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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
I got banned for that too a couple times. Its terrible that they can ban you without a good reason. I was just sharing links to information and posting my thoughts on it. Don't try to defend the truth to those guys, I think they're bots. If not actual bots, they're definitely programmed by something bad.


Well-known member
I got banned for that too a couple times. Its bullshit that they can ban you without a good reason. I was just sharing links to information and posting my thoughts on it. Don't try to defend the truth to those guys, I think they're bots. If not actual bots, they're definitely programmed by something bad.
most mods are cool. just a couple of odd ones that do this. it is what it is. gypsy is great and steve is great too. you just have to email the boss when it happens and let him investigate ,nuff love


ICMag Donor
Yeah, it is what it is. I like Gypsy, he's all about free speech. Although he said I was posting spam by posting news articles with links. Just go around it. I started becoming a Patreon subscriber recently. This is a lot better with censorship than facebook or instagram though.

Good morning! Glad to have you back! Whats M33?


Well-known member
Yeah, it is what it is. I like Gypsy, he's all about free speech. Just go around it. I started becoming a Patreon subscriber recently. This is a lot better with censorship than facebook or instagram though.

Good morning! Glad to have you back! Whats M33?
friesland , pure indica bred in holland for many years for outdoor use in shit climates. this batch was repro'd in canada

i'm finding the best females indoor now , ready for outdoor next year


Well-known member
outdoor next year i will be growing

friesland m33, top.neder.ras, kc45, royal caramel , peach oz x lebanese, paradise cheese x leb , and early skunk x leb . and possibly couple more


ICMag Donor
Thats an awesome lineup! I was looking into sterling skunk, I think its the same as mass super skunk. Forgot about cheese.

Good idea sorting through the hybrids which can have some variation. Want to make the best use of your space!

How early is the m33?


Well-known member
Thats an awesome lineup! I was looking into sterling skunk, I think its the same as mass super skunk. Forgot about cheese.

Good idea sorting through the hybrids which can have some variation. Want to make the best use of your space!

How early is the m33?
i think it will be mid october in uk finish , and i think maybe 8 or 9 weeker. it is bred for mould resistance. i'm not totally sure as it is the first time i have grown it pal


Well-known member
Thats an awesome lineup! I was looking into sterling skunk, I think its the same as mass super skunk. Forgot about cheese.

Good idea sorting through the hybrids which can have some variation. Want to make the best use of your space!

How early is the m33?
sterling skunk ? sounds interesting. cheese was grown alot in southern uk outdoors and even when picked a bit immature tasted great

Genetics: Dutch Heirloom
Type: Indica-type
Indoors: c. 55 – 63 days
Outdoors: mid-September

A pristine Canadian line of the stalwart Dutch outdoor classic. Ultra-easy and reliable for far northern or southern climes due to its superior mold and cold resistance. Flowering starts in July outdoors and finishes in mid- to late-September. This isn’t an autoflowering strain, but it is very early maturing.

Big plants with heavy branching, this Friesland Indica can yield up to 900 grams per plant. Buds are large and quite dense, with a strong dominant aroma of pine.

Yes, this is the pure Friesland (M33) and has not been hybridized.


Active member
I'm trying my hardest to imagine dill pickles . I have never smelt this aroma. I dont know how you manage to grow such big plants in such tiny cups man . respect
So just between you and me one caveat there's a lot of things that go on in my life daily that I don't share on here in the online forums because I figure you know why bother it's nothing that should be displayed that you think no one would really care about the grand scheme of things anyway. My nephew comes over he's 25 years old him and his dad grew out a bunch of plants outdoor, and much respect to them for having a successful year cuz a lot of times it's not like that a lot of times you run into issues here and there that make it a learning experience more than just a euphoric joyful outcome I'm really happy for them and I've enjoyed what we've grown they've grown the family of grown however now he's turned into a know-it-all now he thinks he because that they've had that successful grow there's nothing more to learn he's got it all figured out. So I bet him $500 that I could keep plants alive into flower in less than 12 oz of medium so basically a solo cup s*** wait till this kid finds out I've planted in work boots successfully. I've been at this a long time I have an underlying head injury so some days are better than others some days I can't remember what the f*** I said the day before and sometimes I'll make posts that go tangential and don't have punctuation because in the moment I'm not proofreading what I'm writing and I'm just getting my thought out before I lose it I imagine it's hard for somebody that doesn't live with that to understand why you need to have these caveats in place so that you can have normal conversations with people without them thinking that you have or you're dealing with something that makes it so that you struggle every day to function on what others see as a normal level. So rather than go to the gym and put a makeshift face up on the heavy bag and smash it for 5 minutes which is what I've been doing for the last 6 months when somebody angers me I just ignore him just ignore him and f****** you know if if I say something or I'm post something up here or I share locally and there's the nefarious little douchebag who has some sarcastic or demeaning comment you know the the snickering parental failures that permeate everything that those of us that enjoy these Hobbies have to deal with. I'm just happy I found people like you that I can hang out with and shoot the s*** with and not have to worry about some weird left-field lashing out that came from the political thread that I have nothing to do with for lack of a better analogy. I will say this though what scares me is that there are people here that can hide behind a moderator badge and ruin people's online experience based off speculation and a moral compass that may not be balanced well and they don't have any repercussions for their said Behavior. All you need to do is look at law enforcement Home Health Care Nursing etc etc to see how easy it is for people that are manipulative with a little tiny bit of intelligence to do and say whatever they need to do to get themselves into a place of power or a little bit of control and then drive the thing into the ground until somebody with more Authority catches them and says oh no no no the only reason I come here is to meet people like you and share and learn so I thank you for your help and your support Shiva, I started a new thread here I hope you'll support me in
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