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shroomys last and final grow for a very long time 2012 - 2013


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Evening all.... as the tile says this will probably be my last grow for quite a while when this one sadly comes to an end... changes in my life atm make it hard to grow but not impossible... but after may next year which will be harvest time I am sad to say will no longer be in the position to grow any longer :(

now that the sob story is out of the way lets get down to the fundamentals of this grow :)

strains that are going to be grown are bread and butter strains... for those of you reading this thread that don't know what a bread and butter strain is... it is basically a strains that has proven its self time and time again and pretty much ticks all the boxes ;)

ok so the line up this year are the following :

White Rhino
Jack H F2
White Russian
Jack H 95
Sk#1 x Afgan

I will also be dropping some autos around the first of December and will harvest these in Feb for an early harvest god knows I am gonna need it lol

autos that will be dropped are still in the deciding phase most will hybrids made by mates of mine in Australia

soil mix will be very basic only consisting of the following :

cow manure
worm castings

nutrient solution will be canna coco A and B and PK/13-14 when
flowering starts

little more information for those wondering why this idiot is starting his grow so early in the year...

1. I want to sex the plants and weed out the males and the shit looking females
2. my growing style has a lot to do with monster cropping... I am a true believer a lot of growers could greatly increase there yield using this method... this method will also make it easy to pick out any plants with hermie traits

whats a thread with out a few pics lol nothing special but thought id include em anyway ;)
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sorry to hear about the shite life is throwing at you bro, but stoked to see you giving it one more crack at it mate
Tagged up for the rest of your show :lurk:
:plant grow:


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Thanx bOOm brother :)
hopefully get to go out with bumper a harvest and end on a good vibe :)


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Thanx Saibai

should be a good year that is for sure :)

im really keen to get all my supplies now :)

Husky Jackal

Very Neat Monster
Tagged ! Sorry about your problems shroomy, let's hope you will come back and kick ass ! The strains sound great, wish you good luck ! Peace and good vibes, HJ.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Heres to going out with a bang!

But surely you could always have a wee 'native mint' bush tucked away behind a tomato trellis somewhere??? :smoke:

Good luck, its just about seed popping time again :D:D:D:D


Active member
Shit Shroomy...hope this one is a bewdy!!!

Sorry to hear your horticultural pursuits have to halt for a while but I hope once you've settled what ever it is you'll be back growing bigger & better.

Meantime I'll grab a seat...a few Farmers Union Iced Coffees...Temple Bar tin full of buds & watch the grow!!!


Is G-netix still happening???

Cheers, Mungas


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Mangus.......................... :)

so Happy you dropped by brother was wondering where you had to go..

yeah hope i can grow em like you mate.. eve half the size of yours of be stoked as :)

yes mate deff happening :) just on the back burner atm but it is still part of my plans in the future... lost still needs to be tested and worked to the standard we are happy with :)

i even might drop a couple of the quick indica crosses now that you mention it :)

keep safe mate



Doing what we do because we are who we are
woop woop they are starting to crack :) no tails yet but i want to delay this as long as possible on gonna have time on friday to drop in some coco :)


Doing what we do because we are who we are
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG one of my idols in my thread..... the ganja gods truly are looking after me :) thankyou for drooping in my thread Phillthy you have and always will be one of my mentors on the great hobby of growing gardening cannabis. your style and just the general way that you go about things is just amazing to me and if i can achieve half the things you have... ill be happy as pig in shit... copping a root and having a 30 mins orgasm as they are rumored to have ;) what im trying to say is you made my week wait you made my month mate... thank you :)


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Monster Cropping

Monster Cropping or Flowering Clones is another method of growing that was brought to my attention by one of our members; JWP, who also was kind enough to provide the pictures for this part of the guide. This method involves taking clones of flowering plants and then forcing them to root and re-veg, which eventually leads to very bushy plants with a great number of branches and nodes. I named this technique Monster Cropping because that is what you will get, real monster plants, but also because this method was introduced to the scene by a grower named greenmonster714. He in turn credits a grower named Feral for discovering this technique.

