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400W HPS closet grow - low budget

gizmo said:
lmao :laughing:
aint that the truth

yes it is and my pocket loves every bit of it
HeavyDuty DIY Timer

Hi people it was a long hard week for me. No time for updates.

i decided to go scrog style so i got my self some fence (2'' x 2'' holes)

Battery went dead so last pic comes from cell phone.

There are two plants in there. Big mistake. It would be perfect if both where same strain though. Still i will never do that again. Painfull

Also, the sativa dominant plant is going hermie. crap.

i'll get some more photos later. Stay safe people.

P.S. Some one send me a PM, but i can't access PM service yet. That's funny. I must get to 50 posts. I hope it happens within the decade lol.
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Ha you seem to change as you go, good for you. A man has to deal with what he is dealt with for sure.
Cloning is easy, but you have to do it before they start to flower. I have reveged some plants. It takes awhile and you think they are dying, but it works. I think it is faster to revege a plant than starting all over from seed. Especially if you have a female you already like. I have some photos under my old account (randude) I lost my email and account info after a gf and I broke up. Long story.
If you look at my old profile randude you will see what I did with 400W. I had a pretty good setup. I am starting all over again now. I have 8 bagseed plants that are tiny seedlings that I have not sexed yet. Some of these seeds are indica doms and some are from some Columbian that I tried from Florida. I do not know what will become of this garden, but I guess I will see soon enough. Everything I have is homemade and improvised. If you see something being sold online for hundreds of dollars you could make them same thing at home with a little effort.
stay green everyone.
newRandude, hey man thanks for stopping by.

I'm definetly gonna check your grow. Like u said i will revegge, however i regret that i didn't take clones like mid-east-stone said on his post. My clones would have rooted by now. crap.

Some more seeds of the non hermie strain are allready poping.

There is one think that i can't get out of my mind: how essential is low humidity during flower? I mean i know it has to be as low as possible but is it gonna make that much of a difference in potency?

Humidity around here is insane : 60-80 but i can keep it at 60% . Still i think it is to much.


the Revenant
high humidity can make your buds mold, spider mites luv high humidity, your buds can also come out airy sometimes due to high humidity. did you LST or FIM before scrog? you should tuck in some of those bud sites just under the screen.
hi there Pirate138,

i LSTed since the beginning. here is a pic of what the screen looks like

Bud sites.

and a cricket charging the batteries

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half way there

half way there

Hi people,

a small update while lights out.

The scroged plants

trained plants

A forming bud shot.

I tucked and spread as much as i could (without losing ma mind) like pirate138 suggested.

Just a tip or two to any grower going scrog for first time. Start early. Flower when 2/3 of scrog is filled and do not pack the future buds. give them some space.

Stay safe.
Hi everyone,

bajasauce thanks man. i can't wait.

Some photos of the scrog

last week


The scrog has two plants under it.
The hermie

Some millipedes where in my outdoor soil as well as some seeds.
Here is a milli

Roots popping. i covered with soil. i like roots ;)

And finally the second coming. Same strain.

Never seen that before

Some Bud shots

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Hi cannabis lovers

The garden (closet) starts looking very yummy. The other day i couldn't hold my self so i cut a branch and quick dried with my a/c unit.

This is some good smoke. i am very pleased with the high. It hits your body first and then your mind goes out too. indica

If any one thinks he knows what strain i am growing please speak up.

The photos

week 7

i had some issues with low phosphorous. You can see my already dark leafed strain going darker green bluish with burned tips.

Btw there are four plants in there. Though they where flowered the same day , they are a ~week apart in finishing. It is interesting that they are also a week apart in age...

Also one plant was transplanted yesterday to a bigger pot. Big mistake that late in bloom but it was heart braking to see such a good plant stuck in a small pot. I hope it won't take it too hard.

Good luck with your grows
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Hey GL:wave:

Looking real good in your growroom bro, well done.

I`ts nice to see hard work rewarded, keep it up.


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thanks for the good words man.
I did my best with what i had, and i like the results too.

Good luck with your grow.


Haha, for a "low budget" grow you have a nice SCROG growing with some nice buds. Speaking of bag seeds I just moved an OG Kush bag seed seedling under a brand new 400w, it also came from a CFL setup prior. I am debating either LST or SCROG. Keep up the nice work bro.
Hi people and happy new year

johnyhash, CaliCoast thanks for the good words. How did it go CaliCoast with your grow?

I made and addition to my grow. A heater.

Temps where to low, causing phosphorous deficiency and growth was stunted.

Purple stems and veins under leaves, dark green bluish leaves and lower leaves turning brown and diying.
I keep it at 72F (22C) and they seem to like it already.

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ganjaLeaving said:
yes it is and my pocket loves every bit of it
HeavyDuty DIY Timer

Hi people it was a long hard week for me. No time for updates.

i decided to go scrog style so i got my self some fence (2'' x 2'' holes)

Battery went dead so last pic comes from cell phone.

There are two plants in there. Big mistake. It would be perfect if both where same strain though. Still i will never do that again. Painfull

Also, the sativa dominant plant is going hermie. crap.

i'll get some more photos later. Stay safe people.

P.S. Some one send me a PM, but i can't access PM service yet. That's funny. I must get to 50 posts. I hope it happens within the decade lol.

hey gangaleaving i sure would like 2 kno a bit more bout u diy heavy duty timer as i keep burning mine out lol as there cheepys n im a bit of a novice but my flatmates a sparky so i can lay my hands on the matirials if i knew wot i needed i woulda pm'd u but coz im new 2 this site it wouldnt let me as i aint posted 50 posts lol cheers 4 ur time n green tumbs all round:D temp303


hey gangaleaving that heater sure does look like it payed off frosty goodness!! a bit earlyer in ur thread u talked about a diy timer i sure would like 2 kno a bit more bout time if u dont mind thanx 4 ur time

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