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Seed Prices Out of control?

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High Grade Specialist
i think most seeds available are way way overpriced. if you consider how many seeds you can harvest off of one plant and how little effort some breeders put into their lines. but then again if ppl pay that much for seeds its fair game IMO.

personally i never paid more than 70 euros for seeds which is already alot i think. nowadays i work with cheaper seeds in the 20-50 euro price range and i get great results with those. you dont have to drop big money to get good genetics! i think some lines sell simply because they are expensive and ppl expect them to be really great, when they could get sth equal for less money.

you also have to consider i dont work with mums/clones, so its one run and then the seeds are gone. maybe if i were to select a mother i would drop big money on a strain if i really really want it. but then again i would propably just go for f2s of those, knockoffs or hybrids with that certain strain in them because im a cheap mofo.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I think if you bitch about seed prices you are not thinking it through...

You buy one ounce of weed for how much?

If a pack of 10 yields you one ounce of weed you made your money back 2-4 times....

If you find a keeper you can yeild as much as you can grow over time.....

Stop being so DAMN cheap! Don't you ever take your girlfriends out on the town besdies Mcdonalds?

You spend hundreds or thousands to grow but want 20 dollar seeds that actually produce the product?

I am a firm believer in "you get what you pay for"......stop bitching about seeds you can't afford and buy the knock off nirvana crap, it is in your price category obviously....Personally I would pay 300-800 a pack no problem, even more if I wanted it really bad. It will pay for its self in one grow, and if I find a keeper she can produce for years.

Imagine finding a keeper, growing her for 4 years, yieldings even a # per year would mean that $100 pack of seeds either saved you or made you 15-25k? Holy shit huh!

Lesson of the story is if you can't afford the very reasonable prices we pay for quality genetics then don't buy them, seed shopping is not for you.

I SWEAR everyone wants the free fuckin cheese these days, no one works for free people!

You guys doing the math on how much one plant can produce for these breeders, and yield them in profits, are straight haters imo. Stop worrying about what other people are doing to make their money and start worrying about yourself and you can make a freaking order for 100$. You probably shouldn't waste the seeds under flouros though. if thats your situation grow bagseed or cheap seeds.




another nerve! Hater, please.

You rationalize, well I'm getting ripped off buying weed so it's better if I get ripped off by the seed people instead. "I'm Winning"!

Fine you want to pay this you think it fair good and right, well you go bubba!

Seriously some of ya really could use that Thorazine, good stuff you'll feel better.


A thousand seeds from one plant @ 10 a pop = Wow + weed = I'm in the wrong biz.
Yeah, instead of bitching about it in a condescending tone... do it better yourself! :)

I'll buy some of your cheap quality beans when they're available.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Dude getting ripped off?

Seeds are the last thing you should be complaining about, you are damn lucky the breeders and seed sites and staff put in the hardwork and take the risk to supply us.

I bet your on 60 dolllar a month internet right now aren't you? Sounds like if your budget is so "fixed" that you cannot stretch for a pack of seeds you aren't in the market to be shopping. That or you need to make some changes in your budget? Fixed income maybe? Are you buying these seeds with your cheese money? Nirvana has lots of great choices, not everyone can drive a lambo buddy....get in where you fit in

Shit did I say market......

thats right market, market dictates price, which means the market price is what the buyer is willing to pay. As long as us real cannabis connisuers and growers are willing to pay very fair prices for seeds the prices are staying put. Genetics are a strong backbone of any successful grow :)

I purchased serious seeds ak 47, found 7 females, ran 5 of them in my system, looks like my money was well spent on that grow....



In search of Genetics
If the US legalizes, then seeds will be a novelty item, clones will drive the prices down.
Everyone and there brother will have something to sell, seeds, clones, patents,


I just try to think of it like this... if I buy a pack of Serious Seeds for like $110/11 seeds, if one of those plants is female, then it will by far make up the difference. 1 (for example) AK plant will produce enough high quality bud that if you were trying to buy the same about of bud you would sure as heck pay a lot more than $110.


New member
One reason I believe the seeds are so highly priced is because most people rarely come back for the same variety, what with the ability to clone and seed. So you don't have a lot of repeat customers except maybe looking for new strains, and those strains take time and money to get your hands on and develop. So if I were a businessperson, I'd also charge a substantial price for those seeds in order to make a sustainable profit. If the product couldn't be reproduced, the overall pricing would probably drop dramatically but then you'd have to constantly rebuy. It's simple economics. Two examples:

Pedigree dogs. Buy a dog with a neuter/spay contract and you're looking at 3-600 dollars. Buy one with breeders rights and you can easily triple of quadruple that price b/c you won't be coming back to the breeder for those same attributes but will instead create your own. So she raises the price to justify the time and effort that went into producing the pup and compensate her for any future sales that you might have had with her without the ability to breed.

