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show your strange thangs


Kiss My Ring
https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=36033&pictureid=860892 pulled this (and another chttps://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=36033&pictureid=860890 ouple) fan leaves as i was giving the girls a bikini wax.

thought it may just be from genetic mutation from the recent sunspot activity. they appeared in conjunction with that episode...


twin petioles (connected) with 5 finger leaves facing each other...as if to catch the light from both top and bottom...

kinda cool.

anyone else have pics of anomolies, mutants, uglies, screw-ups, or other interesting features one normally doesn't see...post em up!

stay fly.


Kiss My Ring
i would overlook that bling he uses for attracting whore shoe crabs...(i crack me up sometimes), thanks Bob.

Guest 88950

that was a short lived guy who rented a room. lasted 2 weeks. i now rent that room to myself LOL


you are better than i..............when he showed up its like, damn i just took a deposit on it sorry.

2 weeks in the twilight zone


Kiss My Ring


Active member
he didnt show up like that.he appeared to a regular guy an ex lawyer he dont practice anymore. it started when his car got stolen out front. he thought it was me and egged my car with one egg and put a cigarett out on it. then one night i was eating some special brownies and smoking hash. at first i thought it was some kind of joke. then i got a picture to capture the moment. i made some rude comments and he called the cops.said i was intimidating him. cops came and he said he grows pot. i said hell ya and its good stuff.got my rec on the back of the growroom door along with all patient paper work. officer checkd paperwork. told cop he cant stay here anymore take him out of this house before it gets even uglier. end of story


Active member
the last thing i would think of was a crossdresser.and i dont think your allowed to ask sexual orientation to a renter. i was shocked to say the least.i am busy worrying if they were a druggie or police record ect. i got taken to jerry springer shit. that room is now and forever forward a grow room. roomates suck i dont need money that bad LOL


Scholastic Warrior
the last thing i would think of was a crossdresser.and i dont think your allowed to ask sexual orientation to a renter. i was shocked to say the least.i am busy worrying if they were a druggie or police record ect. i got taken to jerry springer shit. that room is now and forever forward a grow room. roomates suck i dont need money that bad LOL

Ain't that the god honest truth bro. That is indeed some crazy ass shit to deal with though. I love how I can picture you like umm....wtf?!? lol No way the brownies are this good. Yeash, atleast you got it done and over with and now the only renter for that space is your beautiful women!! Pretty much a shitty to incredible situation for that space now. lol still can't stop laughing as I believe it all lol bro:biggrin:


I have a friend who, when severely inebriated, occasionally likes to give a verbal inventory of the Star Wars toys he owned as a child, "I had the RED snaggletooth...I had the BLUE snaggletooth...." I can hear his voice in my head, right now.


Thought this was interesting.


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