lived in the area I do for about 5 years now, and minus the neighbours, I really don't have any other people around here that I would call friends. I have my woman, and a couple people I talk to pretty much on the daily online. But for the most part I deal with noone,

i wouldent talk to my neighbors if they made a family picnick on my front porch.....i know it is what it is and yadda yadda...i just figured by now id have someone here w/ something in common...i havent seen it yet.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Most of my neighbours are about 20 years older than me

I thought I would have alot with one of them, as he is into Holistic medicine, but he is also into talking to kids about the dangers of drugs. So that went out the window.

Because of my hobbies, I have a lack of trust for alot of people, so it is probably mainly my fault, but I am happy, with being a hermit


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
NOKUY said:
i wouldent talk to my neighbors if they made a family picnick on my front porch.....i know it is what it is and yadda yadda...i just figured by now id have someone here w/ something in common...i havent seen it yet.

That's EXACTLY why you have us at IC mag!!! F-real life...LOL. :bashhead:


Active member
yep u guys are right....having this type of hobby pretty much throws almost all relationships right out the window imediatly.


New member
seriously i've pretty much come to the conclusion people are assholes to one another naturally.. i lost most of my real friends throughout childhood or maybe just came to the realization they were not my actual friends all along... but it's cool i enjoy life man don't let nothing bring you down ESPECIALLY OTHER PEOPLE.. besides most of the time it's jelousy sad to say but this world was built on jelousy, greed, and money... i had friends that would just call me to smoke them up and such, seriously that shit is so lame ....

Smooth B

NOKUY said:

:yeahthats I almost knocked the computer off the table doing the Gorilla dance. :laughing:

Don't dwell on the fact you haven't met anyone yet. Keep doing the things you like.

Go to public places like parks, benches in front of a grocery store and say "Hey" or "How's it going?" to everyone that crosses your path. Sometimes I stand in front of a convienence store and smoke a cig talking to everyone coming in and out.

Try a local bar and ask cute girls to burn one. (Be careful about location...maybe your truck/car) I got my best girlfriend ever offering up a little smoke. Remember, if you see a cute girl and don't speak up...it's your fault.

It always works out... Peace. :joint:


as far as I'm concerned I'd rather have a few real friends than a ton of fake ones and as back up I always have my pooch and ma blunt :jump:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
you still sportin your locks bro? i can see how rural texans might be caught off guard by that! lol. im here in socal and i am pretty much a loner. spend more time with bro's ive met online here at ic than anyone but my girl. least all us antisocial types got bro's right here! :rasta:


Active member

You make bros here becuase its what we are interested in doing.
put yourself in the situation(s) you enjoy most, camping, travel, music, whatever...thats when you will find people more aligned with what you are about, and what you are interested in just like here.

I also find that the relationships I have developed with the least expectation from, have endured the longest.


her dankness
bbing said:
I also find that the relationships I have developed with the least expectation from, have endured the longest.
I like that statement. No expectations means no pressure.
I'd rather wait for true friends to find me. Put yourself out there in small ways- you into any sports/activities besides our favorite one? There's GOTTA be a club that you can go do shit with on weekends just for some social interaction, and don't worry about making friends. It will just happen when the time is right. And no one has to know who the fuck you are or where you came from. You into kayaking or cycling? Lots of fun, not much chance to make dumb ass small talk.


sunshine in a bag
I'm glad I've found a couple people from highschool that I've still maintained a strong friendship with even after we've graduated, gone to college, came back from school, went back, etc.

I feel like one of them I will be friends with for the rest of my life, he's just the best friend I've ever had. I trust him with just about anything and consider him part of my family.
However, I can only say I have 2 real friends and then a dozen people I talk to when we bump into each other.

Quality over quantity.

I was about to recommend the strictly platonic section of craigslist, but most of the time it's gay dudes trying to find other guys to just "Be friends with" so they can cultivate some sort of relationship with.

Big Ricky

New member
Feyd said:
I was about to recommend the strictly platonic section of craigslist, but most of the time it's gay dudes trying to find other guys to just "Be friends with" so they can cultivate some sort of relationship with.

you gotta be shittin me.......

after that, check out Moustache Magazine for woodworking tips.


sunshine in a bag
Big Ricky said:
you gotta be shittin me.......

after that, check out Moustache Magazine for woodworking tips.
The strictly platonic section is intended for people looking for friends, it not the intimate section of the personals by any means.

I've checked it a couple times and once in a while you get someone new to town who isn't into the bar scene or night clubs looking for some people to go surfing with, go to a film festival, etc.

So no, I am not "shittin" you. But like I said, it's only once in a while that it isn't geriatric homosexuals looking for a young stud to come spice up their evening before they go to bed at 8pm.

I don't really use facebook or myspace, or any website at all to make friends, but I've heard friends say they were hanging out with someone they met via one of those social networking sites.

I don't think meeting friends online is weird (when I was heavy into MMO's the group of guys I played with went to Penn. for a ski trip, it was really cool and nobody talked about the game at all, just a bunch of guys and a couple of girls having a good time). However, meeting people for sex online to me is a bit strange. In that respect I guess I am a little bit more traditional in that I would like to spark something face to face at the local watering hole or at a concert downtown or whatever.

Good friends are hard to come by, but if you find someone that has similar interests as you that you can trust with certain parts of your life than you can say you are a lucky person, not a lot of people have that.


i have a crazy story for yall. i meet my wife on yahoo. just chatting with people in my state. back in 2000 i think. anyway she had moved here from up north bout 4 years before 2000. i never seen her. but some how she had live 3 blocks up the street. if it wasn't for the internet we would have never meet. and dude we rock as a couple and fam. 2 little girls. the ineternet open doors that we might not see everyday. i don't have many real friends. i got two hardcore down boys. i know i can trust. and ive meet a few online that are true people. not fakers peace.


Active member
My brother lives in Texas (close to you actually) and when I talk to him he says the exact same shit about it.
I feel sorry for him but he has no choice like you.
Its not just Colorado either NOKUY, I am born and raised in the south and come from a family that has lived in the south for generations and I can't fuckin stand texas or texans. don't get be wrong we have our fair share if racist hillbillies who tote shotguns and guzzle beers outside the trailer all long too.... but texas takes the cake. i never had such a hard time hitchhiking until i got to motherfucking Texas. the armpit of the United States of America. If we gave the state back to Mexico I would shrug and go about my day.
I work with a Texan and all he talks about is how great Texas is and how great the Dallas cowboys are. i tell him to shut up all the time and move back if Texas is so great. I tell that to the yankee's too who always talk about how great New York is. It gets on my nerves. Lately we've had an influx of both in my area. :fsu:
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i like my friends here at icmag the best though. i think its because most people here are generally same type of people all ready which kinda makes making friends easier.