Same goes for non-organic products. Inventing something disposable after one or two uses? Usually cheaper b/c you have to keep coming by. Invent something that will last forever? It's not going to be priced at 3 for .99. Not if you want to make a profit. Because eventually enough people will have it and sales will stop.


Active member
Seed Prices Out of control?

Pick up a copy of any Weed magazine and you will find 10 or more seed companies...there is lots if competition out there and people do have lots of choices...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
From a farmer who has been planting these seeds..

From a farmer who has been planting these seeds..

Let me see, they grow weed where it is legal.
They then get to sell the weed.
Then they get to charge 10 11 12 bucks a seed.

A buck or 2 should be more than enough, for these growers.

Let weed be legalized and they will be out on their azz, and it will serve them right.

As an old school Hippie, I am truly disappointed by my fellow heads.

Yeah I'm going to jump on this one and I'm going to AGREE!!!LOL LOL..
I wouldn't mind paying $200.00 for 10 seeds if I got atleast 5 fucking seeds that they said I would get in all the hype bullshit lol lol.. Fuck that fem bullshit that they keep feeding us and why they keep trying to jump on that ban wagon is truely beyond me..That shit is really starting to get old.. And where is all the good fucking dank bud ffs?? seriously all kidding aside where the fuck is it??? Then can I get a reply when I complain not a troll bullshit comment back at me?? lol..
This is not marketing 101 lol or is it.. and we are the bait.
Cause thats what I'm starting to feel like here.
Just buy one more pack and just maybe I will find the holy grail I'm looking for lol Yeah right lol..
Be honest give me a number from 1 to 10 and if it's really 5 let me know that it's 5 stop bullshitting me so I can get on with it . peace out Headband707:wave:


ICMag Donor
Check out FRT (butterfly link below),, several auction packs just went for 20.00 -$30.00


I think I can put this is perspective (although the thread is pretty well packed with analogies) I bought a cut from a local dispensary for $15, from that single 6" tall plant I have probably made something like 3 grand so far.

so I think when you buy seeds at $10-$15+ a pop, the seed producer KNOWS some of the sales will NOT be simply an end user who grows, and smokes, and does not propagate, some of the sales will generate thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars in sales from either clones, or dried flowers or both (like me) and they are just trying to gain a very small percentage of that back, as THEY are the ones that bred out a couple of HUNDRED plants JUST to get you your exotic purple candy incred-o-bowl strain.

personally I think even $50 a seed would STILL be a deal, since you can make so much from that single purchase. (I hope we don't SEE those prices however)


I've been reading up on seeds in general and cannabis seeds are value wise in line with the cost of the finished product.

Some seeds are food purpose, they are sold by the pound, and generally for less than a single marijuana seed. Other seeds, like vegetable and flower, are of a low cost and sold both by quantity and by weight. Some of these seeds, namely the fruit bearing kind, can go for upwards of $0.20 per seed depending on variety. If marijuana seeds were being used for food purpose like it is in Turkey then I'd agree the price is way too high. This is not the case.

An artichoke, or a few green beans, do not carry the same "street value" as marijuana does. Given the high value of the finished product, and the potential within the seed to produce more than 1lbs of product, I find the cost of professionally bred and intentionally created seed stock to be extremely fair. I think a good strain from a reputable and well established seller should sell at a price between $2 and $17 per seed depending on variety, stability, and feminization. 1000 seeds on a plant, at $10 a seed, and say 100 plants with a total grow time of 140 days is $1,000,000... Don't get me wrong, I am saying this is lucrative, but justly so given the prices of this, and any, seed market.

Consider that many growers use a stabilized F3, or higher, before they sell seeds. This can take years of time and effort before having anything of value that the dealer would want to sell to increase their reputation. Considering space, lighting, advertising, and the time involved $1,000,000 is about right for a particularly good strain. It's a business after all and their are a lot of costs involved in protecting these people. Don't forget about taxes, even Tony Soprano pays taxes (fictionally speaking), and at the end of the day these growers are lucky to scrape out more than a crab fisherman.


Let me see, they grow weed where it is legal.
They then get to sell the weed.
Then they get to charge 10 11 12 bucks a seed.

A buck or 2 should be more than enough, for these growers.

Let weed be legalized and they will be out on their azz, and it will serve them right.

As an old school Hippie, I am truly disappointed by my fellow heads.



Active member
seed prices are just fine. wait till more oil leaks into the ocean and watch how seafood prices get out of controll


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
wouldn't say that across the board prices are too high, but seems like value gets skewed frequently.

there are strains worth every penny if you paid twice the price - it's the ones that w/out any real background, track record, or any discernible reason to demand a premium, and receiving it, that confuses the fuck outta me.


Active member
Seed price got too high for me anymore. Been collecting for over 10 years and can no longer justify the rising costs of seeds. I get clones now and everything is more potent and of course easier. Some of my favorite seed smoke are/were JoeyWeed F2's, 10 for $35. Think he's near $50 now, just a few years later. That's still a better deal than most! I have a news flash -economy not good- make your own seeds/clones
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