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Captain Expando
May the return home be a blessed one Moth... I too am looking forward to having you back. You're loved greatly and we miss ya very much so get that strength saved up, there's more on the way... healing, energy, strength and love from me and Agape' from above.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Moth Status Update...

Moth Status Update...

Hey gang, I'm sure many have been wondering where Moth's been the last few weeks. I just got a call from his wife, his Angel, and she asked that I share what's been going on with him.

Moth has been in the hospital for the last 2 weeks receiving drip antibiotics for an infection that may or may not have been from putting in the hook ups for the chemo. He's been having so much trouble getting nourishment because the opening in his esophagus is so narrow that it's near impossible to get food down. They attempted to put in a feeding tube earlier in the week but were unsuccessful as they couldn't get the scope through his esophagus. Today he had surgery again and they were able to put in the feeding tube another way and while they were in there they discovered a hole in Moth's stomach. The hole appears to have been there for some time. They repaired the hole in his stomach and moved the tube so that it wouldn't be near the affected area of his stomach. They also put in an intestinal feeding tube so that food would not be going through the stomach for the next few days. They are keeping him unconscious for the weekend so that he will be pain free and are moving him to the ICU for the weekend. Chemo has been pushed out another two weeks. But on a positive note when they had him open for surgery today they were able to see that the cancer is not as extensive as feared. The outlook is still dire, but the latest news about the cancer gives me some hope.

Please pray friends of Moth that he is able to get the nourishment that he needs to fight this cancer. Pray for strength and energy for he and his Angel. That they are able to persevere this storm and get to better days ahead.

We love you Moth,

Get well my friend,

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Rubbing my glands together
Nothing but the best of wishes to the both of you from where I am. Thanks for the update Greatlakes THC


Active member
Thank you so much for the update, Greatlakes THC.

Moth has been put through it this week with the infection, espohageal stenosis, and a freaking hole in his stomach. I do take heart in the fact that he has apparently come through this latest insult to his person and is still hanging in there.

Still a long, tough road ahead for brother Moth, so everyone please find a moment here and there to send some postitive healing vibes to he and his wonderful Angel.

Moth and Angel, you are loved and missed by many good people who are pulling as hard as we know how for a full and complete recovery.

Peace to you, peace to all.

pine boy

I'm sending prayers to you moth,to help through the weekend and to help in your healing.
Peace brother


Heartfelt thanks for the update GreatLakes

Keep fighting and healing Moth

Always sending my prayers to get strong and healthy

Head up

Everything is gonna be alright

Love ... Agape ... and lots of Mojo to Moth .. and all his friends (you guys have been great) posting in this thread



Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
sending healing thoughts and comfort to MOTH and to his good family- pure and positive thoughts filled with love and peace get well soon brother-:comfort:


Moth, I know you won't see this for awhile, ( but you will see it) but I just want to tell you how much getting to know a person like you (even though we've never met) has meant to me. You are always looking out for others even with everything you have been going through. Your positive attitude on life is something to be admired and probably copied by more, and your love for your family and friends is a joy to see. I hope that one day you will be reading this with your loved ones at your side. Take care Moth, I will be thinking of you in these days to come. You have great friends around here and hopefully all of the positive energy will help. Hang in and may you have a fast recoverey. Hope that you can get some food down. Your friend, Hiker:ying:


Anita Bonghitt
Yes,he does look out for others more than himself, I've had the pleasure of several smoking/trading sessions with him Hiker, and your description of Moth is right on.


Active member
Moth brother, I am not a praying man but I want you to know that I am praying for you. I am not sure if I am doing it right but I can only hope that it and the vibes and energies that I send along with all of these friends of yours can help you and your angel. Peace and health brother!


Guest 10952

Thanks GL! I hope he's doing well. I hope his family is holding up. I know you and your will send your best for them as I do. Take is easy MOTHMAN. People still want to see the MOTH (MAN) bro ;) Rest up and get better. Sending good vibes your way!!!


Captain Expando
Thanks all of you, especially GreatLakesT. Love to you Moth. Healing powers of the Agape' engulf you. We love you so dear friend ~


Active member
I take heart in something I heard in another time of strife:

"When your back is against the wall, always remember:

The wall never has the last word, God does!!"


Guest 10952

Moth my healing vibes are streaming through the series of tubes to reach you bro. I wish for a fast recovery for you.


New member
Moth , although our time here at IC hasnt allowed us to cross paths, I too can relate with everything youre going through. As six weeks ago I too was diagnosed with stage four throat cancer. Going on my fourth week of treatment now and its starting to really tear up my throat bad. The cisplatin chemo they gave me first round had me so sick I lost 24lbs in four days...so after that bad reaction they changed up to carboplatin. Huge difference! Didnt get nearly as sick this time still didnt feel good to say the least but not nearly as sick as the first round.
I tell you my story in hopes to provide some hope into yours, from one lover of the sacrement to another stay positive as hard as it my be. Believe in yourself, and if you need anything pls. visit my profile and drop me a line. As I dont even have enough posts to PM yet under this new account. Believe and be well......WELDFLASH420

PS..Radiation is probably the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life, this is whats causing your throat swelling and ulcerations but its needed to shrink that fucking tumor! I myself have been forcing food down to avoid the feeding tube as infections are a bitch at this stage. MY prayers are with you and all the healing vibes that are being piled upon me will be shared with you.....Be well....


Moth, know you are still not around, but as always our thoughts and well wishes are with you. GreatLakes, take care of yourself when you are down there in that heat. Great friends like you are so special. Moth, hang in there and can't wait to see you around this site again.:ying: