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Shiva Grows


Active member
sorry about that everyone. i made the mistake of defending myself in speakers corner against someone i barely consider human. I will not make the same mistake . I should never react , and a more intelligent man would never debate politics and a cannabis forum . Nuff love . just a skidmark on a wetwipe . bumbaclot

lets make some hash Meech
we wuv you guys


Well-known member
So just between you and me one caveat there's a lot of things that go on in my life daily that I don't share on here in the online forums because I figure you know why bother it's nothing that should be displayed that you think no one would really care about the grand scheme of things anyway. My nephew comes over he's 25 years old him and his dad grew out a bunch of plants outdoor, and much respect to them for having a successful year cuz a lot of times it's not like that a lot of times you run into issues here and there that make it a learning experience more than just a euphoric joyful outcome I'm really happy for them and I've enjoyed what we've grown they've grown the family of grown however now he's turned into a know-it-all now he thinks he because that they've had that successful grow there's nothing more to learn he's got it all figured out. So I bet him $500 that I could keep plants alive into flower in less than 12 oz of medium so basically a solo cup s*** wait till this kid finds out I've planted in work boots successfully. I've been at this a long time I have an underlying head injury so some days are better than others some days I can't remember what the f*** I said the day before and sometimes I'll make posts that go tangential and don't have punctuation because in the moment I'm not proofreading what I'm writing and I'm just getting my thought out before I lose it I imagine it's hard for somebody that doesn't live with that to understand why you need to have these caveats in place so that you can have normal conversations with people without them thinking that you have or you're dealing with something that makes it so that you struggle every day to function on what others see as a normal level. So rather than go to the gym and put a makeshift face up on the heavy bag and smash it for 5 minutes which is what I've been doing for the last 6 months when somebody angers me I just ignore him just ignore him and f****** you know if if I say something or I'm post something up here or I share locally and there's the nefarious little douchebag who has some sarcastic or demeaning comment you know the the snickering parental failures that permeate everything that those of us that enjoy these Hobbies have to deal with. I'm just happy I found people like you that I can hang out with and shoot the s*** with and not have to worry about some weird left-field lashing out that came from the political thread that I have nothing to do with for lack of a better analogy. I will say this though what scares me is that there are people here that can hide behind a moderator badge and ruin people's online experience based off speculation and a moral compass that may not be balanced well and they don't have any repercussions for their said Behavior. All you need to do is look at law enforcement Home Health Care Nursing etc etc to see how easy it is for people that are manipulative with a little tiny bit of intelligence to do and say whatever they need to do to get themselves into a place of power or a little bit of control and then drive the thing into the ground until somebody with more Authority catches them and says oh no no no the only reason I come here is to meet people like you and share and learn so I thank you for your help and your support Sheba I started a new thread here I hope you'll support me in
respect for being open. Don't overthink stuff my man and treat online as the same as society in general. We have the same blend of people , so it is what it is. try keep your chin up , and i love a heavy bag . i have one in my spare room

try not to do 5 minutes full blast . it is unrealistic. pretend you are in a fight. you would move , slip and slide, blocks, and combinations . do 3 minute rounds and pace yourself and imagine you are in a boxing match as opposed to a pub brawl haha. i enjoy sparring and the heavy bag .

stay cool man and thanks for being open . it's cool.


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Well-known member
Just have roots fucjking everywhere that's how you keep em alive in the small cups half still stuck to the fucking clay man what a chore but hey reusable


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Well-known member
Just have roots fucjking everywhere that's how you keep em alive in the small cups half still stuck to the fucking clay man what a chore but hey reusable
i quite like the idea of having a bed of stone , clay pebbles or such , always on the floor and just places plants on the small rocks or stones and have the roots more freedom , and easy to remove


Active member
respect for being open. Don't overthink stuff my man and treat online as the same as society in general. We have the same blend of people , so it is what it is. try keep your chin up , and i love a heavy bag . i have one in my spare room

try not to do 5 minutes full blast . it is unrealistic. pretend you are in a fight. you would move , slip and slide, blocks, and combinations . do 3 minute rounds and pace yourself and imagine you are in a boxing match as opposed to a pub brawl haha. i enjoy sparring and the heavy bag .

