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shroomys last and final grow for a very long time 2012 - 2013


Looking like all is on track, that Buzz crosses sound very nice ill like to see how they do in our climate are Buzz affiliated with this site how can i get there genetics?

Good to hear you are still in good spirit and thinking ahead, hope u get some nice girls and one or two nice boys...:biggrin:

Anyway all the best shroomy:gday:


Well-known member
Hi Shroomy

It's a pity that you stop growing.

I hope that at least you visit the forum sometimes.

Best regards.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hope your safe happy and well brother shroomy :friends:
Miss ya around these parts mate :gday:
:smoke out:


New member
Every time I log on it's apparently "shroomy's" final grow. ( bro a grow has to have plants)

Getting worse than Johnny Farnham's final tour for the 10th time. ROFL.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Im fine and well brother bOOm :)

Im retired now brother, with work and all the CBO's and ICO's I currently have running I have scaled back and just have a couple going in the garden :)

they are doing pretty good ill post up some pics tommoz.

thanx for dropping in mate hope your are keeping safe your self


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:woohoo: Great to hear from your brother shroomy :good:
Me and the b00mer familia are doing great sweltering in the SA heat :D
Look forward to seeing what your doing in the garden mate, you can check my 2012/2013 album to see whats going on this side of the fence ;)
:plant grow:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
ICO = Intensive Correction Order
CBO = Community Based Order??? :chin: Not sure on that one


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Hi HC good to see you posting mate :) bOOm is correct in the explanations.

yeah just some old crap finally catching up with me.. thought i was done and dusted with that old shit but apparently it follows you around.

here is a link to the pics i promised.. i posted them in the Secret Garden Seeds forum as they gifted me these seeds


enjoy and catch you guys in a couple days

keep safe shroomy


New member
Sorry but it's either cops or oh i got ripped again, bro I'am calling you out.

Lie's through and through, Since Oz Stoners.

Yep that's right you been bullshiting for yrs. you have LARGE issues my friend.

Stop the lies and seek help.

you know me well