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Seed Prices Out of control?

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I've bought

I've bought

Just waiting to see IF it arrives.

I believe that the mark up is artificially high.

If the market would put in an appearance... well if Ca lets go.
It will all be a moot point.

I'd never ask a man to work for free, or for less than fair.


Active member
If you don't like the costs and think it's easy then go ahead and make a lot of seeds and sell them for less then everyone else! People will buy them if it costs less and is the same or better quality


Wow! Damn Hippies!

Wow! Damn Hippies!

When i was a kid I worked 3 jobs to pay for college. One summer I saved all money and bought tickets to follow the Dead...I was at concert with my gf and we ran out of money..so I decided to sell my tickets for that show and use the money for gas and food. I will NEVER EVER forget the reaction from most of the "hippies" there! They shouted at me for selling my tickets and not giving them away! I was selling them for wha I bought them at. There were 3 old time hippies that actually threw trash at us! At that moment I realized just how fucking stupid the whole "free" everything hippie life is. It's selfish to even think people shouldn't sell their seeds at whatever fucking price they want to! Who the fuck ate you to say what people sell things for? It's a free fucking market economy! I worked hard for those tickets and so do most seed breeders...and even if they didn't who are you to tell them how much to sell for?

Ya know, in a thousand posts I have made on this site this is the only negative one I have posted! WTF!!



Active member
I'm going to kick back and smoke some C99 x Panama Red ... after tending the 2 fine 1 Gen past Wallys C99 ladies I have going ... This has the potential to get very interesting ...


Active member
Now I'm all pissed off...ya know, I was one of them, I wad a fucking hippie living that life, my gf and I..we drank the fucking cool aid

Back to the post...and to the point. U2 I can't be and shouldn't be upset about a post like this. Reality is you can get great genetics for low prices. I just bought 2 more packs of Nirvana's Wonder Women for almost nothing and I get great plants. But I've also have paid to dollar for a lot of beans! Point is I and everyone else have a choice. If everyone thought beans were too high and not worth the $$ then nobody would buy them but people do buy the expensive ones..when they have a choice to buy less expensive beans...supply and demand...that's what it's all about


You know for a guy who has some fine smoke.
You seem a bit skittish.

We the buyers for the most part are at the mercy of seller, if, what, when, they send.
The seed market does not follow any normal biz model.

I've noticed there are no real sales there seems to be no competition, prices the same, hell the same write up, word for word.

I've found a site that does a running update on the " good" seed bank de jour.

I wrote to them mentioning my thinking buying from ASM, and it was not listed.
He wrote back that has been some trouble with them lately, To late for me.
Then i find posts with both good once next crap nothing, etc.

It is a shame that this has to be an issue.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I myself have sent over $1500 in the last 2 weeks to two seed banks farmbay and seedbay.
I sent 4 orders total 2 to each seed bank I mail the first set of payments on may 8th seedbay received my payment on may 11Th and the farm got theirs on may 13Th on may
15Th i got my order from seedbay and I am still waiting on the order from the farm.
so on may 15Th i mailed my second set of payments expecting my order to come in from the farm in the next few days.

seedbay received my second payment on may 18Th and the farm received theirs on the 19Th
seedbay has applied some of my funds to a few of the auctions that I included order forms
for and a note to apply the extra funds to the auctions ending the day after i mailed payment. payment was never applied and credit for the extra $135 was never given I sent a email but never received a response from GN. i expect my order to come in tomorrow from seedbay I hope all my beans come in.
I have not received either order from the farm still to this day!

prop 215 SB420 compliant patient

If you sent cash regular mail to the farm good luck on getting you beans.

back on topic.

Alot of you guys are saying the risk involved in "breeding" now a days. But very few "breeders" use the high plant counts and selection process that was used in the good ol days. Alot of these over priced beans, are nothing more that some STS sprayed on the latest and greatest clone only.

Sure ther are still bredders the do the the old school way. but if we keep paying out the ass for nonsense these guys will be a thing of the past. And the genetics will be all herm prone female only 10 dollar a bean seed.

The beauty of it all is I have the choice to choose what i buy.
Rez Trinity Auction 1100$ for 10 seeds
Anyone who buys any seeds from Rez for that price or any cash over $200 has to have fucking rocks in their head, for that price for 10 seeds I can build a grow room & top quality genetics from other well know breeders for far less!

ever wonder why some breeders charge so much and others so little? before Rez won any cup his seed prices were never that high and to be honsest it's more hype then good stable quality grown out genetics.

Nirvana seedbank at $28.00 for 10 seeds and you can get some nice keepers so fuck these peeps that charge $200 for 10 seeds, it's also about greed let's say it the way it is and greed is a dirty word here but it does exsist.


