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Secret of longest of Marriage...?



Awwww Shucks,
Congratulations on 10 solid!!!!!!!!!Believe it or not thats an accomplishment in todays world!Anyways have a GREAT day you 2,and dont hurt each other tonite :wave:


Thanks RED... I sure to think it's great... I am not sure there is anything else that I have done for 10 years straight except smoke weed :smoke: but in way it has been the easiest 10 years because I wasn't alone and always knew I can count on him for anything... H3ad truely is such a great guy and I can't imagine my life without him, well I can but then I'd get all depressed, lol... so, I'm not gonna do that!.. lol.. ok, ok.. about time for him to get up and take over this computer anyway... so, unless I wanna go jump on the kids PC I'll have to be online later... but thanks again RED, means a lot... :friends:

we will be having some fourplay tonight though..
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I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
"Yes dear" works for me too...

"Yes dear" works for me too...

Friendship, mutual respect and positive attitudes have worked out well for us, 15 years and going strong.
Whoa, don't blink, that was a quick 15 years.
We do admit to "lust" being the initial attractant though.

Their are those who say that married men tend to live longer....
yet others say that is not neccessarily true, that it just seems that way.
;) :D :)
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I.M. Boggled said:
Friendship, mutual respect and positive attitudes have worked out well for us.

that has worked for us too. 22 years and still going strong.. :dance: :dance:


Rubbing my glands together
Happy anniversary Grat3ful's. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and many, many more happy years together. 16+ here with me and mine. Time flies when you're having fun. It just seems to work when you respect each other, and don't sweat the little stuff.


Thanks to you all, now here's the real secret :wink:

There were a couple of old guys talking at the bar. One of the men had been married for 66 years.
"Amazing. 66 years!" said his friend. "What's the secret to such a long, happy marriage?"
"Well," he replied, "It's like this. The man makes all the big decisions... and the woman just makes the little decisions."
"Really?" his friend responded. "Does that really work?"
"Oh, yes," he said proudly. "66 years, and so far, not one big decision!"





Early in our history, marriage simply didn't exist, in fact it is a relatively recent development (by "recent" I mean after the dinosaurs died and before the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show). Marriage was originally conceived (no pun intended) as a way to signal the presence of a special bond between two people. At that time, marriage had no special significance itself, it was merely a social signaling device, and to some extent it also represented a contract with mutual obligations. In those times marriage stood as a mere symbol for something of actual substance -- a relationship between people that would have existed whether or not the symbol of marriage was also present.

Today marriage (the symbol) has become a thing in its own right, in some cases (and in some minds) replacing the thing it once only represented. It has become a multi-billion dollar industry, and only the most perceptive individuals remember that it was supposed to have symbolized something more important, more fundamental than itself -- a particular kind of human relationship. This reversal of symbol and thing has become so profound that one commonly hears a remark like "Marriage is what I really want!" as though marriage were anything more than a weather forecast or a road sign.

Naturally enough, this confusion of empty symbols and actual things has led to a rather well-documented disenchantment with that institution, even though the disenchantment is based on an error in perception. The reality of a human relationship between people (usually) of opposite sexes is quite different from the packaged perception called up by the word "marriage," to the degree that people often forget that they will have to build the thing (a human relationship) after achieving the symbol for the thing (marriage).

Then, after people waste precious time seeking "marriage" and discovering that marriage is nothing by itself, they complain they have been failed by "marriage." This is advanced puppetry, and no one seems willing to follow the strings.

But marriage itself (as it is practiced in modern times), by virtue of having taken on a life of its own, is in its turn a symbol for something more basic: We live in a time where symbols for things have largely replaced the things themselves, and this tendency exists in direct proportion to people's inability to distinguish between symbols and things.

--Written by Paul Lutus

Storm Crow

Active member
Guess I take the cake!

Guess I take the cake!

My hubby and I have been married 37 years. Got married at a hippie Love In at La Jolla Cove in California. Beautiful place and we had about 5,000 people at our wedding. I had about 2 ounces in joints and small baggies of grass stuffed in my purse by the people at my wedding. We have love, intellect and friendship to hold us together. Smoking one (or two) together whenever we had an arguement didn't hurt either. Awful hard to argue when you're holding in a hit. :joint:


:wave:Well Ms.Storm, I guess you do take the cake!! :bis: How wonderful that you are still in love today.:friends:aaawww..congrats!
and welcome to IC... 'tis always lovely and brings a smile to my face when another lady joins the lot of us... :rasta:


