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Should pot be patented?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I do blame not only Monsantos but the FDA and whoever else allowed GMF that wasn't properly tested and now they are saying they have a problem after giving it to everyone for how many years now?. As far as their pesticides this is another big problem as a pesticide is designed to attack the central nervous system of the insects. Well we are injesting those presticides and what are they doing to our central nervous system? To do a study it takes an average of 5 years if that anymore. Who is to say what will happen in 10 years?IMHO leave mother nature alone stop changing what has worked for 1000 of years. There is a big difference in being told to plant only this seed from a company or having the choice to plant what you wish. If I was a farmer I know that I would just save my seeds from MY CROP for the next years crop and not have to buy seeds every year lol.They have a sea of Lawyers and we all know what that means. peace out Headband707


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
9lives everything you eat has been grown by Monsanto's seeds...

Nothing i eat has been grown with mosanto seeds. GM crops are HIGLY regulated where i leave and it's just not worth the hassle to the farmers here. GM foods are labelled so when you are in the super market you can make a choice.

And people "demanding" things is not as simple as it sounds (though it sounds AWESOME to me)... politics is a big game with extremely stacked odds. The people need to be very organized and very smart to work this game to their advantage. It isn't impossible, but we have now seen clearly that even the active left is stupid enough to have had Obama marketed to them. That presidential victory is being hailed as the most successful advertising coup in history. Not so much as political victory... its been something of a disaster for the left leaning dems, actually... but it showed that even the grassroots liberal left who would not have called themselves members of the Democrat party could be sold a handsome black man with a great smile who did not really uphold their beliefs, but did have a nice slogan.

More than half the country wants free health care. We will not have it. Why? Not because people aren't demanding it... but because people are powerless against the kind of money and lobbying that goes on against their interests AND are incapable of effectively organizing against it in the numbers required because they are busy, dumb, lazy and highly susceptible to the power of advertising.

That's what i like to call democracy. It is the citizens DUTY to be AWARE. If shows like dances with the stars get to be big hits. Someone is wasting their time and slacking off..

Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. ~Thomas Paine

This is very simple stuff people. And if truly the majority is unable to grasp these concepts there is no reason why they should not be fucked over..Evolution!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
How Much of Our Food Is Bioengineered?
By Brendan I. Koerner
Posted Thursday, May 22, 2003, at 5:12 PM ET
In a speech yesterday at the Coast Guard Academy, President Bush blasted the European Union for restricting the import of genetically modified foods. How much of the food produced and consumed in the United States qualifies as bioengineered?

Yahoo! Buzz FacebookMySpace Mixx Digg Reddit del.icio.us Furl Ma.gnolia SphereStumbleUponCLOSEA lot more than you probably realize. Two of the nation's biggest crops, soybeans and corn, are subject to frequent genetic tinkering, often intended to help them fend off insects. Corn is commonly modified with the addition of a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis; the resulting plant kills maize-devouring caterpillars. Other added genes bestow resistance to certain herbicides, which might otherwise decimate the crop.


Patient Grower
Interesting, no one cares that cannabis is excluded from the Plant Patent Act of 1930, and prefers to squabble over the 'dangers' of GMOs. Too weird. No need to worry about cannabis getting GMOd if you ask me, even if you fall for the claptrap that GMOs are somehow dangerous.


Patents aren't really needed like for chemical medicines. Just don't give out any seeds or cuts and you're well protected enough.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I have always believed that if you create something new, completely different, than available strains you should be able to patent it. As a long time rose gardener I buy patented flowers every year from breeders. After crossing different srtrains of roses, many strains of flowers, they are allowed a patent. Cannabis is no different being a flower. The rose and cone flower pictured are both patented..Happy breeding...DD


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Is a rose like bud? No lol I can't smoke and get high off of a rose. Nor is it used as medicine.The problem here is IMHO that when they do get their dirty paws on this and I'm sure they will if they don't already, that it will all be Fem seeds and you won't be able to get your hands on breeding stock .. But that isn't much different then what the breeders are doing now with elite strains. Ppl won't mind modified strains if they were modified to bring 30% THC etc. Again I think that they should leave well enough alone and not fuck with the seed. Let it make it's own polyploidy naturally and leave it at that.If it ain"t broke don't fix it! I don't want Fem seeds anyways peace out Headband707


Want to blame someone ? Blame the dumb consumer. Corporations like Monsanto would have SHIT if people just demanded non GMO products or GMOs to be labelled. Where i'm from all GM crops must be labelled as such!

