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Seedsman: White OG Grow Comparative


Well-known member
There is new life . 1 x White OG and 1 x Blue OG have popped .
Oh yeah by the way … I put in some more beans 3 days ago ( 6 auto and 3 from seedsman the White and Blue OG and the blue swan ) .

As the Swan didn't make it last time … I am hoping she will this time around . I had some pics to upload but I have lost some again … Don't know what keeps happening or what I must be doing wrong and I still cant seem to get the images the correct way up . Is that weird or what ? especially as every so often a pic uploads the correct way up and I think I've sussed it out.

Ok the current OG grow has 2 of 4 remaining . For those who are aware that one of the White OG was poorly .

It appears not only was it drowning but it was also being strangled . The soil was holding too much water and I tucked her in too tightly and before I knew it was too late the damage was done .

However the remaining 2 are still going strong

and there has been a twist too … The Blue OG has become the bigger of the 2 due to the LST that White OG had . I have put them on 12/12 now and they are one day 7 at current .

Looks like I am going to have to get some more pics today as the ones I took yesterday in order to post today cant be displayed for some bizzare reason .

Kree73 out
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Chemon 91
The White OG....





Chemon 91
Very healthy looking pants man! How do you find the grow?!

I have clones of each plant also with the blue ice og...

The blue do not have as much noticeable frost...but the smell is fuel/turpentine more...

The white og smell is changing from cox testers fuel to a sweet fruit/fuel.

Hopefully the male chemon..91 pollan with both the white og blue ice og will produce poly hybrid vigor.


Active member
Day 41 in 12/12 , just a patience game now (-: starting to build weigth to it.. first 4 pic is The White OG , last one is Blue Ice OG






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Chemon 91

found a male flower...blue ice og....lol...

It's on the white og.. number 3 pheno...can't wait.

GreyIce og..lol...hmm..:comfort:


Active member
I see some purple!!!!!!
Looking great, how are you enjoying it!?

It's just a pleasure growing these, they have been so forgiving to not optimal temp and humidity for a while, and no nute burn, all seems to turn out to some nice smoke (-: and yes - some purple colors are showing up now.

here is some pictures from today..







Well-known member
The White and Blue OG are plodding on as to be expected . They are on day 18 of bloom .
They have both had a de foliage and some supporting . The Blue OG is the taller at just 0ver 27 inches and Both have some nice flowers formed and clumping up nicely . They are due a feed on the next watering ( a couple of days ) …

There is one new OG Blue in veg at 5 weeks now on a 20/4 Xb200 ( day one of XB200 today , previously on 7x5 watt LED downlights and 2x50 watt cooker lamps that were repurposed ).

Looking forward to the next few weeks when they really start getting heavy .

Kree73 out


Well-known member
An update on the White and Blue OG .

Both are doing well and have had their feed , a minimal measure of plant food .

Some macro lens practice. I wasn't aware the use of a Macro lens was so tricky .
The girls are well and stacking up really quite fast , they should be a good harvest and a nice clean high .