Active member
The seed market does not follow any normal biz model.

Im going to make this reply as polite as possible to try to get this point across to you.

This is NOT a normal BIZ model.............not even close.

To start with, it is illegal to produce marijuana in Holland.

LOOK IT UP. Those that still actually produce in Holland do it at risk.

USA, Canada both produce high quality seeds available on the market. Both countries are very strict on Marijuana growers.

In order to find high quality genetics breeders must grow thousands of plants. Throwing out thousands of plants and seeds that do not make the grade.

Really dude you need to do some research and show people respect.

You have no idea what these human beings go through to bring us high quality smoke.

Peace and all the hippie stuff

Red Fang

Active member
look, I see the need to make a living and all that, and the hard work, and so on. But I am dismayed at how much flack this guy is getting! There is such thing as making a living, and then making a killing. These guys should remember that herb is about way more than just money. I don't think anything over $100 is justifiable, and I think I heard you can get like 5,000 seeds from one plant easy. To my knowledge, bud seeded this heavy would be worthless for anything besides making your own water hash or something, people have a point there. But I think they can pay their help a reasonable wage, pay themselves a reasonable wage, and still cut seed prices.


Active member
Just keep some males with your females, problem solved. I've had more seeds at times than I knew what to do with. Is it really that important to have every plant exactly like the next, I think not. Grow the way nature intended and enjoy the diversity in the plants. Don't get hung up on having super fat buds, or insane trichome coverage. As long as your not growing out midwest hemp seed you'll be ok.

Red Fang

Active member
now wtf is farmer's bay, or AMS I think it was? As far as breeders go, I know there are some good breeders and others not so much. I believe Mr. Nice has a reputation of being fair and reasonably priced for the quality. I know some swear by DJ Short or Rez, but these are pricey as far as I know and have heard both ends of the spectrum on whether they are worth it or not. BOG, again, some swear by him others say those who know better can find better. I hear Sensi and Flying Dutchmen and Dutch Passion are not what they used to be. There are at least a couple others vendors that are great here. Like anything you have to do your homework and see what is best for your needs. I hear there are some kind souls here who even give things away but I don't know nuthin about dat! ;)


You can get thousands of seeds off some plants. I did. I have well over a thousand maybe 2 of BOGO alone.. Bubba X OG Organic.. A nice Indi-Haze stone and big frosty colas..
Then another 1 or 2 thousand off the cross of white rhino and BOGO..

So yes once things are legal in California I would assume seed sales will have to be competitive.

Certified seeds are the seed industry's best hope. Produce a standard brand that is consistent and offer support including refunds on defective seeds.

See the market isn't going to die it's going to change in the next 10 years. 10 years isn't that long.

Unless you are arrested for selling seeds. poor Marc..

Donald Mallard

el duck
You are clearly unaware of the time that goes into making STABLE, genetics available for the MASSES. There are not plenty of hobby breeders making dank stable genetics that could be available on the mass market. I do check the donations all the time and these people are doing just that: donating. They could be getting way more for their seeds but they donate them for the sake of helping others, this is not an indicator that this is the cost of seeds. Also, many of the people donating the genetics worthwhile @ seedbay are either established companies or private breeders with a lot of experience/access to elite genetics.

Anyways, if it so easy why don't you do it?

You could be right statusquo,
you can see by my previous posts i didnt defend seed prices , i certainly agree with the writer , some seeds are way overpriced for the effort put in ..
I simply put foward a different scenario ,, if you cant afford to be a buyer of every click strain that comes along , and dont mind putting out for a pack of seeds , then buy a good ibl and make yourself some seeds ,, it doesnt take an expert to do that ..

Also dont assume everyone you talk to on here has no idea...



To quote Brian:

The sixties brought the hippie breed
But decades later things have changed indeed
We've lost the values but we kept the weed
You got a lot to see.

I noticed that none of the "old" seeds were discounted.
Now it is lowryder 2 at 11? a pop
The old lowryder now a lower price, no.
When i first started looking at ordering in some seeds i too thought, holy shit look at these prices.. but then remembered the last $20 deal we bought and thought i would much rather have a couple of quality seeds in my hand than THAT deal, so ya think about that over a month, how much do you spend on crap smoko. In the last couple of months i've done alittle reseach and looked around various places.. I have spent about $400 and have about 8 strains, with two more strains on the way, this will do me.. i will never have to buy seed again < fingers crossed> and i will have more seed than i need and always have quality smoko for me and the missus and any friends that drop by.
Do i feel the price of seeds is expensive? in a way, yes.. but if it was'nt for the initial investment to these seed banks i would be growing and smoking bag seed forever.
They have supplied a service which i WANTED and thats the difference, you don't HAVE to buy from them, it's a choice you decide to make.
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