stay cool man and thanks for being open . it's cool.
So you're saying going until I puke is too much? Yeah I know I get it strangely enough I didn't start out in 5 minutes I started at 2:00 and then over like 8 weeks it progressed to 5:00 because I've I don't want to say I'm addicted to it but like that adrenaline dump you get after your first wave of Energy's gone and you're waiting for your second wind to come I'm quite fond of that


Well-known member
So you're saying going until I puke is too much? Yeah I know I get it strangely enough I didn't start out in 5 minutes I started at 2:00 and then over like 8 weeks it progressed to 5:00 because I've I don't want to say I'm addicted to it but like that adrenaline dump you get after your first wave of Energy's gone and you're waiting for your second wind to come I'm quite fond of that
that is one way to do it. You can also use imagination , and pretend the bag is a person . Imagine he throws a jab, you parry and counter or slip or block . then maybe the bag would be close at that point , so you would shoulder bag out of range then light it up. do some feints , always moving in and out of range. more to it than just hitting the bag man.when you start imagining it makes it more acute and your senses more alert and you will push further .

also try and also punch into a bag and not when its moving away, so its always when the bag is walking onto shots. then it all comes natural . its a skill using a bag

i love boxing training . i'm a lover not a figter. i train with fighters

training of any form is great for mind body and soul .

make sure you warm up and stretch alot if you have injuries
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Active member
that is one way to do it. You can also use imagination , and pretend the bag is a person . Imagine he throws a jab, you parry and counter or slip or block . then maybe the bag would be close at that point , so you would shoulder bag out of range then light it up. do some feints , always moving in and out of range. more to it than just hitting the bag man.when you start imagining it makes it more acute and your senses more alert and you will push further .

also try and also punch into a bag and not when its moving away, so its always when the bag is walking onto shots. then it all comes natural . its a skill using a bag

i love boxing training . i'm a lover not a figter. i train with fighters

training of any form is great for mind body and soul .

make sure you warm up and stretch alot if you have

Great advice I appreciate you. So I was looking at some of the cuts that you've had and grown out and a buddy of mine here locally has offered to let me try what I'm hoping is similar to what you've got and I'll do a journal here or two with this old timer Haze and some cuts that they're going to let me try.
I refuse to participate in the penis olympics/popularity contest/ that I have your locally with the folks that are supposedly in recovery, it's just one twisted weird Twilight Zone soap opera


Well-known member
smoking a tester ssh x g13hp . this bud is from my cousins first ever grow that i helped him with . only 7 days dry so needs curing yet , but it is very smokable and potent .


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Active member
smoking a tester ssh x g13hp . this bud is from my cousins first ever grow that i helped him with . only 7 days dry so needs curing yet , but it is very smokable and potent .
My camera allows me to zoom in on that apical flower pic you have there phenomenal amount of glandular trichomes on that very nice. I'm a little disgruntled that with all the fancy technology we're throwing out left and right in the last hundred years that nobody could make cyber or online scratch and sniff technology, this picture would be perfect for that


Well-known member
My camera allows me to zoom in on that apical flower pic you have there phenomenal amount of glandular trichomes on that very nice. I'm a little disgruntled that with all the fancy technology we're throwing out left and right in the last hundred years that nobody could make cyber or online scratch and sniff technology, this picture would be perfect for that
gavita 1000w double ended hps and a good teacher


Well-known member
random lebanese x old timer haze that i have left in with the columbian red x oldmotherghani male . just for fun . pollen chuck to pollen chuck and zero testing on the initial cross let alone te second but , why not. suffering from cold as they all are but , we are over the worst of it for now.


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ICMag Donor
Columbian red, is that related to panama red? I bet something good will turn up. You can't get those elites if you don't let the pollen fly! Looks like its responding to the training well. Nice vigorous sativa.

Hope you get over your cold soon. Check out silver biotics its colloidial silver in nano form. They sell it as an immune booster.
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