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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


Power Armor rules
If you read a book called "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin, all of this nonsense starts to make perfect sense.



Active member
Picked up some SPXL today which is a 3x bull etf following the s and p 500. I think it is time for a few percent up after the crap of the last month or so. Things are not that gloomy for stocks right now, need some happy times for a while.

Gold might have some room up here too but am already invested there so no play for me. I am certain it will be above $2000 within 5 years time. If wrong I will eat my hat or at least bite it.

I'd rather short the market using TZA to short the small caps 3x. I also like getting in and out of NUGT for some gold miner quick trades.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I .... I don't know what any of that means.... but I wish I did because I'd really like to invest some money.
Taking delivery of your physical currency and investing it under your mattress is a great starting place. I say that with all sincerity. Or you can buy Swiss 10 year bonds at -0.75% (that means in ten years you will pay the Swiss government almost 1% of your money to hold it; negative returns bonds, hilarious).

Go for the mattress and short the Euro with your play money. Or invest a small percentage of your portfolio in physical gold that you personally have control over and you'll be shorting all central banks and currencies. Or some of both.

If you find yourself questioning what to do the mattress is the a good play.


Taking delivery of your physical currency and investing it under your mattress is a great starting place. I say that with all sincerity. Or you can buy Swiss 10 year bonds at -0.75% (that means in ten years you will pay the Swiss government almost 1% of your money to hold it; negative returns bonds, hilarious).

Go for the mattress and short the Euro with your play money. Or invest a small percentage of your portfolio in physical gold that you personally have control over and you'll be shorting all central banks and currencies. Or some of both.

If you find yourself questioning what to do the mattress is the a good play.

My sister and her husband buy gold and silver from the bank....they have bars of the shit at their house it's fkn weird..... I don't really know what they do with it though.

Since I'm not exactly in a financial position to just "blow" money on stocks I haven't really bothered to do any research or start learning what's what.

Hopefully in a few months time I will have all my debts cleared up and be in the black....then I can start looking into it more seriously.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You're paying off debt before blowing it in the casino. Debt, while useful, should only be allowed to float things for short periods of time IMO.

Pay off debt and then the mattress. :) :joint:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Picked up some SPXL today which is a 3x bull etf following the s and p 500. I think it is time for a few percent up after the crap of the last month or so. Things are not that gloomy for stocks right now, need some happy times for a while.

Gold might have some room up here too but am already invested there so no play for me. I am certain it will be above $2000 within 5 years time. If wrong I will eat my hat or at least bite it.

Well, I made a few bucks off the spxl and am pondering what to do for next week and beyond. Stocks took a real dump on oil and Greek concerns, with bad earnings from some companies, then came back on oil going up a bit and lack of any other options? hehe

Anyone have a play going with stocks or whatever and want to share?


Well-known member
My sister and her husband buy gold and silver from the bank....they have bars of the shit at their house it's fkn weird..... I don't really know what they do with it though.

Since I'm not exactly in a financial position to just "blow" money on stocks I haven't really bothered to do any research or start learning what's what.

Hopefully in a few months time I will have all my debts cleared up and be in the black....then I can start looking into it more seriously.

What's so weird about it? They are paid in full..

What are they doing with it? Saving it obviously..
...as opposed to sitting in a financial situation within nothing to "blow".

Buying money with paper dollars (fiat currency) isn't exactly an investment decision. It's saving your wealth while opting out of the ponzi scheme, one of the largest crimes against humanity in existence.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If you don't have counter party risk these days.......you're a f'ing weirdo.

I'm a f'ing weirdo.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
.... I don't really know what they do with it though.
It's called "saving". Specifically gold. Silver being a more speculative bet. More pointedly they are taking delivery of their physical assets. In this case metals. Delivery of physical currency being my favorite personal hedge.

But, what they are doing is called "saving money". Saving was phenomenon that went extinct in America around the 1970's, right about the time wages stagnated in relative terms.

After that "saving" became confused with piling on debt and living beyond one's means (mirco and macro).

You don't have sex with "savings". You can't snort "savings". The crew can't come watch the 100" LCD HDTV "savings" when the Super Bowl is on.

You don't do anything with savings except accumulate assets. And who needs those anymore when debt is so cheap...........

Anyway, as confidence in socioeconomic systems decrease, there is an increase in the demand for physical assets with no counter party risk.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
then I can start looking into it more seriously.
You're on the right path. Unload your debt and "save" money. Hey. Maybe we can all start a trend?.....

If you want to be the smartest guy at the dinner table next time you sit down with your sister and her husband.... you can tell them why they are doing what they are doing. And they may not even know why they are behaving that way.

It's called counterparty risk and whenever there is a pervasive, systemic loss of faith in basic counterparty agreements....people start hoarding shit. Faith is fickle.

Before you even start looking at markets or finance seriously you'd better have a good understanding of counterparty risk.


Active member
Apple wants to buy Telsa for $73 Million hence a rumor.

I rather Apple buy Exxon THEN buy Telsa if that ever came to fruition.

I'm short Copper for the last month...I think it has ways to go.


Active member
Apple wants to buy Telsa for $73 Million hence a rumor.

I rather Apple buy Exxon THEN buy Telsa if that ever came to fruition.

I'm short Copper for the last month...I think it has ways to go.

I have a friend that's a large scale copper wire retailer, I know things have been moving a lil more for him, due to the jump in building again.


Active member
I have a friend that's a large scale copper wire retailer, I know things have been moving a lil more for him, due to the jump in building again.

I don't see the jump in buildings is enough to stable Copper when the other medals are going down.It may create Demand sooner than Gold,Silver.

Since I got into Brushed now Brushless RC SCT Trucks and one is going to need Copper for the motor and takes alot of wound-up wirings inside.Full size Electric cars use alot of copper wiring.

My friend who is long amazon for 5 years got to be smiling.
Netflix looking good all these months :)


Active member
My sister and her husband buy gold and silver from the bank....they have bars of the shit at their house it's fkn weird..... I don't really know what they do with it though.

Since I'm not exactly in a financial position to just "blow" money on stocks I haven't really bothered to do any research or start learning what's what.

Hopefully in a few months time I will have all my debts cleared up and be in the black....then I can start looking into it more seriously.
Just a little late here.

You HAVE to RESEARCH if you expect results.It sounds like you're willing to go outside the house naked and wait for results then learn by your mistakes.Sounds common doesn't it?

Your sister sitting on gold,silver...They made the first step but sitting on it like you're saying.Expect profit? Maybe they are buying down and averaging the buy price.They into metals.Since it's your sister.Grill her.Pull out the chart.Which way is it going,whats making it move.That's how you become good.You listen.You be proactive.You HAVE to research.


Active member
Apple has been buying out tesla battery car maker employees around $250,000 each and rumor was at 77 million for the whole company.Tesla was a $3billion dollar startup.

then I was reading toyota is putting together a 29 billion dollar hydrogen plant so the car they are making will run off water and go 400 miles.(that's 2X as far as batteries)

Hope Apple doesn't buy the company since cars they make now are crap with spot welds and glue.I'm a hands'on guy that loves parts on cars.I think it's march 9th that Apple will have a grand release day for the Iwatch.


Active member
What a down day.Interest rates in the usa was talked about.

I shorted Apple at the 128 level and today finally it goes down.

The Apple Iwatch release was a dangerous time to short but it seems the market was over brought.It agrees :)