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Severe Depression

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
It may help to write things down, to gauge your progress, and accelerate getting better.

Keeping track of how much you drink, how many hours you were up before drinking, how much sleep, etc..

I lay in bed too long everyday, since my life sucks dead donkey schlongs. Realize I should just get up earlier, so I am tired and sleep better.

Maybe if we slept soundly, we would not drink so much, due to being tired.

You are actually helping me, even if you do not want to.

There is no better investment, than yourself!!!!

Be Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ketchup or smashed tomato
puree garlic
old bay
salt pepper

mix in bowl

You can get right the fuck outta here with that ketchup! :dancer:
Haha that's a great smilie.

Seriously thanks, I'm going to try that. Gives me a great reason to get some seafood...which gives me a reason to take the bike out to Seattle. Woohoo!

If your in CA we can meet up sometime chill smoke maybe if you are feeling it. I can help you get some genetics back under your wing. I am manic depressive and understand the darkness. Sitting in the valley of death no trail leading out. No light to be seen. Just know the sun will come over the ridge eventually and you will find your way out. Archery interest you? My grandpa who was my dad basically just died. I blasted off a few shots into the valley for him and it really helped me out. If cannabis doesn't mess with you anymore maybe start growing vegetables and flowers. Gardening is really relaxing. Remember why you liked it. Find new plants to love. Japanese maples are easy maintained. You can train them and make them beautiful. Maybe get some form animals. My sheep and chickens make me happy when I'm losing my mind. There simplicity is what does it for me. They are always chillen.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I can not give anymore thumbs up today, but am really impressed with the decent people, posting here. Many of us have problems, and it is good to discuss with similar people!!
If your in CA we can meet up sometime chill smoke maybe if you are feeling it. I can help you get some genetics back under your wing. I am manic depressive and understand the darkness. Sitting in the valley of death no trail leading out. No light to be seen. Just know the sun will come over the ridge eventually and you will find your way out. Archery interest you? My grandpa who was my dad basically just died. I blasted off a few shots into the valley for him and it really helped me out. If cannabis doesn't mess with you anymore maybe start growing vegetables and flowers. Gardening is really relaxing. Remember why you liked it. Find new plants to love. Japanese maples are easy maintained. You can train them and make them beautiful. Maybe get some form animals. My sheep and chickens make me happy when I'm losing my mind. There simplicity is what does it for me. They are always chillen.

I know you're reaching out to help our friend, but please be mindful of TOU:

17. Social events: Outside of events that take place in Amsterdam, 4:20 cup, High Times cup etc we do not condone, encourage, nor permit discussions for private meet-ups. It is our hope that members retain their anonymity afforded them through the use of this site. Any member who attempts to solicit or arrange meet-ups is subject to immediate banishment. It is ultimately up to each member to protect their own identity by remaining anonymous at all times. Posts pertaining to private meet-ups/social events via VM's, reported PM's, or events not approved by Admin will be deleted. If you wish to make known an event, you must contact Admin for event approval prior to posting.

7. Solicitations: Threads or posts soliciting or offering the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, money or any other substance or article is not permitted and will be deleted, with the member subjected to banning without warning. Threads or posts pertaining to the recreational use of narcotic substances is not permitted and will be deleted.
7a. Wish lists of varieties placed in posts, threads, or the members 'signature line' area will be deleted by admin as doing so is deemed an attempt to circumvent site policy regarding solicitations.


No need to get the heat after ya!

Jibman, how are your crab ... Er ... How was the crab? :biggrin:


crab was good. feeling ok today for now

what are ya doing today?

i caught a squirrel in my havahart release trap and let it go in the park away from my fruits and vegetables

St. Phatty

Active member
force yourself,the sun helps too so get out in nature

exercise and food.

Be like the leopard shark.

I go swimming and after 2 hours all I can think about is food.

I come face to face with a school of leopard sharks. Anatomically correct but they just don't have a taste for people.

But, I reflect, I bet that we were both thinking about food when we came face to face !

I was thinking about eating salmon, and I have no idea what leopard sharks eat except, other fish.

I think taking a hot bath every day helps.

Also, physical yoga. The kind that REALLY wears you out. Ashtanga yoga, AKA "Vinyasa Flow" and "Power Yoga".

Also, there is a 3 letter word that is certainly relevant to a conversation about Depression.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
St. Phatty reminded me of SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. If you do not go out much, in daylight, you should have very bright light indoors.
crab was good. feeling ok today for now

what are ya doing today?

i caught a squirrel in my havahart release trap and let it go in the park away from my fruits and vegetables

Good stuff man, you're pretty much kickin' ass right now (I'm fairly sure the squirrel would back me up on that).

I spent most of the day cleaning my bathroom. The morning was spent largely in my veg room, just screwing around and drinking tea in my underwear. Busy busy

I made macaroni and cheese for dinner ... Like Kraft. Not really congruent with my purported health kick, but nobody was lookin' at the time :whistling: I told you I need some recipes!

St. Phatty reminded me of SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. If you do not go out much, in daylight, you should have very bright light indoors.

1200W HPS Q12, PRN
-Goatstroker MD


Well-known member
I found this sight and want to contribute in the future.
I just wanted to say that things can and will get better ,you just have to remember that during the lows.

Love to all


I was almost too depressed to type this .....oh what a stuggle life is, eh?
I am very pleased to hear your feeling better Jibby, especially about the squirrels release.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
The VA should give the best support of anyone. If you were in army, they are there!!!