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Un - Retired,
the 12 string is a Jim Deacon, I also have my eye on an Ibanez 12 string

Wow OP..how much fun and personally gratifying it must be to sit in that room and jam with your son...cool...I'm just drifting and dreaming of what that must be like for you...what about that green/black 12 string? I can't figure out the maker? DD


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
thanks OP..I have an Epiphone 12 string..1970s not pictured in my managerie in my first post, DD
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The Mad Monk
D-15S Martin. The pride & joy of my collection. My main instrument, learned on a cheap Montana I bought a few years ago, passed it onto a buddy for him to learn on and then I picked up a Martin DXM. Quickly realized if I was going to own a Martin, I needed it to be a real, solid wood Martin. And no, the pg isn't rippling or peeling up. It's just the reflection.

Fender Telecaster, Made in Mexico. Whaddaya want? I'm a student on a tight & strict budget, unlike your government.



here's my 3-humbucker special sg with some stashjars from last summer.


nice instruments every1!


Fuck, I wish I had a decent camera to upload pictures with. I have a whole bunch of shit kickin' around the house. Most importantly are my ESP M-II and recently acquired ENGL Fireball. Hopefully I can get some pictures up soon.


Does anybody know if they sell steinberger basses in EU and where if they do?I'm looking for new one, for about a year,and cant find any online shop that sell original.


european ganja growers
hears my baby....Hummingbird:joint: hell yeh , i wanted 1 of these for years and finally got 1 :woohoo:..





keep it green


i love that dude... with the split parrallellograms. NICE
i wish there was a cutaway version I'd be all over it


european ganja growers
i love that dude... with the split parrallellograms. NICE
i wish there was a cutaway version I'd be all over it

cheers bro, legendery timeless tone :joint:...
if your into cutaways check out the Epiphone EJ-200cE (big jumbo),,thats the one i was going to get then i seen the Hummingbird out the side of my eye :woohoo:...i might still buy it lol


I've already got one of those (pic ealier in thread).... though i could use a black one for standard tuning...


european ganja growers
never seen that pic lol :wallbash::pointlaug....loving the colour ,,the one i was looking at was sorta white/cream ... didnt know it came in that colour mmmmmmmm i like

keep it green


Well-known member
here's my latest aquisition....

Gibson DSR-CE solid sitka spruce top, solid rosewood back and sides, mohogany neck and ebony fretboard

plays and sounds like a dream






Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I needed to check back in and see the new toys..Elgato..that is a pretty one..very nice, Highlander..yours as well..congrats on those beautiful guitars friends..DD
I have had too many guitars to count. Over many years of gigging and collecting I have had everything from early 70's big headstock Strats (my Yngwie days...) to Gibson Explorers (my Hetfield days...) to a PRS Santana III (hands down the best guitar I have owned. Ever.) Most I have sold off or given to my son. He has my PRS, my '59 Gold Top Les Paul, my Yamaha 620, my beater Strat (I think it was a late '70's, but I don't remember...) and my old Blueridge acoustic. He may have more, but I can't think of them all right now.

I have 3 guitars left, after downsizing once I quit the band bullshit. All I have done to play out in the past 5 years or so is to play bass with my old buddy from the Corps, and in an Acousitic duo with another buddy of mine. The acoustic stuff has been the most fun I have had playing since I was playing rhythm in a '80's Metallica-type metal band. There were just two of us playing so we didn't have the band bullshit that I'm sure all of you who have been there know about...

I play for my families enjoyment, and my own now. My kids have taken the mantle of gigging out. I just don't want the hassles. I will find another guy to do an acoustic thing with again someday, I'm just enjoying playing again. It got so it wasn't fun anymore for a while, I didn't even take her off the wall for 6 months... I put new strings on her just last week and have been working on rebuilding the callouses.

Here's my two favorites:

My Taylor 314ce. What a dream. I love this guitar more than a couple of my kids. I played all the Taylors in the store when I went to buy her. Everything from the 200's through the 700's. It came down to this one and a 614. I loved the brightness of the maple body on the 614, but amplified it sounded just the tiniest bit tinny to me compared to the 314, so I went with the less expensive one. You can't say "cheaper" with Taylor's, 'cause there ain't no "cheap" ones! LOL!

My Geddy Lee Jazz. What a great Bass. The Badass bridge makes the bass. Nothing bad to say about her. She is under my bed right now, but my boy may take her to play in a Jazz combo. He has a Washburn, but he loves the Geddy too, and has been begging me to let him use her. She was meant to be played, not sit under my bed, so I may loan her to him.

That's it for now, keep posting your babies, I love guitar porn almost as much as bud porn! :joint:


BISMARK!!! Immediately though of the Gigantic WW2 Warship :)

saw a film advertised recently: SINK THE BISMARK!! . ACHTUNG! lol. :dance013:


Well-known member
guitars seem to be in the majority on IC so instead of posting my guitars as well, i thought i'd break it up a bit and show some rather exotic instruments i haven't seen here yet.

on the left is my eucalyptus didgeridoo and on the right something we call "rainmaker" (cause it sounds a bit like raining or dropping water). maybe someone knows these things already:


that rainmaker was a completely self-built craft idea of my ex gf who also painted it.
basically, its a closed cardboard pipe with lots of nails hammered straight to the inside and filled up with grains of rice so when you turn the rainmaker slowly and the rice is falling "downstairs" over the nails inside it sounds like raindrops ;)


the didge got its handmade amateur bark painting on a shroomy midsummer's party; hence this little reminder on its' bottom :D



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