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Setting up a PC stealth grow - a few questions..


New member
OK, well I've abandoned my idea of a Rubbermaid grow box...it's just not going to be stealthy enough for my needs.

What I'm looking into now is a PC grow like so many people are setting up here. Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with electrical or case modding, so I'm going to need some help along the way.

A few questions before I go ahead and start ordering my supplies...

1. How can I hook up my fans & lights to the standard 3 prong connector you'd see on the back of a PC case? I don't want to keep the whole PSU in there, but I'd love to be able to use the connector so it actually looks like a legit PC from the back.

2. Is there a certain case people are using with good luck, that seems pretty well setup for a micro grow? I'm wondering if there's something that already has fan mounts in convenient spots, and that is semi light-proof from the start.

3. If I need to setup some partitions within the case, what're you using for this? Plywood? Is glue usually the best option for mounting everything inside?

4. Do I need to grow dwarf strains, or can I just go 12/12 from seed and keep any strain under control with a screen?

Thanks for the help...

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey! try looking in the growroom and design forums..there is a DYI link that will help you out..
try finding a tower/server case as they are much bigger..just google and see what pops up..I have a server case and there's plenty of room..
Plywood works fine, just make sure to paint it white(flat white) or cover with mylar or auto reflectors they use to keep the sun out of your car..
You can grow dwarfs but you can scrog,LST, etc. too.. I am groing trainwreck wcich can grow up to 5-6 feet outside! its maybe 12-14 inches now in 12/12... I vegged it for 4 weeks too..check out my grow..BC's Trainwreck pc grow..
Check out the whole pc case club's thread too...lots of great ideas..I just used power bars but you can also hardwire your lights too..
As for wiring, the pc case club or the DYI threads will help you immensely..
If you ever need help, I'd be happy to be of assistance..
Best of luck..trust me, once you get going, you will have loads of fun!!
So Pc case growers club, the growroom and design DYI thread and Scrub's Pc fans beginners guide are all helpful..
1. yes, rip apart the PSU, be very careful not to touch any of the capacitors, they still hold a charge, and can shock the hell out of you, cut the wires connecting to the outlet and rewire them to a power strip, it really isnt to hard.

2. I'm using an Chieftec Dragon case, but yesterday I found this http://www.pcrproinc.com/servlet/the-1567/INWIN-12-BAY-ATX/Detail its roughly 2 ft tall, perfect for micro grows. Fans are obviously located in a way that benefits a computer, but it works for growing too.. And light proof? Nope, not even close. These cases arent designed to keep light inside, massive amount of light leaks from the fans and all other nooks and crannys in it. Check out ScrubNinja's tutorials on making light filters or look at my thread to get a better idea http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=158868

3. Personally, i would shy away from partitions. You are already working in a small cramped area... Why make your life even harder? Just get a second case if it comes down to it. Thats my suggestion atleast. And for glue, I used a hot glue gun for everything in my case, makes life very easy :)

4. Currently I'm running my plant 24/0... I'm a week and a half in, and my lil one is LOVING it. 4 weeks after the sprout I'mma switch it to 12/12. I'm using a bag seed, and its staying short and bushy, so I guess I got lucky with the genetics. I hope it will stay low. But you can always LST and SCROG it.

i hope that helps

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
What Casper means is cut the power strip cord and wire it to the power supply(computer) wires you cut earlier..he is right, you can shock yourself!!
I am using a Lian_li server case which is 25 inches tall 2 feet long and 10 inches wide! Its huge and I got it cheap from Tiger Direct..
Partitions do shrink your grow size thats why I don't use one..the only wires coming out of the back of mine are for power and fans...
Best wishes ..here are a couple of pics for you


New member
Thanks for the ideas...

So is a passive intake not very common in PC grows? It looks like most of the setups I've seen have two fans, one for intake and one to exhaust.

Also, about the PSU wiring. Will there just be 3 wires coming off the back - ground neutral and hot? And can I just cut the cable on my power strip, connect the matching wires, and then tape it all up? Also, a lot of electrical advice just says to connect the matching wires....how? Do you solder? or just twist em together as best they'll hold and wrap them in electrical tape?

Also, what does a PSU capacitor look like so I can be sure to avoid it. Would a brand new PSU be charged even before pluggin in? And if I rip an old PSU out of another computer, how long do I have to leave it unplugged to make sure there's no danger of shock? These might be stupid questions - but I don't wanna get fried.

As for light leaks, are the biggest issues around vents and fans? I imagine I could just use lots of foil tape there. But how do you light proof around the seams of the panels? Weatherstripping?

Also what size fan/cfm rating are you using for small grows like this. I'm planning on using around 100 watts of CFLs...

Thanks again.
The light passes right thru the fans when they are spinning, it doesnt block the light one bit, so you are going to have to do something about that... I would assume passive intake would work if your exhaust fan is strong enough, the cfm is up to you, I'm using 2 normal 80mm fans, so its moves enough air in my opinion, but I will be adding one more as exhaust and convert both my exhaust fans to carbon scrubbers I'm pretty sure they will lose some power because of that. Carbon Scrubbers will also block out light. Foil tape and ductape will be your best friend in sealing all the light leaks in the corners and front of the case, for the intake fan, look at Scrubninjas tutorial to get an idea how to block the light.

First time i put my micro together I was AMAZED by how much light leaked out.

To the PSU, I assume they test PSU's before they leave the factory, so therefore I still would not mess around with those capacitors, if needed, wear rubber gloves. Better to be safe than sorry. And yes if you look at the plug to your PSU you will see 3 prongs, 1 hot 1 neutral 1 ground, on the other end of those prongs (on the inside of your PSU) you would find 3 wires, clip those, clip the power strip, and connect accordingly.


New member
Hey Casper, I'm pretty much at the same point in this you are. Just doing research right now and starting to look for a case. I did find this thread last night which can help your power source wiring.


Also, this thread compiles a bunch of topics into one place so it's useful to bookmark.

Please post the case you go with if you buy it online. I'm looking for something sub-$50 shipped.


New member
Sweet...thanks for all the help.

Just browsing some cases...any input on this one: Antec 300 ? My biggest concern right now is finding something with large enough intakes, since I'll probably have 2 exhaust fans running.


I have an Antec 300 case for one of my real computers.. it's kinda small (only 18 inches).. you might wanna find something a little bit bigger. After you put in bulbs and containers for soil, your looking at 8 inches or so of grow space.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Server/Tower's are the way to go if at all possible or feasable....it just gives you more room for your grow...but I have seen some pretty impressive micro pc grows in the pc case club..check it out if you have'nt already..full of great ideas..
good luck!!

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