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shiva skunk seedling need help



hi :tiphat:
so i have few grows behind me and i never had this problem before ,at this stage

i have 4 shiva skunk fem girls from sensi seeds 2 weeks old under 250 watt hps ,tepm is 25°C lights on ,19°C lights off ,water 22°C
i use bottled water
i feed them first time few days ago ec 1.1 ph 6.7 (blue lab combo meter)
no spilling nutes on leaves ,just sprayed them with biobizz leafcoat while lights was on my mistake
i gave them biobizz nutes ,biogrow and bioheaven and fishmix
the girls are in soil light mix
only one is affected the others are fine so far
she develop light yellow patches between the veins and when i look closer its a bit brown in the middle
i checked forums and cant really find whats def is it
maybe magnesium deficiency ?
maybe someone can help
thx in advance
best regards :tiphat:


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If what your talking about is the yellowing at the tips maybe got lil more heat, over water, but the pic shows really no panic mode. Looks great otherwise, nice an green, but cant see any black in the viens in those pics. This Album i started, but havent finished started with this, which maybe live in person looking down at your plant, might find this chart helpful.

One thing tho man, dont look to long as you can see yourself having them all, lol. Maybe fire up some light for the black looking veins man in another pic for me to see. Hope this helps.






If what your talking about is the yellowing at the tips maybe got lil more heat, over water, but the pic shows really no panic mode. Looks great otherwise, nice an green, but cant see any black in the viens in those pics. This Album i started, but havent finished started with this, which maybe live in person looking down at your plant, might find this chart helpful.

One thing tho man, dont look to long as you can see yourself having them all, lol. Maybe fire up some light for the black looking veins man in another pic for me to see. Hope this helps.



hey man thx for info
but its not the tips its in the middle of the leave u can see light yellow patches
on the photo u can see it very good
thx and best regards :tiphat:


Hi,Nice strain choice..I may not be able to help much.
ive seen this several times, i dont feed seedlings grown in compost for at least 3wks.
so i dont think its a deficency (imo).my plants grew out of it themselfs!!.
I use water straight out the tap,never check or correct ph with bio bizz nutes in compost.




Hi,Nice strain choice..I may not be able to help much.
ive seen this several times, i dont feed seedlings grown in compost for at least 3wks.
so i dont think its a deficency (imo).my plants grew out of it themselfs!!.
I use water straight out the tap,never check or correct ph with bio bizz nutes in compost.

hey man thx:tiphat:
me too i always start feeding the girls when they atleast 2weeks old
i hope it will go away ,maybe she is a little bitch lol
yeah i talked to the guys from biobizz and they told me they never check PH ,just in case of problems ,but strange to not to adjust the ph i did it all the time before ,but i should try and dont adjust ph
thx for help
best regards:tiphat:




If what your talking about is the yellowing at the tips maybe got lil more heat, over water, but the pic shows really no panic mode. Looks great otherwise, nice an green, but cant see any black in the viens in those pics. This Album i started, but havent finished started with this, which maybe live in person looking down at your plant, might find this chart helpful.

One thing tho man, dont look to long as you can see yourself having them all, lol. Maybe fire up some light for the black looking veins man in another pic for me to see. Hope this helps.



hey i wanted to know what is this page from ?with sick plants,where i could get it ?
thx best regards:tiphat:


Your welcome..Always remember to shake any nutes Real well before adding to your water.
check out this book,should find a free pdf download...marijuana Garden Saver. Handbook for Healthy Plants by J.C. Stitch




Your welcome..Always remember to shake any nutes Real well before adding to your water.
check out this book,should find a free pdf download...marijuana Garden Saver. Handbook for Healthy Plants by J.C. Stitch

hey yeah thx a lot for info ,i do shake well any nutes before adding to water
i found the free version of the book to read here is the link ,i am reading it right now
the girls do good so far ,very bushy i will upload few pics

here is the link for the book ,it will help a lot of ppl maybe u should put it in sticky department hahahahahahaahaha

best regards:tiphat:


hey guys
so the 2 girls have few new leaves and the tips of the new leaves are yellow brown
maybe over fert ? and few leaves curling slightly down

they are really bushy and nice otherwise and getting bigger ,and the stem get so thick and strong
the girls are 40 cm away from air cooled cooltube and fan bowing between light and canopy ,the temps are 25°C around all the time while light on and 20°C around when lights off,humidity 50%
i water the girls every second or 3rd day when the pots feel dry really ,i have hydroton 2cm layer on the bottom of the 1 Liter airpots

i think the yellowing before was from foliage spray with biobizz leafcoat ,the leaves have even some small holes in them like from burn,but its not getting more so i suppose its from spraying while the lights was on

i will post pics tommorow
any ideas ?

the EC is 1.0 PH 6.7
i use biobizz nutes

i read that burned tips and curling under is most of the time from over fertilization
i will water them with PH d water only next time
thw for help best regards
i dont think its

Ultra Current

I don't feed seedlings for 3 weeks. Seedlings don't need nutes. Some plants don't like that high of pH. My shiva skunks did well at 6.2-6.4. Oh I see that you are 2 weeks in. Anyway I wouldn't have fed and if they needed anything I would have transplanted them after into a soil that wasn't for seedlings. When I plant seedlings in containers, I add a soil with more food in the very bottom of the pot. After that I add my seedling light soil on top. Once they grow into the container, I transplant them into a good soil with food. I don't nute them for a month or so. I would never add liquid nutes to plants of that size but that's me.