Taking clones from flowering plants goes against all that has been said about cloning cannabis and might therefore seem a bit confusing at first but the science behind the technique is sound and the results speak for themselves.

You start by taking clones of a plant that is about 21 days into flowering. This seems to be the best time to do it but you can also takes clones at a later stage with the same results. The lower branches make better clones as they have not yet become rigid and will also root faster and more easily than say the top cola. Move the new cutting into a glass of water and let it sit for a while in order to make sure that no air gets into the vascular system during handling, as this can be fatal to your new plant. You should make the cut so that it runs along the stem as this will increase the surface area for water and possibly nutrient uptake, depending on what method of cloning you use. Personally, I have found that using a small hydroponic setup or a propagation bubbler is by far the best way to clone cannabis plants. I will not expand on the subject of cloning here, if you need more information on how to clone your plants, have a look at the official cloning thread by JJScorpio

In the picture below, you can see how the clone from a flowering plant been has placed in a propagation bubbler for rooting and re-vegging. This also means that you will have to put the clone back under a veg light schedule of 18/6, 20/4 or even 24/0. Clones do not need strong light so a small CFL will do. You can remove some of the buds at this stage in order to encourage the plant to revert back into its vegetative cycle but leave the topmost flower alone.

It will take several weeks for the clone to root, some never do, so it is best that you take a great number of clones at the same time in order to ensure that at least one makes it on to the next stage. It might be a good idea to place the clones inside a humidity dome, which can be bought at gardening stores or custom built for your specific needs. The high humidity inside the dome will make sure that the plants do not dry out and die. Ventilate the dome every day just to make sure that the plants don't get attacked by mold.

Keep in mind however that the most important thing when it comes to cloning is to provide the fresh cuttings with plenty of oxygen and that is why the propagation bubbler is so effective compared to other methods.

The clones might be a sad sight at first but as soon as they root, they will also revert back into the vegetative stage and start growing again. Once the clones have rooted properly and started growing again, they will put out single unserrated leaves at first but the normal leafs are soon to follow. It might be a good idea to apply some training at this stage, tying down some of the tops will encourage even more branching. You can also provide some heat underneath the clones as this will speed up the rooting process considerably.

When the plant starts growing again, the incredible branching power of the flowering clone becomes apparent.

As you can see, this plant has grown into a real monster, and all this without ever topping the plant. That's the beauty of this technique; you can forget all about topping and FIM'ing since the flowering clone will sprout all these new branches all by itself.

This plant is now perfectly suited for a SCROG or perhaps even a SOG grow. This one plant can easily fill up an entire Scrog net in no time. Several of these plants grown in SOG will definitely give you a grand harvest.

There are other benefits from using this technique; it also removes the need for keeping mother plants. When the newly re-vegged plant is flowered, it can also provide more clones for a perpetual harvest. Recycling at its best. This might be of interest to those who need to keep down their number of plants.

Needless to say, this method is highly effective thanks to the heavy branching that occurs after a flowering clone is re-vegged. With further training and some patience, you will get some real monster plants and thereby also a monster harvest.

I do it a little different... i like to go flowering mode since seed, wait till the plant shows female bits and then switch to veg which causes the plant to go mental with the branching and with a little lst creates a massive monster :)

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Shroomy, no offence....but taking clones from flowering plants has been going on for donkeys years.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Shroomy, no offence....but taking clones from flowering plants has been going on for donkeys years.

No offence at all mate :)

just giving it the name that so it can be categorized so the newbs know what im talking about :)

always pleasure to have you drop in HC

i had to leave the position i was in for reasons that well were out of my but really not of my control...;)

keeen as...................... to see you up again mate ;) hope the mines treating you well mate :) shroomy

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