Active member
Right on Storm Crow! i'm not quite that far along yet, but well on on way i'd say,, 10 yr's Feb 3. An i think the key is first being Good Friends, & having good love. Then, you can make a great life, and wonderful memories :smile: tho, lust and makin good love have there place in there too :tongue:


the true reason

the true reason

A study showed that the longest marrieges occur in Montenegro (a mountanous, machist part of Serbia). A team is sent to investigate. They find a couple thats been married for 60 years and ask the wife how did they manage for so long. The granma answers: My man came down from the mountains to marry me. On the way back we were riding up on his horse Zeko. After some time Zeko stumbles. My man dismounts and says: "Zeko this is your first one" - me quiet. We continue on and an hour later the horse stumbles again "Zeko this is your second one" - I don't say a word. Third time the horse stumbled - my man dismounts and blows the horses' brain out. Me silent! When we arrived to the house, I cooked dinner for my man and asked him:"My husband, why did you kill that poor animal?" - "Woman, this your first one!




Mrs Toke and I eat, sleep, breathe and work together - we noticed that the one most common bond all the posts have is Love, Trust, Honesty and Friendship. I used to think making her laugh was important, but being able to laugh at myself is high on the list too.

And it IS awful hard to argue or fight while holdin in a toke! :pointlaug

You know U got it bad when ya can't stand to be apart. Mrs Toke and I have only slept apart 3 nights - if one of us is away on a trip, the bed stays made and it's the comfy couch until we're back together. :pointlaug

Haven't met too many couples that can live AND work together, we must have something going for it to work. Just ask the 10 kids, 23 grandkids and 3 great-grandkids! :laughing: :laughing:


Active member
you GO 1toke :wink:
That's about how hubby an i are too,, hubby can't sleep when i'm not in bed with him, and vise/versa, lmao,,sucks sometimes though when he has to work early and i'm not tired yet :tongue: but he makes his case :rolleyes: :drum: ,,, :yummy: and it's too appealing NOT to jump in the sack :biglaugh: :dance: :smoke:


wow 1toke :respect: makes me :smile:!!!! WoW, what a big family, aawww.... :friends:

Wikid, Congrats! It's really groovy to know there are couples out there are as happy as h3ad and i are.. 10 years is an awesome milestone... :bis:



Well for me its been 5 years.. Thats nothing compared to some of you.. well most i should say.. But i am divorced as well and that lasted almost 9 yrs.. And what i learned from that. Was COMPROMISE.. If men compromised more the world would be a better place.. OF course the Love, Honesty, Trust, and friendship helps yea.. But to me thats what keeps mine all good now is compromise.. Its not always about me.. Its about what she would like to do 1st.. Then us guys.. Put her 1st and all will be good.. If she is happy im happy.. Live and learn.. I learned that from my nasty ass divorce.. Well thats my secret.. And of course no secret. You must also be able to make her go
ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh yeeeeeaaaaaaah!!!! lots of times in a session... Yikes.. peace..

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
LQQK see.. All new updates
Sack's Bubbledust Outdoor Grow
Sack's Cappuccino OD Grow
Sack's Limon OD Grow

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:
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Well, I guess I'm not really qualified to tell you what makes a marriage work as the 2 times I tried, it didn't turn out very well.....but I am in a relationship now with someone and we have been living together for 4 years. My previous husbands did not smoke herb. I think that was the problem, LMAO!!!

I hope to live a long & happy life w/my *boyfriend*...I really hate calling him that!! We treat each other with respect, are always honest with each other, are best friends, and LOVE to smoke together!! I'm 38 years old... I do refer to him as my husband sometimes to make it easier, but we are not married. I am going to collect ALL the alimony my ex owes me before I remarry, LOL.... My 2nd marraige was a mess and would be like writing War & Peace to explain it, but suffice to say, I became ill & he couldn't deal with it so he left me and the kids for his money-hungry 2nd cousin. My 1st marriage lasted 5 years, I got married at 18. I remarried at 26 and that lasted 4 years....

We have kicked around the idea of getting married at the Cannabis Cup
or at least honeymoon there......

I guess that's enough of a ramble...:D



you guys rock :wave:

Love is the most beautiful feeling :)

sharing it with a special someone brings tears of joy in my eyes.


Peace seeker said:
you guys rock :wave:

Love is the most beautiful feeling :)

sharing it with a special someone brings tears of joy in my eyes.

I agree. Love is the best emotion in the world! I love quite easily, not just romantic love, but my friends also.

I love to love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bubblegum Specialist
My advice is to marry your first love when young because that's what I did. Everyone told us that it was puppy love but starting early at age 15 has given us 36 years together so far. How many people are so lucky I wonder to really be happy with someone for so long. We plan to make 60 years if we can and the last 10 have been our best 10 years. 2 years before that I thought I was gonna die so it's all gravy for us anyways.

Till death do us part isn't long enuf though. BOG


I love this thread. I really want to find someone I can be great friends with!