I don't feed seedlings for 3 weeks. Seedlings don't need nutes. Some plants don't like that high of pH. My shiva skunks did well at 6.2-6.4. Oh I see that you are 2 weeks in. Anyway I wouldn't have fed and if they needed anything I would have transplanted them after into a soil that wasn't for seedlings. When I plant seedlings in containers, I add a soil with more food in the very bottom of the pot. After that I add my seedling light soil on top. Once they grow into the container, I transplant them into a good soil with food. I don't nute them for a month or so. I would never add liquid nutes to plants of that size but that's me.

thx for info and help
i will water them with water only tommorow and see how they do
i feed them bioheaven biogrow and a bit of root juice all from biobizz
thx best regards:tiphat:


Well-known member
hi cs70,
i have grown shiva skunk (not feminized though) in biobizz soil using their nutes before.
i think that you are overdoing it with the nutes. the bio bizz light mix has already enough good stuff in the soil to get the seedlings along for a few weeks.
i used roots once or twice in the first weeks and nothing else. especially no spraying whatsoever.
once they start showing some deficiencies i would give them some biobizz grow nutes, from than on you might follow the schema they suggest.

take care :wave:

Ultra Current

thx for info and help
i will water them with water only tommorow and see how they do
i feed them bioheaven biogrow and a bit of root juice all from biobizz
thx best regards:tiphat:

Just in case that you don't know, when you water your plants with liquid nutes, the soil holds on to it for a while. You have them enough for at least 2 weeks. Check your run off next time you water and see where the pH is at. If it high then you can give them lower pHd water. Even when your plants are big they shouldn't get nuted often. Maybe every 2 weeks. Depends on the size ofthe pot though and how big the plant is. Your run off will tll you loads of info. Less is more.


hey my dear friend

hey my dear friend

Your cab is looking really nice now bro, hope ya get ya problem worked out. G'Luck

yeah the closet man ,it took me a year to build it ,i mean till its finished and i can relax and not think about it lol
still some tiny things to do but its working perfect ,just maybe i wil buy new ballast electronic from lumatek or something and i miss my osram plantastar lamp lol
i couldnt do the feature to drop down and up the lamp so i raise the floor ,which i took from fridge hahahahaha
i will post a thread about it with all the mesurments and photos ,maybe someone can use it and enjoy,its full grow chamber and flowering so i am so happy but feel a bit empty because nothing much to do on it
but if i have to do new one i will do it a bit bigger ,just a bit that i can put inside the T5 lamp and more space a bit for veg room
good to hear from u friend
best regards :tiphat:




Just in case that you don't know, when you water your plants with liquid nutes, the soil holds on to it for a while. You have them enough for at least 2 weeks. Check your run off next time you water and see where the pH is at. If it high then you can give them lower pHd water. Even when your plants are big they shouldn't get nuted often. Maybe every 2 weeks. Depends on the size ofthe pot though and how big the plant is. Your run off will tll you loads of info. Less is more.

hey thx for info everyday we learn
i always feed my girls every watering ,and nutes finish to quick so i will feed them every other watering now
thx best regards:tiphat:


hi all

hi all

:tiphat:hi guys so here little update
the girls grow very busht and short i like it very much ,the yellowing i think is from not enough ferts EC1.0 to little i think they need more ,they are 20 days from seed and they need more power hahahahaha
here some pics
best regards


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hey guys just little update
the 2 girls still have yellow tips on all small new leaves and all the other leaves looks like kinda light yellow
now i am thinking is hydroton that i put on the bottom of the pots i just wash it and didnt presoacked it in ph water ,can it be the problem?
the other 2 girls are dont have yelow tips only light yelow leaves ,and they are a bit smaller ,maybe the roots didnt arrived to hydroton yet
i will repot the girls in bigger pots tommorow and no hydroton and sparay them with epsom salt
otherwise its not underwatering or overwatering because i feel the pots and know when they get droopy i water and they perk up again
i will post pics in few min
thx best regards


hi again

hi again

hey guys i took more pics maybe u can see something i dont
i took pics in regular light
also maybe soil is not good i dont know what to think anymore

i talked to the biobizz guys and they say that they never adjust the ph ,the biobizz organic nutes do it themselfes in soil ,they just check ph in case of problems ,i use bluelab which is new and working properly

maybe soil or hydroton which i didnt presoak in ph water or not enough nutes ? 24 days old from seed
thx for help
best regards :tiphat:


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HI merry christmass everybody!!!!!!!!!
here little update the girls grow but the problems persist
i will feed them today and add also epsom salt and biobizz algamic as foliar spray
and i will add biobloom 1ml ,i am thinking the girls just hungry ,because the last grow the girls were under cfl light and they wasnt so bushy with many branches and i used same soil same nutes and same dosage and they were fine
but this time i put them straight under the 250hps so they looks like trees ,so more food they need ,also i read that skunk strains can handle higher dosage of nutes

also i read that in organic soil with organic nutes i dont need to adjust ph ,what i will try for sure
still cant sleep well always thinking about my girls ,i love them too much lol
the most drive me crazy its the new growth with yellow tips
i read a lot but cant find definite answer
anyway have great holidays fellow gardeners and be safe!!!!!!!
best regards


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