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GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production

Praying for renewed strength for you Moth, and as always peace and love. Give that Angel a squeeze for me and treats for the girls. Tell your mom I say high too.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
Got nothing to burn for ya tonight but I am thinking of ya brother. Vibe-ing for ya wishin I was burnin one for ya.


weed fiend
Wazzup moth :wave: Hot and dry here, spider mite heaven. Glad I'm growing weed indoors, the backyard tomatoes are taking a beating and dropping blossoms like rain. :(

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production

Is this about how you felt today? Ewwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee was it hot. Hope you were able to stay cool today Moth. That heat can really zap it out of of ya. Peace and blessings my friend.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

Guest 10952

Oh yeah... its been muggy. Ewww! I hope your doing ok Moth. Peace and I hope you receiving this blessing well buddy.


Moth, feels like Texas up here lately. Weathers been keeping me at work everyday, but want to say hey, send well wishes and good vibes and I hope the news continues to be better. Take care, hope it's not to muggy for your garden. Enjoy your week, and I hope you can at least enjoy some ice cream or something cool this summer.:ying:


Active member
You all are so kind and thoughtful. Thank U thank U thank U
I come here often for encouragement and Hope
It means the world to me and I am one lucky cat !

Yeppers its to hot to even walk outdoors but I would try to walk across the country for each of you if necessary.
May your week be Blessed and a bit cooler.


Active member
Moth, wishing your good days far outpace the bad and your spirits stay as high as a Georgia pine. Keep it cool in this brutal heat.

Stay strong, brother.

Lean on us when you need, support is only a few keystrokes away.

Be In Peace :ying:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Peace from worry, and renewed strength for you today Moth. I'll be sending pure love your way tomorrow as you meet with the doctors again. Let's try to schedule a chat session for sometime this week. It's been a bit since we've done that and I miss it. Hope you were able to stay cool today while you were out and about, and wish it were under better circumstances. You're a good man Moth.

Not as hot here as yesterday thankfully. Stay strong brother.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

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