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Selling back to clubs?

How do you go from $10,200 dollars down to just $2,500.00 profit? Where are you coming up with $7700.00 in expenses in 3 months?

As for time consuming, I can take care of 15 flowering plants, clones and others vegging in an hour a day or so.....

Well, not to be rude but I explained exactly how I came up with 7700 in expenses in my post...tell me what you take issue with exactly and I'll be happy to address it.

Yeah, the usual ongoing maintenance for a 4 lighter is a few hours a day, with occasional full days and extra work. Thats fairly time consuming in my book...but I don't have a problem with the labor personally I'm just saying it doesn't all happen automatically.


ICMag Donor
Is it really worth the gamble to rent a seperate house, if that's what you're doing, with all the utilities just to make 800 bucks a month? And if you are renting a seperate house you should be pulling a harvest every 45 days at the very most....
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crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
But what should I expect from someone who picked a low grade weed for their name/avatar.

Hey, I miss blue dot. I Just saw a bunch over at CARE and my boy picked some up.

If yours turned out low grade, blame the grower not the genetics.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Is it really worth the gamble to rent a seperate house, if that's what you're doing, with all the utilities just to make 800 bucks a month? And if you are renting a seperate house you should be pulling a harvest every 45 days at the very most....

JJ makes an excellent point here. Just for my personal I go perpetual, pulling every 30 days. So, given that, I'll do an analysis similar to purrpull's, so we can get a clearer idea.

Rent for a house in a good neighborhood - $1200

5000w* (2 4kw rooms on a flip-flop, plus a 600w veg, and 400 incidental watts) running 24 hours a day ([(5000x24)/1000]x.09x30) - $324.

Rental furniture for front room (security, always)- $250

One gallon of FNB per month (more than necessary, but let's figure it) - $70

Water - $100

Incidentals (replacement bulbs, parts, etc) - $1000, to err on the side of caution again.

Total - $2844, we'll call it $3k, just for shits and giggles.

Of course, these are costs of living in my area, which I doubt are the same as Cali, but the principal remains the same.

I've averaged just under 2 lbs per 1kw light, and could probably hit that by dialing in the proper strain, but let's figure 1lb per 1kw light.

So, we're left with 4lbs every 30 days. At $2500/lb, that's $10k a month. Minus our $3k expenses, that's $7k profit per month.

That's closer to a dedicated med grow, I believe, and of course, we've erred on the side of caution. Of course, in my area, I can get rid of 4 lbs @ 4k per in under an hour, :pimp3:

Sound about right?

*Since this is a dedicated house, we've disconnected the hot water heater, and any other appliance drawing a constant current, of course.
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Active member
quote from nitetiger

Rent for a house in a good neighborhood - $1200.[/QUOTE]

I wish. not in the san francisco bay area. Try at least $2000 if you dont want to be in the hood with hoes and crack dealers. If anybody in the bay has a hook up for $1200 in a good neighborhood, Ill take 2 rentals please.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
So take 800 out of the incidental funds I threw in there, and the math still works the same :D

Hell, what's $800 extra matter, once ya get down to it :biglaugh:

$72k a year is still a good salary :pimp3:


I used to sell a portion of my harvest to a local club. I would also tell them to give out free grams of my harvest kief to patients with limited funds... or people they thought really needed extra meds. Not that I've ever been the most efficient grower or anything, but I never came close to covering my expenses... my hat is off to those who do.



Active member
I used to sell a portion of my harvest to a local club. I would also tell them to give out free grams of my harvest kief to patients with limited funds... or people they thought really needed extra meds. Not that I've ever been the most efficient grower or anything, but I never came close to covering my expenses... my hat is off to those who do.


Thank YOU and other growers like YOU.

I know you didn't cover your expenses but you, or someone like you, helped keep me from puking my guts up when I ran out of cash and was on opiate meds.

My dispensary gave me free meds for a couple weeks until I got back on my feet. Not the best quality, but I could eat.

donny darko

I believe most growers put into a situation with a truly deserving medical patients would give away some of their product to them. The difference is that a lot of people that are patience’s are not in that category, which helps promote the economic and opportunistic side of this semi legal market. I mean look at the things that Nite tiger and Greyskull say in this and other treads and you can tell that they are good people and would give the shirts off their back to a truly deserving person. But as I said before a good chunk of the med usurers are everyday pot smokers like a lot of us and do not deserve free pot and should pay the going rate if they are not willing to risk their own freedom like us and for all the other reasons stated earlier in this tread as well. All these issues play a part in determining what the far market price will be. Sorry for the rant let’s get back to the business side of the med market.
peace darko

Blue Dot

let’s get back to the business side of the med market.

I could link to the wording of prop 215 and even sb420 but even if I used my Edit>Find on this Page on those links nowhere would I be able to find the word business.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Well said, Donny.

I'd just like to point out that the commune mentality has been tried, and it has failed. Commune, communist, no one draws the parallels, really? It just doesn't work.