Buy organic..or don't...your choice..

I fucking hate when people talk corporations are EVIL and GREEDY and bla bla bla...STUP FUCKING GIVING THEM MONEY!!! Are they taking your money at gunpoint ? No ? WTF are you complaining about then. Consumers are just so damn dumb i honestly don't even feel sorry for the stupid fucks of this world.

Hey 9 Lives I agree that Americans are not very smart in general (or misinformed), but please DO NOT refer to me or anyone else as a "Consumer" I HATE the term consumer. It implies the sole function of a citizen is to buy shit. Bottom line is that a consumer IS NOT a citizen. A consumer has no responsiblities, duties, or obligations to their enviroment, society, or fellow neighbors.

To your other point polls have shown overwhelming support from the US for GMO labeling. The problem IS the EVIL corporate powers who control the FDA (which is staffed entirely by ex agribusiness execs) They will not ALLOW labeling unlike in Europe and elsewhere. Since it's proven that once it's labeled people don't eat the shit. Did you know it's actually Illegal to photograph and industrial feed lot and then post the pictures? I wonder why? Monsanto is trying to own the world's food supply, vivendi, nestle, coke, and pepsi own our water. At least let me have my weed without paying a huge EVIL multinational corporation for fucking seeds.:dueling:


Gene Mangler
Did you know it's actually Illegal to photograph and industrial feed lot and then post the pictures?

No shit?
That's one I hadn't stumbled across yet. I mentioned the crazy lengths they go to earlier to prevent any public scrutiny, but fk me.
Thats one law I plan on breaking ASAP! lol

Stay tuned, Pictures at 11...


Active member
You can not patent beer (as a whole), so I would think you can't patent pot.

google "Plant Patents"

you can patent a plant in CA at the state level, at the federal level, and in the EU.

I'll let ya'll know as soon as i put out my patented cross. I'm thinking licensing...

the benefit is that breeders will be compensated for their hard work and will have recourse through civil courts. patents and copyrights are highly protected and violations are easily prosecuted for serious coin. otherwise, i would be selling Coca Cola under a different name.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Then you have some jerk owning seeds and just like these boards if you don't agree with this guy you can't get your strain as he didn't like what you said?(exaggeration) Let the seed go free and let everyone have their chance to try the product. As far as hard work, the plant does all the work you were just lucky enough to run with the seeds. So it's not that hard to breed when you have the right strains. It's not only Monsantos that will get these genetics it will be big Pharma aswell. Hopefully with well infomed ppl they will grab their strains and hang on and not let others tell them what they can and can't do with a seed they purchased. peace out Headband707


N O .

End of conversation.

You cant patent a plant.

Unless your an asshole with a team of lawyers and a really greedey mindset.

Why dont you go patent domesticated animals.

Ill go patent owning land and then you are all stealing my idea and your propertys become mine by default.



Active member
Originally Posted by NUG-JUG
Did you know it's actually Illegal to photograph and industrial feed lot and then post the pictures?

No shit?
That's one I hadn't stumbled across yet. I mentioned the crazy lengths they go to earlier to prevent any public scrutiny, but fk me.
Thats one law I plan on breaking ASAP! lol

Stay tuned, Pictures at 11...

"Illegal"? Do you know what that word actually means?

I would love to see the statute that makes taking a picture of an "industrial feed lot" contrary to law and punishable by a civil fine or term of imprisonment.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Once weed is legalized you can bet the house strains will be patented. I don't necessarily think it's bad thing. Good breeders put a lot of hard work in developing good strains. I don't think they should be able to be ripped off by some jack-leg. The reality of the situation is MJ is one commodity in millions on the market. Commodities produced by companies are patented and MJ is going to be no different.

