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Good show, man!:smile::yes: It looks to me like it could use just a little longer of a purge, but my eyes are probably just deceiving me.


Active member
hey qwiso shmike! thanks for a great thread . i did try the qwiso and it is an excellent method . had to let the iso evap outside and after a couple of days it was done and what a treat . some of the best cannabis extract/resin i've ever had . thanks , many blessiings, hidingtree


:wave:Hey hidingtree, thanks for dropping in. I'm glad the tutorial was of some help to you. Thanks for the feedback! :yes:


Shmike said:
Good show, man!:smile::yes: It looks to me like it could use just a little longer of a purge, but my eyes are probably just deceiving me.

pics are after almost 15 hours. (3 hrs of direct hot air)
that SHOULD have been plenty of time, no?
this was my first time using this method. worked well for the amt of time i had to do it in. takes no time at all to MAKE it....waiting for the alkiehol to evap off is another story......

it burns super nice (fmcd actually. wish i knew how to take pics) and flattens me. tastes really good too. no nasty tastes/smells at all.
some sticky shit tho. are there methods to stiffen it up?
/other than fridge/

cool thread.
lets see more pics



hubcap said:
pics are after almost 15 hours. (3 hrs of direct hot air)
that SHOULD have been plenty of time, no?
this was my first time using this method. worked well for the amt of time i had to do it in. takes no time at all to MAKE it....waiting for the alkiehol to evap off is another story......

it burns super nice (fmcd actually. wish i knew how to take pics) and flattens me. tastes really good too. no nasty tastes/smells at all.
some sticky shit tho. are there methods to stiffen it up?
/other than fridge/

cool thread.
lets see more pics
It's hard to determine how long it will take to evaporate at room temp, 15hrs of time to evaporate could be enough even with the added bit of heat. With room temperature evaporations, I like to suggest letting the dish sit over a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes when it looks like all the alcohol has evaporated at room temp, just to be on the safe side.
Which is okay to do inside over the kitchen stove since you'd only be purging off far less than enough for a cause for fume/combustion concerns. ...That is, if there is any alcohol left at all.

The only method to stiffen it up is to reduce the amount of time you expose the weed to the alcohol. I always do a quick 10-20 second wash, and my oil always hardens right off the dish, into a rock candy like consistency. But I have a feeling the double boiler purge that I do also may have an influence on my oil's final viscosity.

Just remember, the longer you expose your weed to the alcohol for, the more alcohol/water soluble contaminants are also extracted. And those contaminants cause your oil to turn out runny, darker than it should be, and have a bad taste. It should have no flavor at all.

More pics? Hahaha, haven't I posted enough!? I guess a few more wouldn't hurt, I haven't been around for a couple of months, so...



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Another big thanks for such an easy to follow walkthrough. I have used this method 4 times now, once with only stems, once with shwag, and the wash of my grinder and each time I got awesome results :bashhead: on my brain

:bow: :smoke:

+rep if I could


pandapuffin said:
thanks for directing me to your tutorial. You did a great job with explanation/pictures. And those pieces, awesome.
Thanks pandapuffin! :wave: Like always I'm just glad I could be of some help. :smile:
SoylentGreen said:
Another big thanks for such an easy to follow walkthrough. I have used this method 4 times now, once with only stems, once with shwag, and the wash of my grinder and each time I got awesome results :bashhead: on my brain

:bow: :smoke:

+rep if I could
And thank you for the thanks SG! I really appreciate it. Don't worry about the reps, I'm not a big fan of the rep system anyways. Plus, it's the thought that counts!



You betcha, Dr.No. :yes: I just felt like buddering up some oil for the hell of it.:D


that budder looks like some delicious peanut butter shmike, good looks man - glad to see you are still using this method.

one question, ive come to realize iso oil has a more bland taste than bho, does buddering help the flavor come through at all? i have read elsewhere that it may...


deekan, long time to see! :wave:

I find that there is no taste or flavor to alcohol extracts that you can bring out. Alcohol just doesn't carry over the terpenes/terpenoids/isoprenoids present in the raw un-extracted form of essential oil, into the alcohol extracted/concentrated form of oil, like butane can. As far as flavour goes anyway, the aroma is a different story. But buddering, I find, does make it smoother on the exhale, less 'pinch'. And it does bring out the flower like smell of the oil a bit more. Also, it's like a crumbly/dry/paste so it's a bit easier to deal with, but I can handle the non buddered form of alcohol extract just as well.
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I just got finished making some iso oil after reading this tutorial a few days ago . The result was an amazing golden oil , ive never smoked anything so potent. its kind of messy though so i would def suggest storing it in the fridge so it wont start to melt and stick to your hands when you pick it up. However i wasnt too impressed with the yeild , i only did one quick wash tho , next time ill be doing multiple washes.