If you fail to recognize those who are working above the average, those who are striving for excellence, then you discourage the attempt at excellence. If my product is head and shoulders above the rest, then why shouldn't I be rewarded more than the rest? If you only want to pay the 'average', then guess what, you're only going to get the average.

Having said that, I'd also like to paraphrase Hubert Humphreys - the moral test of [society] is how that [society] treats those who... are in the shadows of life-the sick, the needy and the handicapped.

I'm more than willing to step up and provide for those who would suffer and die without my help. Each and every time, always. But I have no obligation to do so for everyone that comes to my door.

Blue Dot

And the capitalistic mentality has succeeded?
Have you looked out the window lately?

Where do you think all those "who... are in the shadows of life-the sick, the needy and the handicapped" were produced?

They were produced by a use 'em up and spit em out capatilistic mentality.

How many people are homeless in the streets of Russia? Just asking?
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
The capitalist mentality has certainly outlasted the communist mentality, hasn't it?

Yeah, all the sickness and disease and disease in this country is because of capitalism. Are you freaking kidding me man? That's about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

As far as homeless in Russia, that's not particularly relevant, since Russia is no longer a communist state, and has, in fact, turned to capitalism. However, we'll play the game.

In the time of the Soviet Union (I think that's what you meant when you said "Russia", even though they're two different things)
RussiansAbroad.com said:
Soviet law banned beggars and vagrants, the homeless (meaning anyone who lost his or her place of residence for any reason) were imprisoned or expelled from the cities.

That makes it a bit hard to get numbers, especially since the Soviet's were rather particular about what information came out. But we can look at the situation after the fall of Communism to get an idea.

RussiansAbroad.com said:
In 1995 Moscow authorities estimated that city's homeless population at 30,000, but Western experts put the figure as high as 300,000. An estimated 300 homeless people died in Moscow in the first half of the winter of 1995-96, and on-site medical personnel reported widespread disease. At that point, Moscow had one shelter, with a capacity of twenty-four, and other Russian cities offered no sanitation or temporary residence centers of any sort. In the mid-1990s, the government of mayor Yuriy Luzhkov followed the Soviet pattern of forcibly removing vagrants from the city, especially at times when large numbers of Western visitors were expected.

Yeah, soooo much better than here. I know in my city there are four homeless shelters that can provide upt 150 beds. Matter of fact, they went out to bring homeless in during this wicked cold snap.

Now, let's look at US homeless numbers, compared to this ONE city in Russia, the one that was the crown jewel of the Soviet Union.
CrossroadsRI.org said:
Every night in the United States about 750,000 people experience homelessness.

Hmm, so, even with limited math skills, we can see that ONE city in Russia had half as many homeless as the ENTIRE United States. Bet the wrong horse on that one, didn't you?

Just for shits and giggles. Crossroads is a charity to help homeless, in a capitalist country. Over in Russia though...
RussiansAbroad.com said:
In 1995, for example, the soup kitchen of the Christian Mercy Society in Moscow, which fed 400 poor people daily, had to pay city officials to stay open, and the organization was unable to obtain a designated space in which to operate. In fact, Russian law gives no status whatever to private charities, so such organizations must fend for themselves in helping the increasingly large number of urban poor.

Oh, and
A number of Western humanitarian organizations, such as the Salvation Army and Doctors Without Borders, are the main source of assistance.

Oh my GOD, it's capitalists, RUN :rolleyes:
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Oh, and if you'd like to continue this, start another thread (may want to do a bit more research though) so we don't further hijack this one.


And the capitalistic mentality has succeeded?
Have you looked out the window lately?

Where do you think all those "who... are in the shadows of life-the sick, the needy and the handicapped" were produced?

They were produced by a use 'em up and spit em out capatilistic mentality.

How many people are homeless in the streets of Russia? Just asking?

take your weak shit and get the fuck outta this thread, squid!


Registered Med User
I could link to the wording of prop 215 and even sb420 but even if I used my Edit>Find on this Page on those links nowhere would I be able to find the word business.

U R hella dumb. Name somethin that isnt a business. Find one NONPROFIT oganization where nobody makes money and everything is donated or made without any cash transfer or government loans/grants. Everything is business.


Well-known member
i am not looking to buy nor am i looking to sell my inquiring mind wanted to know what you peeps who have acess to these places to purchase clones what is the going prices on them


Registered Med User
clones average about 15 bucks these days. PK and some hi-demand clones could cost 20-25 depending on where you go.

Blue Dot

U R hella dumb. Name somethin that isnt a business. Find one NONPROFIT oganization where nobody makes money and everything is donated or made without any cash transfer or government loans/grants. Everything is business.

Apparantly if you want it to be a business it can. Just saying it didn't seem like the initial wording of 215 (or even sb420) said it should be and I'm just going by that. Pretty much how So Cal cities like SD are doing the same.

Not saying it's right, just saying I understand if they are going by the strict definition of the wording.

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