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Study: Marijuana potency reaches 30-year high in 2007


stoned agin ...
8, 9, 10, 25 percent ... what is this a percent of? it cant be weight theres no way 10% of the weight of a bud is thc, thats ridiculous. what are we talking about?


I've tried as hard as I can to achieve "acute toxicity" with cannabis many times, and each attempt has ended in nothing more harmful than a cloud of Frito dust and the mere sight of Bea Arthur sending me into peals of laughter.

I've had bipolar depression since I was a kid, well before I ever smoked pot. Using cannabis has been one of the best things I've found to treat it. These studies just set up new straw men that get knocked down by the same old line of bullshit.

As far as it leading to harder stuff, the shit psychiatrists have prescribed me over the years trying to make me well has been much "harder" than anything I've ever smoked, that's for damn sure.


Eugene Oregon
9.5% THC thats really weak.. ive smoked 23% before and it had the same effects just more narcotic and I didnt become mentally impared.
I actually became calm,pain relief,and a nice clear head high.


flubnutz said:
8, 9, 10, 25 percent ... what is this a percent of? it cant be weight theres no way 10% of the weight of a bud is thc, thats ridiculous. what are we talking about?
We're talking about fantasyland, where all the anti-drug control freaks live.


"The White House office attributed the increases in marijuana potency to sophisticated growing techniques."

They are right in at least one area.


flubnutz said:
8, 9, 10, 25 percent ... what is this a percent of? it cant be weight theres no way 10% of the weight of a bud is thc, thats ridiculous. what are we talking about?
I believe the way they measure that percentage is in a chem lab by first extracting all the chemicals from the sample in a special solvent. Then they run this extraction in a gas chromatography machine or mass spectrometer - and essentially the machine measures the volume of each specific molecule in the sample, they tally all of them up and divide the one for THC by the total. The mass spectrometer is a bit more technical to explain. I'm sure there are confounding variables and operator error involved in the process - but essentially it's not just the THC percent that's important but the ratio of THC to CBD/CBN/CBG/all other CBs - then maybe it will make more sense?


Resident pissy old man
There are several factors to consider. First, the pot tested in the 60's was brickweed, composed of male and seeded females, fan leaves and all, stems,seeds and compressed in a brick and mishandled to the point that a lot of the trics fell off. Male plants would measure about 1.5-2% and female plants 3-5%. Today, we grow sensi which is only marginally more potent than sensi from the 60's would have been had they grown sensi. the strains today are made up of the strains from 30-40 years ago. I got stoned as hell on Cambodian in 1970 that was not nearly as potent as some of todays strains.
What many folks don't realize is that there are 72 cannabinoids, not just THC. Many plants will have several of these cannabinoids but labs do not have the necessary standards to measure them. A lot of plants have CBG, CBC and THCV as well as THC. Most commercial drug strains have little CBD, but hash strains that are grown in Afghanistan and Morocco contain about 50%THC and 50% CBD. The Thin Layer chromatography kits available will measure THC,THCV, CBD,CBN,CBC and CBG, but will not measure any other cannabinoids. I seriously doubt many of the claims of 25-27% THC. It is not always the % of THC that determines the stone, but the combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes.


Eugene Oregon
I saw this youtube video where this news channel reported that gated communities are in danger due to the face there taking whole entire houses and growing marijuana in them, and this is happening right under your families noses.
And that they found this plant that was 500x more potent then your average marijuana and it will kill you if you smoked it.. due to the high amount of THC in it because it was grown in a 24 hr light a day.. im like wow.. BULLSHIT!


Pops - great points there - I bet there is some real good research being done on all this overseas in England, Spain and Israel (the founder of THC was Israeli so maybe his lab and colleagues are around) - gotta do some more literature digging. If you got any good articles hit me with a pm please. Science of Marijuana by Leslie Iverson was a pretty good read I'd say.
HerbGlaze said:
I saw this youtube video where this news channel reported that gated communities are in danger due to the face there taking whole entire houses and growing marijuana in them, and this is happening right under your families noses.
And that they found this plant that was 500x more potent then your average marijuana and it will kill you if you smoked it.. due to the high amount of THC in it because it was grown in a 24 hr light a day.. im like wow.. BULLSHIT!

Just another UFO type of article... Really, they always make me laugh


Patient Grower
flubnutz said:
8, 9, 10, 25 percent ... what is this a percent of? it cant be weight theres no way 10% of the weight of a bud is thc, thats ridiculous. what are we talking about?

dried bud, makes a big difference. Bought a bag of dried apricots once and it said contains 2.5 lbs of fresh apricots before drying. Net weight 6 oz. That's an 85% reduction in weight. If cannabis has comparable water content, the THC % in wet cannabis. 100 grams of wet cannabis at 1.5% THC would return bud that's 10% by weight when dried. The water goes away, the magic remains. Now I'm sure that the apricot to pot drying ratio isn't 1:1, just presented for illustration. Apricots may well hold more water when dried than cannabis, though I suppose less is possible.

BTW the highest I get is with great huge, low potentcy fan leaves. Leaps and bounds higher than smoking 90% full melt that's much longer lasting. Cannabutter rules!
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the reason we need stronger marijuana is to reduce the amount of plant material needed to deliver the same quantity of medicine

Smoking less to intake the same amount of medicinal elements is better for your health

::smokes demure blunt of ultra heady exotic::
That's exactly right, ureapwhatusow

If the psycoactive ingredient is at a level that you only need to smoke/vap/eat a smaller amt, all the better.

Don't big pharma have different strength doses of the chemical-laden side-effect heavy drugs they and doctors try pushing down our throats???

Why should our coveted herb be any different?

They can continue their 'stupidity' campaign all they want... truth seems to find it's way out there... thanks to some determined growing stoners/med users.

Personally I think the more organic and hydroponic systems in wide use today, as well as better educated small-time growers that enjoy taking pride in work well done, is a big part of the reported 'increase' in THC in todays herb. Nevermind the fact that their 'tests' were done on crap weed. Seeds, stems and ALL. What wackiness.



Thats right guys marijuana might be harmful. Now it is even more potent which makes it even more of a chance it might be harmful. Good thing I smoke ciggs and down alcohol. Why do all these government commercials and studies seem to be upset of the possibilities of harmful things...I mean sell kids ciggs and alcohol but don't be a pussy and lie about it...to their faces. Heath is obviously not the fist priority in keeping MJ illegal...cant imagine what i$
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