I know the regulate, tax, and patent issue bothers a lot of people on here and frankly the uncertainty of how all this is going to play out is, while intriguing, also somewhat scary. It sucks that the underground warriors are going to be gutted by this since we have kept the industry alive in these dark years, but that is the nature of the beast. That is the nature of operating in the legal commodity market. The ones you can set their ideology aside and learn to work within the system are going to be the ones who will successfully translate their black market skills to the legal business world.

Our market, the MJ market, is in a phase of rapid transition and it's only going to get faster. In business, as in nature, one must constantly adapt to survive.

Patents don't last forever anyway. I believe people should be able to be fairly compensated and recognized for their hard work. Believe me, I understand the angst that this causes because our beloved plant is such a symbol of peace, love, nature, and freedom and the thought of governments and corporations exploiting it is a tough pill to swallow. But the fact remains, after legalization this will be our new war and in order to fight this war you will need to be equipped with business management skills, lawyers, and the passion to produce the highest quality medicine at the lowest cost.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
This is a Quote from the Mag. Urban Gardener Dec/09

This is a Quote from the Mag. Urban Gardener Dec/09

More then 70% of food in the supermarket shelves contain derivatives of the 8 GM foods on the market-soy, corn,oil from canola or cottonseed, sugar from beets. Hawaiian papaya and small amounts of zucchini and crook neck squash. The biotech industry hopes to genetically engeineer virtually all remaining vegtables, fruit, grain and beans(not to mention animals)
The two primary reasons why plants are engineered are to allow them to either drink poison or to produce poision. The poison drinkers are called herbicide tolerant. They're inserted with bacterial genes that allow them to survive otherwise deadly dose of toxic herbicide. Biotech companies sell the seed and herbicide as a package deal and the US farmers use million of pounds more herbicide because of these type of GM crop. The poision producers are called Bt crop. Inserted genes from the soil bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis produce an insect-killing pesticide called Bt-toxin in every cell of the plant. Both classes of GM crops are linked to dangerous side.
GM crops were widely introduced in 1996. Within nine years, the incidence of ppl in the US with three or more chronic diseases doubled -from 7% to 13%. Visit to the emergency room due to allergies doubled from 1997 to 2002 And overall food related illnesses doubled from 1994 to 2001. according the the Center of Disease control. Obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorder and Autism are also amonst the conditions that have skyrocked in the US.:1help:


Active member
Both classes of GM crops are linked to dangerous side.
GM crops were widely introduced in 1996. Within nine years, the incidence of ppl in the US with three or more chronic diseases doubled -from 7% to 13%. Visit to the emergency room due to allergies doubled from 1997 to 2002 And overall food related illnesses doubled from 1994 to 2001. according the the Center of Disease control. Obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorder and Autism are also amonst the conditions that have skyrocked in the US.:1help:

In other words, the website you are quoting is drawing disfavorable correlations from disparate data suggesting that there is a inferential link between various increases in a whole slew of statistics reported by public health authorities. This is to be inferred, even though no ill health effects from genetically modified foods of any sort in double blind testing using universally accepted scientific standards and control groups, when the foods are actually tested are ever demonstrated.

Which is another way of saying that the inference you are asking us to draw is, in fact, bullshit.

By presenting an inferential argument without any hard science demonstrating a causative link, you're just dressing up political opinion and putting it forward as scientific fact to persuade people to twitch their knees. This is what the Prohibitionists do all the time in relation to MJ. It's the core of the gateway drug argument.

So the Prohibitionists are wrong to do so - but those who are against genetically modified produce - or irradiated food preservation - are right to do so? An interesting shifting standard you appear to be applying there.

I prefer a standard which evaluates all science by the same rules; a scientific standard which does not seek to twist statistics to dress up opinion in an attempt to pass it off as scientific fact.

Because while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, nobody is entitled to their own facts. There is a bright line separating those two concepts.
I dont even know how to coment on this. WE'RE F*CKED!!!

Liscening a plant from a breeders hard work is one thing. I have no problems paying a seed company $10 per seed. But i'll be damned if I have to keep coming back to you when i want to grow more plants because of a paten. I see a sad future for my children and there children future.

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