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sick of it all


NOKUY said:
i wont post a refrence to the band yet, but its kind of how i feel.

been here 4 months now havent made a single friend, not that i care, but it's sort of telling....and not like i run around asking idiots to be my friend...i just have nothing in common w/ anyone.

i now see why colorado people dont like texans

.... (dont get me wrong ya'll are nice, but your really stupid, which is why u prolly gotta be nice)

Nokuy stop being so vague. I can hardly understand what your complaint is about. Also, you can't expect everyone to automatically know which band you're referring to. Really man, who does that? It's not like you give us a hint;but I'll bet it's an emo band. :badday:

It's pretty obvious that it does bother you, because you wouldn't be ranting about it on a message board if it wasn't. Join a club, learn a new hobby, pick up Xtreme Frisby--do something new if you want to meet new folks. It has nothing to do with the people in general. I think if you go out there and take a closer look for yourself you'll learn that you REALLY aren't that different from the people you despise. You've got to learn to look past the difference of opinions, taste in music, appearance, etc, all that nonsense. Because the truth of the matter is, WE are all the same--grouped together like a fucking survey. Sure if people see someone who looks like an outcast or whatever, they will steer clear mostly because they don't feel that person is worth their time. You're better off ignoring them, too, because they're either one-sided or fake.

And just for the record you're calling all Texans stupid--really? Ha! I'd say the problem lies within you, not the people. And seriously man take a closer look at this message board. These people aren't any smarter or better than the Texans or the folks from Colorado, so I don't know why you're ranting over here. Did you make this thread because you want advice or because are you looking someone to hold your hand, tell you everything is going to be alright, and to reaffirm your half-baked opinion on Texans?

Man the Toker's Den is a goddamn circus. :violin:


stoned agin ...
i have hardly any friends because i work with a lot of square people who are nice but not tokers, and since toking is a big interest of mine we're not gonna get close ... how can you get close to em when you have to hide a significant part of your life? and the people i manage to meet who are tokers are all casual acquaintances (many i would be careful of gettin close to), cept for a couple long-time close ones i dont see often cuz they moved away. maybe the illegal aspect contributes to a kind of isolation. i'll have to smoke a bowl and figure that out after my fast is done (friday) :joint:


My brother I have a full understanding of what you are talking about.You cant get something for nothing so I guess that would be the price we pay for being who we are.Sad but true.....Verdi99