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Secret of longest of Marriage...?


Sunshine DayDreamer
compromise and great sex!...:wink:


.....and i suggest sowing your wild oats before gettting married....


20+ years here

The secret to a successful marriage is not finding the right person - it's being the right person



BushyOldGrower said:
My advice is to marry your first love when young because that's what I did. Everyone told us that it was puppy love but starting early at age 15 has given us 36 years together so far. How many people are so lucky I wonder to really be happy with someone for so long. We plan to make 60 years if we can and the last 10 have been our best 10 years. 2 years before that I thought I was gonna die so it's all gravy for us anyways.

Till death do us part isn't long enuf though. BOG
man that gives me inspiration. my wife and I are so in love sometimes it hurts. been together for 5 years married for 1. I love that woman. shes aweseome.


ICMag Donor
WallStreet said:
20+ years here

The secret to a successful marriage is not finding the right person - it's being the right person

very nicely said WS, pretty much says it right there!...I like that-


Liking each other... not just love one another but REALLY like who that person is...

Hippie Chic


yup, 5 yrs. for me and mine...couldnt have done it w/out being best of friends. best of friends is: TRUST, and RESPECT. genuinely careing about eachothers differences.
B4 we got married, i thought i could never know someone so perfect for me...
now, shes even more than that. we grow together, closer and closer. i didnt think closer was possible. i am glad i was wrong. you really have to be interested in eachothers gifts, respect eachother, be grat3ful for the way you complement eachothers gifts. the more differences, the more facets to the relashonship. my wife and i are way different, but, together we are 1 happy couple! where i fall short, she picks up the slack. vice versa. man...80 years! woe. yes dear helps too.
cool thread Mrs. G.
peace joe
i get inspired in so many ways form the people here, thank you all!
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Awesome Joe... I finally found that special someone that is all things to me... He IS my best friend, companion, lover, tokin buddy, we can spend hours just hanging alone together.... I have never felt so comfortable with someone... it's the best... HE is the best... *fans self* ok I gotta go shower now laffin

Hippie Chic


Active member
TRUST,TRUST,TRUST,i agree ya got to be best friends w/o trust ya can't be friends.aplseed & i have been 2gether 20yrs the end of may will be married 20yrs,only knew her 3 mos.,when i popped the big Q.but when its right ya juss know it.The wife and i are 2 of the hardest headed people i know,& in spite of that we make it work.She's never tried to change me.This is the single thing that would have made me run for the hills.we never hold a grudge,when we have a disagreement,we settle it,or agree to disagree and then respect the right s of the other to that opinion.and move on.We never let a previous dissagreement affect the isue at hand.
Wow this sounds complicated when i set down and try to put it into words,but when you have trust respect & LOVE,its just not hard at all.

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Cannabrex Formulator
I truely think that love and a successful marriage boils down to needing to make sure your mate dies happy and the best person they can be....and doing whatever it takes to make it happen.

I honestly believe that the most important thing in life is to die happy and fulfilled....not doing so is the only thing I am really afraid of (that and giant centipedes).

And in my experience, love is all about needing to make sure your mate gets that......it's not about what you get from the relationship....it's about what you are driven to give.

Find someone who is as driven to give to and love you as you are to them , and you have a partnership that can last a lifetime....and end in a happy parting.


Active member
A loving relationship is pretty much like commutting to work......somedays is smooth sailing, no tie-ups and other days is bumper to bumper, stressed out.
Respect, caring, honesty, integrity make up a person....whom they are.....much of this is needed to succeed in a marriage.
Most get hung-up on material issues, ie no money, no food, or no place to live. These go back to the original rules of respect, caring, and so on....if you love your partner/family enough, you will do whatever it takes to keep them in food, shelter...ect....sweep floors at the Holiday Inn, sell your blood for your next meal.....whatever it takes......that is a father(in my case) a provider, husband(but very well could be mom).
Women are a condundrum.....very soft and subtle and passionate at times....and the next minute wrestling me to the ground for a wedgy or a headlock.
After 21 years with the same gal, is almost creepy, she knows what I am thinking most times, knows when I am sad, need a helping hand. She knows what makes me angry, and what makes me happy.
And although the years have physically changed me....follicaly challenged(bald), and my clothes keep shrinking...(paunch).....eyes failing me(bifocals).....my girl and I keep the fire and passion brewing, age is only a number..........and she takes my breath away the same way she did 21 years ago....smokin..... :joint:


WallStreet said:
20+ years here

The secret to a successful marriage is not finding the right person - it's being the right person

36 years here, using WallStreet's thinking. Argue alot (we're both stubborn old hillbillies) but NEVER fight and NEVER go to bed mad at each other.
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Wolf and I have our first anniversary this summer. Honestly, I can't recall an actual fight between us yet, and we've been together almost 2 1/2 years. When we're stressed about something, we both seem to find it somewhat soothing to just holler about it, not AT eachother, but TO, kind of like role-playing for stress relief. I'll admit I took that technique a little too far a few times, and he's threatened to step out for a few hours, but he never has---we always ended up walking out the door together. We hate not being in eachother's company, but occasionally, outside of work, we have. Heck, yesterday, Wolf actually went to my brother's house by himself with our new computer to have my brother fix a glitch. That's the first time he's been out without me in a long, long time.
I can sleep fine without Wolf in bed, but he seems to have a tough time falling alseep without me in the room, even if I'm not going to bed for a while. He'll toss & turn for a while, and then he'll get up & wander around the house, and ask me to come to bed so he can go to sleep :biglaugh: He has admitted he can't sleep well without me next to him (awwww!)

Thus far, I'd say at the very least, what makes a marriage a happy marriage is mutual respect, honest-to-god love, friendship, deep knowledge & understanding of eachother, trust & devotion.


there is no secret formula . different strokes. the lucky ones expierience true love. this phenomenom will completely reasure your whole sense of spirituality ,even when the it has been lost.


my favourite movie quote . "you are what you love , not what loves you" no amount of advise can make a success or failure out of this simple fact.


I think Stephen King said it best....The secret to a long and happy marriage is "Scilence" it is golden at times in a marriage. Just think about all the times your spouse has really pissed you off, and all the things you could have said, but you didn't. It may not be the most romantic idea , but he had a good point.