**ALSO** defiently make this stuff OUTSIDE , i was using 99% iso alc and i started the filtering process inside thinking not much of it , well after about five minutes i started getting extremely light headed and almost KOed, had to B-LINE it outside with all my gear.


Are you sure you read the tutorial?...
Shmike said:
So, onto the purge, which should be done either outside or in a ridiculously well ventilated area, you don't want to be breathing this stuff in.
...:D I'm just buggin', I should say the same for the whole process. And don't stand over it, stand back and handle it all in front of you.

Yeild? It all depends on the weed/trim that is used, I normally yield around 3-5 g per ounce with bud. Which is under 20% of the weight of the weed.

But think of it this way... A normal hoot weighs 0.05-0.07g depending on the person. 1g of this stuff will give you around, 20-0.05g, or, 14.28-0.07g, hoots. It may not look like much, but once you know how to handle the stuff without ever losing a molecule's worth you can make very good use of every last bit of it.
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well i used about a half ounce of some nice frosty weed , nothing to crazy but some nice toronto hydro. I meen i wasnt expecting a HUGE yeild and wasnt too concerned as i just aimin for quality not quantity , I think i got prolly a gram give or take of oil.

I was so impressed with the quality tho damn , nice thick oil that I rolled into little balls. Ive tried making ISO oil before using an old tutorial on overgrow but it didnt turn out nearly as nice as this time , i think the tip about screening the weed after the 20 sec wash b4 u put it threw the coffee filters really improved the quality.

And like you said shmike , I literally put about as much oil as the lead at the end of a sharpened pencil on top of my weed and Iam soaaarrringgg untill i sleep it off lol.

Iam in toronto canada and all the Shoppers Drug Marts around here sell 99% ISO Alc.


drunkenstoner said:
i think the tip about screening the weed after the 20 sec wash b4 u put it threw the coffee filters really improved the quality.
Bingo! In a majority of tutorials the instructions involve just pouring the mixture into a coffee filter. Which leads to an over exposure of the weed to the alcohol while it sits in the filter, filtering. So the straining just eliminates that problem all together.
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ive always enjoyed your shots Shmike, i hate reading a thread where half the pictures are blurry as hell. now for a few questions:
is your budder FMCD? Whenever i smoke pure qwiso(unmixed with kief or hash) it tends to incinerate instantly...
can budder only be made from rock hard amber-blond qwiso?
budder is something i would like to try very soon


FMCD isn't a term that can be applied to oils. Hashes and oils are the same in a sense that they are both concentrates. But hashes are mechanical concentrations of whole trichomes, and oils are chemically extracted/altered(in a physical sense) concentrations of what is inside of those trichomes.

Oils will always full-melt, that's what oil does when you smoke it, it bubbles, burns and turns into vapor/a gas. Where as a hash's meltyness all depends on how pure it is, or it's plantmatter/contaminants vs. trichomes/trichomestalks ratio. Some hashes don't melt at all, they just smolder like a coal, and some hashes will melt right through as many stacked screens as you can throw at them.

And so, since budder is just whipped oil, it is going to melt. But that doesn't make it's a FM or FMCD in any way, because it's still an oil. It should melt or else something weird is going on.

Budder doesn't have to be made from rock hard amber-blond QWISO. Some 30 second washed stuff that isn't rock hard but very viscous will work. But a 1-2 minute washed, runny, green QWISO won't.
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go out and buy one of these types of strainers

put your bud in there. pour alcohol over the bud and let it drain straight into a bowl or something. then filter the remaining small particulate. this will give you a very very very high quality extract.

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