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Active member
Moth, know you are still not around, but as always our thoughts and well wishes are with you. GreatLakes, take care of yourself when you are down there in that heat. Great friends like you are so special. Moth, hang in there and can't wait to see you around this site again.:ying:

:yeahthats Sending you strength, peace, and healing positive energy right now, Moth!!! And GreatLakes!!


Well-known member
brother Moth really needs some prayers now ,he had surgery and is in icu but not quite out of trouble yet. the docs say he has a real strong will to live after the complications he has had



Active member
Sorry to hear that...I was really encouraged to see his login today. Its great to hear about his strong drive, though. I wouldn't have expected otherwise.

I'm an admin of another forum, and have posted requests for prayers from our membership....with a good response. Many of us battle our own diseases (some of us are terminal). No one of us can face this shit alone. But, we don't have to, unless that is our choice.

My experience is that there is intense and powerful synergy when groups join in pulling for another!


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Brother Moth my thoughts are with you hoping that all goes well through this hard time in your life- my thoughts and many others on the forum are willing and praying for your strong self to come outta this and with your strenghth and courage put a happy smile back on everyones face we miss you moth so heres praying to the man above to make it all right sending you good vibes and many prayers get well soon:comfort:

pine boy

Get much better, real soon moth
Blessings and prayers sent to you:)


Active member
I think the information that Moth's cancer was found to be somewhat less invasive than originally thought, plus his apparent strong will to live, both indicate that everyone's continued support are making a difference.

We can only do what we can...but it is crucial for us to do it as best we can.


Sorry to hear that...I was really encouraged to see his login today. Its great to hear about his strong drive, though. I wouldn't have expected otherwise.

I'm an admin of another forum, and have posted requests for prayers from our membership....with a good response. Many of us battle our own diseases (some of us are terminal). No one of us can face this shit alone. But, we don't have to, unless that is our choice.

My experience is that there is intense and powerful synergy when groups join in pulling for another!
You are right KnowBudz, Moth seems to have a love of life and a will to fight that most of us can learn something from. I know that his strength helps me get through some of my harder moments. You are also so right in no one has to face these things alone, there are so many good, caring people on these forums who are willing to help each other, and even though we may never meet face to face, I believe that these friendships formed are not only real but very meaningful friendships also. The synergy in my opinion is also real, and a very powerful tool in all aspects of life. So keep sending in your prayers, well wishes, good vibes or whatever you want to call it. I hope that you are getting better Moth, we all do. You can beat this and we will see you on these boards again.:ying:


Rubbing my glands together
Hope you're getting stronger and feeling better by the day my friend. Sending all the love I can your way.


may god give you the strength to conquer the evil skurge that has invaded you body.
may your wife be given peace to help her deal with your struggle
may we soon be blessed with your return


Hope the surgery was successful ... and that the worst is now over

Head up

Keep fighting

Keep healing and getting strong

Always wishing you the very, very best

Rest easy my friend - everything gonna be alright



Active member
Thinking of you brother. May you take some of my strength now when I have no need for it so that you may have help in your time of need. In truth I lend it freely that you may return it when your words find me in mine. I hope these words scrawled by all can find you through all the trouble and see you through the storm like the gull leading the ship from the tumult. I may not be the lighthouse that shines miles across angry seas and guides sailors by the hundreds past treacherous shoals but that my words may whisper through the darkness and find your ear lending even the smallest of strengths easing just the lightest of burdens, that would be the affirmation of my hopes, the tsunami across the sea of chaos from my single drop. May we each take up our part of your burden so as that you may rest while we carry you a ways. Much love my friend, may we meet some day and break bread and bud amongst us as true brothers.



Active member
Its late, but I'm checking on news. Tomorrow, I have to go into the hospital myself....been there twice in a week, already.

Know that I'll be thinking of you even as I fight my own battle. You are in capable hands, here. I have channeled support via other forums, from folks who never heard of you....but are pulling for you, regardless.

This is how it works....people giving of themselves however they can, to help a brother (or sister) in need. Anyone who thinks those of us who use weed or other substances are uncaring and selfish, are flat-out wrong! One glance at this thread shows that!