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Seed Prices Out of control?

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theres the dilemma of often the retailer often charge 50%
then theres the investments and time and money and the risk as in most places breeding seeds are illegal

but then theres also seeds being hyped and sold for a lot more than they are worth
and only reason for that is that ppl are willing to pay that kind of money for them

in my personal opinion seeds should cost more than 20-50 dollar a pack
some breeders charging 100-300 dollar a pack has nothing to do with risk and expenses
thats pure greed but greed that lives on as some ppl buy the hype and keeps prices up there

personally i rarely pay more than 50 a pack
often less
recently i found a place with a lot of nice priced seeds from private breeders
i had 11 packs ( most what i plan to germ for the next year or so) at below 200 dollars shipped
some nice and rare genetics included
i guess you just have to look for the smaller places
personally i prefer places like UDG and SS for in and outdoor seeds
when it comes to indoor seeds only it depends on what you want, what your looking for at what your able to afford

at UDG most seeds are below 50 dollars if i remember correctly and i scored this years seeds at SS at very good pricves and some of them where some i had been looking for for a long time and havent been able to find anywhere else

WW x (DC x sk1) - 10$
Big Bud X NEPAL - 20$
Purple peace X (e-rock/Danish passion) X Deep chunk - 10$

also keep an eye on the server funding
some times theres some good deals there
unfortunately i missed out on the 25$ c99 from coxwain but theres other good value seeds there from time to time

theres a similar subject here


The "Hippie way" is to get seeds and make more of them,, smoke weed for free,, then share them! It's always been the same...

It's called Share the Love...

Anyone feel loved by me? There are a few that can answer yes.. Especially folks at the Expo in Daily city..

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Capitalism is alive and well in the seed market. If there weren't plenty of people out there willing to pay $100, $200, $1000 for a pack of seeds, there wouldn't be a market at those prices. To be fair, there is a lot of work that goes into making seeds, from the time spent growing, pollenating, ripening and harvesting. And if you do try to select along the way and actually breed, there is an immense amount of time in note taking, and growing out cross after cross.

Honestly, I don't think the prices are unjustified in many cases. I have spent up to $200 for a pack of beans and in almost every case - no matter what I spent, felt the money was worth the product return. The beautiful thing is, I can take two $200 strains, run em, cross the best and have a life time of great progeny to select from. I could also do the same with two $50/packs of seeds.

If you've been growing/smoking for years and can't stomach the prices, think about all of the wonderful genetics you've probably tossed along the way. All the old school seeds I scrapped from over the years, that's what really makes my stomach turn.


Active member
I cant believe this thread has not been deleted.

If you came into my house and shit on my table, while my family was eating........

Calling yourself a hippy......LOL.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Capitalism is alive and well in the seed market. If there weren't plenty of people out there willing to pay $100, $200, $1000 for a pack of seeds, there wouldn't be a market at those prices. To be fair, there is a lot of work that goes into making seeds, from the time spent growing, pollenating, ripening and harvesting. And if you do try to select along the way and actually breed, there is an immense amount of time in note taking, and growing out cross after cross.

Honestly, I don't think the prices are unjustified in many cases. I have spent up to $200 for a pack of beans and in almost every case - no matter what I spent, felt the money was worth the product return. The beautiful thing is, I can take two $200 strains, run em, cross the best and have a life time of great progeny to select from. I could also do the same with two $50/packs of seeds.

If you've been growing/smoking for years and can't stomach the prices, think about all of the wonderful genetics you've probably tossed along the way. All the old school seeds I scrapped from over the years, that's what really makes my stomach turn.

$1000.00 for 10 seeds?? really lol and what seed would be worth that to you I'm curious? I heard there are some out there I just haven't paid that yet as I haven't heard anyone say it's worth it yet lol.. I'm not sure i would pay that much for seeds yet.. I know one company says they have a stone lasts 10 hours and I haven't heard it from one person yet .. So I would say still BS hype lol but hey I know there are killer strains out there bro lol peace out Headband707:dance013:

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member

I would not spend $1000 on a pack of seeds myself, but I have seen bids go higher than that at auction. My point is that as long as there are people willing to pay those kinds of prices, then that is where the market will be. As stated, I have paid up to $200 for a single pack of seeds. I believe the prices are high, but the outcome of those seed runs provided me with top quality meds WELL exceeding $200 should I have gone the route of purchasing similar buds (quantity and quality) from the black market or a dispensary. I have taken those same seeds and in-crossed and out-crossed them to produce many more seeds that if I chose, would last a lifetime. Case in point...

Stock from two plants selected from two different seed lines. Spent about $200 on one pack and $100 on the other pack. Crossed a killer male with a lovely female and ended up with about 30 seeds. Here's one of the offspring. So basically from those 20 seeds, I've got 50. I also crossed the $200 IBL to create about 30 more IBL's. So I've got 100 seeds from the original $300 spent as well as 7-8 seeds from the original packs still not popped.

I can see both sides of the coin when it comes to seed prices. I'll finish with a memory of the seed bank catalog I got as a younger man in the 80's. Prices were considerably less than some you'll see today, but that was in 1980's dollars. They sure seemed pricey back then too...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Oh yeah, peace to you as well headband. I love a forum that allows for the sharing of ideas and opinions...

LOL agreed I have a few friends running these strains so we shall see if they are what they say they are lol. They have nothing to do with the company so they should give an unbias account of the seeds..Should be interesting lol peace out Headband707:)


Active member
Emery made 3 mil a year from seed sales. Funny it is his wealth and greed that has his nuts in a grinder.
He could have charged 1/3 of what he did and still made a mil a year.
I know I know a mil is chump change but still..

Wonder if it was a competitor who fed him to the law?


Now this is a grow!

Thank you to the person who said paraphrase, "You think we all deal"
Amen, it is the idea of paying far to much for seed, with the idea of ripping back off your weed customers, to cover being ripped off by the seed co.

Hell of a circle!

This is not the Hippie way.

You have proven to us, that you know absolutely nothing about seed breeding or the cannabis culture!

Really, some people do research before shooting their mouths.

Marc Emery spent lots of his earnings to educate the world about marijuana. He also spent time and money educating the public about how corrupt and demonic the United States of American goverment is.
That is why he is in trouble.

Wake up Hippy! Put down the bong, and open up those eyes.

Peace and Love Outdoordreams


Gene Mangler
u2seek42 said:
Amen, it is the idea of paying far to much for seed, with the idea of ripping back off your weed customers, to cover being ripped off by the seed co.

Hell of a circle!

This is not the Hippie way.

Yeah Yeah & Patchouli smells like perfumed ass! :tiphat:


Active member
Id like to add one more point here.

There are thousands of people starving tonight. Yes tonight.
Yesterday it was the same thing.
There are millions if not billions of people working in human slavery. Today, yesterday and for many a day.

There are rich people and rich countries that could easily stop this suffering.

And you are going to sit here and call yourself a hippie, and waste your time complaining about a subject you know nothing of.

Calling out all Seed Breeders as greedy no good people.
Well, Id like to swear and curse at you, but im not going to.
Yes you pissed me off. I personally know some of these Seed Breeders, and I can assure you, that you know nothing of their daily toils.

Peace Love and all the hippie shit........odd


IMO the price of several breeders are not expensive like Mandala Seeds as example.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Donald Mallard

el duck
i think this thread has pretty much gone as far as it can , no point flogging a dead horse ,,
if the old hippy was a grower of any sorts he would know how to do what he needs to avoid high cost seed purchases ..
i think we haved summed it up pretty much ,,
any chance of closing this ???
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